2024-03-24 13:46:20 -06:00

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Some things I wish I'd known about Github Actions

You can't have an env: key defined in terms of another env key, but you can use $GITHUB_ENV to get around this.

You can't define a matrix at the top level, it has to be defined within a job's strategy.

runs-on: doesn't allow env for some reason.

Strings don't need quotes, unless you need to force something to be a string.

A @ref is always needed on a remote action.

Windows doesn't seem to honor the default: run: shell: setting, so you need to set the shell: on run: manually?

Don't hesitate to do a lot with run: blocks aka bash scripts — at least bash is mature and well documented.

e.g. echo "bar=whatever" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # access with steps.<name>.outputs.bar in yaml strings

echo "foo=whatever" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# access with `env.foo` in yaml strings, or `$foo` in bash

$GITHUB_ENV updates the env context between steps, but not in the middle of a step. Obvious in retrospect.

It's not clear to me when to use $GITHUB_OUTPUT vs $GITHUB_ENV, but I have been favoring $GITHUB_ENV because it requires fewer characters to access. However, it seems a little wrong.


Although the type rules don't totally make sense in Github Actions, if: takes a Boolean.

Therefore, I think the String interpolation in if: ${{runner.os}} != 'Windows' causes the whole expression to become a String, which is coerced to true, when you definitely didn't mean if: true. So don't use ${{}} here.

Job names

Job names will automatically get (${{matrix.os}}) if you don't use ${{matrix.os}} somewhere in the name.


The whole thing with .exe is a mess. Unix commands typically drop and add .exe correctly as needed, but Github Actions (e.g. actions/upload-artifact?) don't.


When using the cache action, getting a cache hit on the primary key means you won't update the cache with any changes.

When picking a key, you have to ask, "Which key, if exactly matched, would mean that I'm already so done that I don't even want to save anything new from this run."

Similarly, save-always: true only if a key hit means there will be nothing new to save, even if a previous run failed AND a failed result is worth starting with.

Backup restore keys: "Is there a prior run that would be worth starting out from? With the caveat that any irrelevant garbage it includes will be saved into this run too."

Upload Artifact

I suspect on Windows it can't support paths that select a drive in a Unix-y way, like /c/asdf or /d/asdf. It's got to be C:/asdf or C:\asdf etc.

Upload will complain if any

Upload and Download plugin versions have to match.


Github supports splitting off "reusable workflows" (jobs that can be imported into another workflow), and "composite actions" (multi-step steps that can be imported into another job).

Composite actions

Needs to have shell: specified on every run:

Reusable workflows

These have to be in .github/workflows, you can't organize them deeper, or elsewhere.


Default Environment Variables: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#default-environment-variables

Workflow syntax: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions

Reusable workflows: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/reusing-workflows

Composite actions: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/creating-a-composite-action