2021-09-27 12:51:36 -05:00

3.1 KiB


Communicate with core team - we are cutting a release now, are there any showstopping bugs that need fixing first?


Create and push the tag to github. This will trigger the build. To determine the last release, check the releases page.

git fetch
git checkout series/M2
git merge origin/trunk
git tag -a $RELEASE_NAME -m "release"


Wait for the release to show up on the releases page. This can take an hour or two!


Create a release notes draft issue, following this template.


Update trunk of base to include any new builtins added since last release. Suggestion for how to do this: look through the release notes draft to find the PRs merged since last release.

git log --oneline release/M2h...release/M2i | grep 'Merge pull request #'

Then just use alias.term ##Nat.newBuiltin Nat.someName and/or alias.type ##SomeType SomeType. I think this is probably better than doing builtins.merge at this point.


Cut a release of base.

.> pull https://unisonweb/base basedev.release
.> cd basedev.release
.basedev> delete.namespace releases._latest
.basedev> squash trunk releases._<ReleaseName>
.basedev> fork releases._<ReleaseName> releases._latest
.basedev> push git@github.com/unisonweb/base


Update homebrew.

git clone git@github.com/unisonweb/homebrew-unison

Update this file: https://github.com/unisonweb/homebrew-unison/blob/master/unison-language.rb and change the version number and the path to the release. Leave the SHA alone, and then run brew upgrade.

Do brew upgrade unison-language. It will tell you the SHA hash doesn't match. Update the file to use the hash it says. Do the same for linux and mac - you can temporarily swap the mac / linux stanzas just to get the


Merge and promote to production any PRs pending on the docs site which are associated with the new release. Confirm with @rlmark.


Announce on #contrib Slack channel. Template below.

Release announcement template -

We've just released a new version of Unison, $RELEASE_NAME, release notes here (link to the issue). Install/upgrade instructions in the thread.

Mac upgrade is just brew upgrade unison-language.

A fresh install via:

brew tap unisonweb/unison
brew install unison-language

If you have previously done brew install unison-language --head to install a dev build, uninstall that first via brew uninstall unison-language.

Linux manual install:

mkdir unisonlanguage
curl -L https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/releases/download/release%2FM2h/ucm-linux.tar.gz --output unisonlanguage/ucm.tar.gz
tar -xzf unisonlanguage/ucm.tar.gz -C unisonlanguage

Mac manual install:

mkdir unisonlanguage
curl -L https://github.com/unisonweb/unison/releases/download/release%2FM2h/ucm-macos.tar.gz --output unisonlanguage/ucm.tar.gz
tar -xzf unisonlanguage/ucm.tar.gz -C unisonlanguage