Greg Pfeil 0031542faf
Add a space before code block info strings
This is for consistency with the `cmark` style. Now the blocks we still
pretty-print ourselves will match the bulk of them that `cmark`
2024-07-10 13:56:07 -06:00

285 lines
11 KiB

# Tests for TLS builtins
``` unison
-- generated with:
-- openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/CN=test.unison.cloud/O=Unison/C=US' -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 3650 -out cert.pem
self_signed_key_pem="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nFbE5dBApbLhvNTyQ7BHZxlfmdg==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"
self_signed_cert_pem2 = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nZ4v8prCI8OjGSUx1dIJhqQHB5O0vdaxO0hkVdfqDVE93UrGBPwBRDlo=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
not_a_cert = "-----BEGIN SCHERMIFICATE-----\n-----END SCHERMIFICATE-----"
# Using an alternative certificate store
First lets make sure we can load our cert and private key
``` unison
this_should_work=match (decodeCert.impl (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem2) with
Left (Failure _ t _) -> [Fail t]
Right _ -> [Ok "succesfully decoded self_signed_pem"]
this_should_not_work=match (decodeCert.impl (toUtf8 not_a_cert) with
Left _ -> [Ok "failed"]
Right _ -> [Fail "um, that was a schmificate"]
what_should_work _ = this_should_work ++ this_should_not_work
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
this_should_not_work : [Result]
this_should_work : [Result]
what_should_work : ∀ _. _ -> [Result]
``` ucm
scratch/main> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
this_should_not_work : [Result]
this_should_work : [Result]
what_should_work : ∀ _. _ -> [Result]
scratch/main> io.test what_should_work
New test results:
1. what_should_work ◉ succesfully decoded self_signed_pem
◉ failed
✅ 2 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view 1 to view the source of a test.
Test handshaking a client/server a local TCP connection using our
self-signed cert.
We'll create a server and a client, and start threads for each.
The server will report the port it is bound to via a passed MVar which
the client can read.
``` unison
serverThread: MVar Nat -> Text -> '{io2.IO}()
serverThread portVar toSend = 'let
go: '{io2.IO, Exception}()
go = 'let
-- load our self signed cert
cert = decodeCert (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem2)
-- assume there is exactly one key decoded from our Bytes
key = match (decodePrivateKey (toUtf8 self_signed_key_pem)) with
k +: _ -> k
[] -> bug "oh no"
-- create a default configuration using our credentials (certificate chain and key)
tlsconfig = Tls.ServerConfig.default [cert] key
-- Open a TCP server port:
-- we pass the special port "0" to mean "please find us an open port"
sock = serverSocket (Some "") "0"
-- find out what port we got
port = socketPort sock
-- report the port back so that the client knows where to connect
put portVar port
-- start listening to the socket so that it starts accepting connections
listen sock
-- accept a single connection on this socket
sock' = socketAccept sock
-- attach TLS to our TCP connection
tls = newServer tlsconfig sock'
-- try to handshake the TLS connection with the client
reraise (handshake.impl tls)
-- send our message over our tls channel
send tls (toUtf8 toSend)
terminate tls
closeSocket sock'
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch ("error in server: " ++ t) ()
_ -> watch "server finished" ()
testClient : Optional SignedCert -> Text -> MVar Nat -> '{io2.IO, Exception} Text
testClient cert hostname portVar _ =
-- create a client that will expect a cert from the given hostname (CN)
defaultClient = (Tls.ClientConfig.default hostname Bytes.empty)
-- if we were passed a certificate to trust, it is the only certificate we trust
tlsconfig = match cert with
None -> defaultClient
Some (cert) -> defaultClient |> ClientConfig.certificates.set [cert]
-- wait to find out what port the server started on
port = take portVar
-- create a tcp connection with the server
sock = clientSocket "" (Nat.toText port)
-- attach the TLS client to the TCP socket
tls = newClient tlsconfig sock
-- verify that the server presents us with a certificate chain for
-- test.unison.cloud originating with a certificate we trust, and
-- that the server can use a compatible TLS version and cipher
reraise (handshake.impl tls)
-- receive a message from the server
fromUtf8 (receive tls)
testConnectSelfSigned : '{io2.IO}[Result]
testConnectSelfSigned _ =
test _ =
-- Server
portVar = !MVar.newEmpty
toSend = "12345"
tid = forkComp (serverThread portVar toSend)
-- Client
cert = decodeCert (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem2)
received = !(testClient (Some cert) "test.unison.cloud" portVar)
_ = kill.impl tid
expectU "should have reaped what we've sown" toSend received
runTest test
-- this client will trust whatever certs the system trusts
-- for signing certs. This should NOT trust the server
-- serving the self-signed cert, so both the client and
-- the server should have a failure during the handshake
testCAReject : '{io2.IO}[Result]
testCAReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t _) ->
if contains "UnknownCa" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
test _ =
-- Server
portVar = !MVar.newEmpty
toSend = "12345"
tid = forkComp (serverThread portVar toSend)
-- Client
testClient None "test.unison.cloud" portVar |> toEither |> checkError |> emit
kill.impl tid
runTest test
-- this client will ask for a different hostname, and
-- therefore should fail during the handshake when the
-- server presents an cert with unexpected hostname
testCNReject : '{io2.IO}[Result]
testCNReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t _) -> if contains "NameMismatch" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
test _ =
-- Server
portVar = !MVar.newEmpty
toSend = "12345"
tid = forkComp (serverThread portVar toSend)
-- Client
testClient None "wrong.host.name" portVar |> toEither |> checkError |> emit
kill.impl tid
runTest test
``` ucm
Loading changes detected in scratch.u.
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
serverThread : MVar Nat -> Text -> '{IO} ()
testCAReject : '{IO} [Result]
testCNReject : '{IO} [Result]
testClient : Optional SignedCert
-> Text
-> MVar Nat
-> '{IO, Exception} Text
testConnectSelfSigned : '{IO} [Result]
``` ucm
scratch/main> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
serverThread : MVar Nat -> Text -> '{IO} ()
testCAReject : '{IO} [Result]
testCNReject : '{IO} [Result]
testClient : Optional SignedCert
-> Text
-> MVar Nat
-> '{IO, Exception} Text
testConnectSelfSigned : '{IO} [Result]
scratch/main> io.test testConnectSelfSigned
New test results:
1. testConnectSelfSigned ◉ should have reaped what we've sown
✅ 1 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view 1 to view the source of a test.
scratch/main> io.test testCAReject
New test results:
1. testCAReject ◉ correctly rejected self-signed cert
✅ 1 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view 1 to view the source of a test.
scratch/main> io.test testCNReject
New test results:
1. testCNReject ◉ correctly rejected self-signed cert
✅ 1 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view 1 to view the source of a test.