2020-09-25 16:45:46 -04:00

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This document explains how to add builtins to the language by working through the example of adding MVar and some associated functions.

Builtin Data

The logical first step for this example is to add a built-in MVar type, whose values will simply be wrapped values of the Haskell type with the same name. The 'old' runtime deviates from this approach for several types, but this is how e.g. Text works even there.

Data types, including opaque pseudo data types of this sort are referred to by Reference. Builtin, opaque data types use the Builtin constructor with an appropriate name. The ones in actual use are listed in the Unison.Type module, so we'll add a definition there:

mvarRef :: Reference
mvarRef = Reference.Builtin "MVar"

This definition alone won't do anything, however. It is merely something for other definitions to refer to. If the reference is used in e.g. the type of a function definitions without giving it an actual name in the codebase, the type will be displayed with the raw hash, which looks like #MVar.

The builtin reference can be given a name during the builtins.merge ucm command. To make this happen, we must modify the builtinTypesSrc definition in the Unison.Builtin module. This is just a list of values that describe various builtin type related actions to be performed during that command. In this case, we will add two values to the list:

B' "MVar" CT.Data

This specifies that there should be a builtin data type referring to the Builtin "MVar" reference. The codebase name assigned to this is the same as the reference (MVar here), but nested in the builtin namespace. However, we will also add the value:

Rename' "MVar" "io2.MVar"

because this is a type to be used with the new IO functions, which are currently nested under the io2 namespace. With both of these added to the list, running builtins.merge should have a builtin.io2.MVar type referring to the Builtin "MVar" reference.

The reason for both a B' and a Rename' is that eventually one would expect the IO functionality to be moved from the io2 namespace. However, the builtin reference name may not be changed easily, so it is preferable to have it named in the eventual expected way, rather than permanently named io2.MVar internally.

Builtin function declarations

The next step is to declare builtin functions that make use of the new type. These are declared in a similar way to the type names above. There is another list in Unison.Builtin, builtinsSrc, that defines values specifying what builtin functions should exist.

Like the builtin type list, there are declarations for adding a builtin function with a given name, and declarations for renaming from the given name to a different namespace location. For the MVar functions, we'll again give them their intended names as the original, and rename them to the io2 namespace for the time being.

Builtin functions also have an associated type as part of the initial declaration. So for the complete specification of a function, we will add declarations similar to:

B "MVar.new" $ forall1 "a" (\a -> a --> io (mvar a))
Rename "MVar.new" "io2.MVar.new"
B "MVar.take" $ forall1 "a" (\a -> mvar a --> ioe a)
Rename "MVar.take" "io2.MVar.take"

The forall1, io, ioe and --> functions are local definitions in Unison.Builtin for assistance in writing the types. ioe indicates that an error result may be returned, while io should always succeed. mvar can be defined locally using some other helpers in scope:

mvar :: Var v => Type v -> Type v
mvar a = Type.ref () Type.mvarRef `app` a

For the actual MVar implementation, we'll be doing many definitions followed by renames, so it'll be factored into a list of the name and type, together with a function that generates the declaration and the rename.

Builtin function implementation -- new runtime

What we have done so far only declares the functions and their types. There is nothing yet implementing them. This section will proceed through the implementation backing the declarations of the MVar.new and MVar.take above.

In this case, we will implement the operations using the 'foreign function' machinery. This path is somewhat less optimized, but doesn't require inventing opcodes and modifying the runtime at quite as low a level. The builtin 'foreign' functions are declared in Unison.Runtime.Builtin, in a definition declareForeigns. We can declare our builtins there by adding:

  declareForeign "MVar.new" mvar'new
    . mkForeign $ \(c :: Closure) -> newMVar c
  declareForeign "MVar.take" mvar'take
    . mkForeignIOE $ \(mv :: MVar Closure) -> takeMVar mv

These lines do multiple things at once. The first argument to declareForeign must match the name from Unison.Builtin, as this is how they are associated. The second argument is wrapper code that actually defines the unison function that will be called, and the definitions for these two cases will be shown later. The last argument is the actual Haskell implementation of the operation. However, the format for foreign functions is somewhat more limited than 'any Haskell function,' so the mkForeign and mkForeignIOE helpers assist in wrapping Haskell functions correctly. The latter will catch some exceptions and yield them as explicit results.

The wrapper code for these two operations looks like:

mvar'new :: ForeignOp
mvar'new instr
  = ([BX],)
  . TAbs init
  $ TFOp instr [init]
  [init] = freshes 1

mvar'take :: ForeignOp
mvar'take instr
  = ([BX],)
  . TAbs mv
  $ io'error'result'direct instr [mv] ior e r
  [mv,ior,e,r] = freshes 4

The breakdown of what is happening here is as follows:

  • instr is an identifier that is used to decouple the wrapper code from the actual Haskell implementation functions. It is made up in declareForeign and passed to the wrapper to use as a sort of instruction code.
  • A ForeignOp may take many arguments, and the list in the tuple section specifies the calling convention for them. [BX] means one boxed argument, which in this case is the value of type a. [BX,BX] would be two boxed arguments, and [BX,UN] would be one boxed and one unboxed argument. Builtin wrappers will currently be taking all boxed arguments, because there is no way to talk about unboxed values in the surface syntax where they are called.
  • TAbs init abstracts the argument variable, which we got from freshes' at the bottom. Multiple arguments may be abstracted with e.g. TAbss [x,y,z]
  • io'error'result'direct is a helper function for calling the instruction and wrapping up a possible error result. The first argument is the identifier to call, the list is the arguments, and the last three arguments are variables used in the common result handling code.
  • TFOp simply calls the instruction with the assumption that the result value is acceptable for directly returning. MVar values will be represented directly by their Haskell values wrapped into a closure, so the mvar'new code doesn't need to do any processing of the results of its foreign function.

Other builtins use slightly different implementations, so looking at other parts of the file may be instructive, depending on what is being added.

At first, our declarations will cause an error, because some of the automatic machinery for creating builtin 'foreign' functions does not exist for MVar. To rectify this, we can add a ForeignConvention instance in Unison.Runtime.Foreign.Function that specifies how to automatically marshal MVar Closure, which is the representation we'll be using.

instance ForeignConvention (MVar Closure) where
  readForeign = readForeignAs (unwrapForeign . marshalToForeign)
  writeForeign = writeForeignAs (Foreign . Wrap mvarRef)

This takes advantage of the Closure instance, and uses helper functions that apply (un)wrappers from another convention.

With these in place, the functions should now be usable in the new runtime.


If it makes sense for an added type, it is possible to add to Unison's ability to decompile runtime values or test for universal equality/ordering. Directly embedded Haskell types are wrapped in the Foreign type, and are decompiled in Unison.Runtime.Decompile using the decompileForeign function. For instance, Text is decompiled in the case:

  | Just t <- maybeUnwrapBuiltin f = Right $ text () t

Further cases may be added using the maybeUnwrapBuiltin, which just requires adding an instance to the BuiltinForeign class in Unison.Runtime.Foreign, specifying which builtin reference corresponds to the type.


One last thing remains. The additional builtin operations will have changed some of the transcript output. The transcript runner should be executed, and modified files should be checked and committed, so that CI tests will pass (which check transcripts against an expected result).