2024-06-25 11:11:07 -07:00

1.5 KiB

Loops that access a shared counter variable, accessed in transactions. Some thread delaying is just accomplished by counting in a loop.

count : Nat -> ()
count = cases
  0 -> ()
  n -> count (drop n 1)

inc : TVar Nat ->{io2.IO} Nat
inc v =
  atomically 'let
    x = TVar.read v
    TVar.write v (x+1)

loop : '{io2.IO} Nat -> Nat -> Nat ->{io2.IO} Nat
loop grab acc = cases
  0 -> acc
  n ->
    m = !grab
    count (m*10)
    loop grab (acc+m) (drop n 1)

body : Nat -> TVar (Optional Nat) -> TVar Nat ->{io2.IO} ()
body k out v =
  n = loop '(inc v) 0 k
  atomically '(TVar.write out (Some n))
scratch/main> add

Test case.

spawn : Nat ->{io2.IO} Result
spawn k = let
  out1 = TVar.newIO None
  out2 = TVar.newIO None
  counter = atomically '(TVar.new 0)
  void (forkComp '(Right (body k out1 counter)))
  void (forkComp '(Right (body k out2 counter)))
  p = atomically 'let
    r1 = TVar.read out1
    r2 = TVar.swap out2 None
    match (r1, r2) with
      (Some m, Some n) -> (m, n)
      _ -> !STM.retry
  max = TVar.readIO counter
  match p with (m, n) ->
    sum : Nat
    sum = max * drop max 1 / 2
    if m+n == sum
    then Ok "verified"
    else Fail (display m n sum)

display : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Text
display m n s =
  "mismatch: " ++ toText m ++ " + " ++ toText n ++ " /= " ++ toText s

nats : [Nat]
nats = [8,10,11,14,16,18,20,23,25,30]

tests : '{io2.IO} [Result]
tests = '(map spawn nats)
scratch/main> add
scratch/main> io.test tests