2017-06-05 17:30:03 -04:00

4.3 KiB

Distributed Garbage Collection

We use a weak B map, to track local boxes (entries are removed by virtue of being a weak map once they are no longer referenced in local heap / boxes):

B_map :: WeakMap BoxId (MVar Value)

and a weak C set, tracking all remote boxes referenced by local heap / boxes:

type RemoteBox = (BoxId, Node)
C_set :: WeakMap RemoteBox

Each local box b has an associated value, and associated set of boxes referenced by its contents, b_subs.

let keepaliveDuration = 20.seconds -- or whatever
type Keepalive = Keepalive { b :: BoxId, visited :: Set RemoteBox }

Receiving Keepalives When node n receives a keepalive message for BoxId b

  1. If n doesn't own b, disregard (shouldn't occur)
  2. Else if (b,n)visited, disregard (normal occurrence)
  3. Else
    1. Create a strong reference to b for a fixed period of time (keepaliveDuration)
    2. Let b_subs be the set of all boxes (local and remote) referenced by b.
      1. If b_subs is not cached, and no existing process is indexing b, starting indexing b and cache the result when complete.
      2. If indexing does not complete in time, do not interrupt indexing, but use C_set as an approximation of b_subs for the purposes of processing this particular keepalive message.
    3. For each b_ib_subs,
      1. If b_i is a remote box, send (Keepalive b_i (Set.insert (b,n) visited)) to the owner of b_i.
      2. If b_i is a local box, process (Keepalive b_i (Set.insert (b,n) visited)) locally. Whether or not you hit the network is up to you, but in this scheme, we do need to recursively propagate keepalives through local boxes.

To compute b_subs (set of boxes referenced by the value inside the b box):

  1. Keep mutable cache Optional [BoxId] for each runtime value, v, tracking boxes referenced transitively by v.
  2. Do a deep scan of the v inside the box to fully populate caches, recursively.
  3. Avoid revisiting subtrees that already have a computed cache.

Receiving Continuations or Box Updates When a continuation c is transferred from node x to node y, or when value c is Box.put from node x to node y, node y adds non-local boxes referenced by c to C_set. (This indexing may be done as part of the network deserialization.)

We must ensure that boxes referenced by c are not GCed before y can issue keepalives; this means that node x must send keep-alives to any boxes referenced by c during the transfer (this should already happen without special care) and at least once more after the transfer has completed, to avoid a race condition while y takes over the keepalives. This may mean that both nodes x and y must also index c while it is being transferred.

FAQ Q: Will C_set contain all of the remote boxes referenced by local boxes? A: Yes: to store a value into b, the value must be constructed within some continuation. Remote box references can only exist in a continuation transferred from a remote node, or a value Box.put from a remote node. In both of these cases, any remote boxes referenced in the transfer are indexed into C, per "Receiving Continuations or Box Updates" above.

Q: Can we say that durable values don't keep boxes alive? That a durable shouldn't expect any particular value to be preserved in a referenced box? A: ...

Q: If a remote node has computed the Optional [BoxId] for a runtime value, should the remote node transfer that cache to me? A: ...


  • Avoid allocating boxes to B-map and C-set until first transfer. Until first transfer, boxes are just a regular MVar on the stack.

** Example reference graph**

type Foo = Ref (Box Foo) | No_Ref

do Remote
  Remote.transfer x
  q := Box.make
  r := Box.make
  Remote.transfer y
  s := Box.make
  t := Box.make
  Remote.fork <| do Remote
    Box.take t
  Box.put q (Ref s)
  Box.put s (Ref r)
  Box.put r (Ref t)
  Box.put t (Ref q)
  Box.put t No_Ref -- maintains cycle until Box.take t, then breaks cycle
    x     y
   ┌─┐   ┌─┐
 │ ├─┤  /├─┤
 │ │ │ / │ │
 │ ├─┤└  ├─┤
 │ │r│──>│t│
 │ └─┘   └─┘