mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 16:28:34 +03:00
This adds a _base transcript which will be run as a prelude before the other transcripts (not sure how yet). The goal is to cut down on the boilerplate which has been creeping into the tests. We also rename a few more of the builtin IO functions which return Either Failure a
8.2 KiB
8.2 KiB
Tests for TLS builtins
-- generated with:
-- openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/CN=test.unison.cloud/O=Unison/C=US' -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out cert.pem
self_signed_key_pem = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKYwggSiAgEAAoIBAQDBrpp+SxjCz/aQ\nQXT2hKXrT3lZ3Ek1VT/kgNre3J/RUyNZjZnZXCMyNjZ4IxYKxcCAIgGtfFpgvkzT\n5NRGZKLlSX4Y8HayV3gdEXO9hq4w/i/s+I0tOAJkVtHolXrrziZ7/4NZwMTbbqhO\n5hHHhbtBIpvNSw8el3AY3APkQ37+wM3fbvyeuG0ekoLqTa371W+/Z7pOi7QXYGEa\n8YHSNkuRKY46C4Y8oeWHOlSbQKu151GLuyQu74bnecGDN4KBdz9nyyKCCTpBsJpU\ni9Ozq3cps5L8dnN1zUNgaTyWp9kO3vbaTU8MY7p/dc7hNJ8pmGtSiiSs1xvni4Xl\nCBXBesxTAgMBAAECggEAAUtfcPSjh7nIFhK562PbkAUJ9JXKT3bwZGCQFek3kDiU\nBecyXgeFnLJMDuV9IjlMHg8cH8Ky/+6FqOzglk/Z3tps41HIGU0IWnlhYqThySYJ\nv/WxS9oR+gWyhXFqTuUj0LRWdmUZa7YDnfNfrwuvwrGuhOK5iSTN9PyTchUZZi50\ntxcNS/C3rk63c7TZLfuwxwGoUCeJvZZ/rmeVchhsuoo3QdSW0Aee7UtFtnvBfLCK\nXKdz+3q49fLZlDyx9/olJh+TY7GuF+G/LSfyQGi85beQhkXUH8/gIQIRI8INIEPB\n0XeTlv7Sgw5upqplJvHCXjAa+jz/Mo87znXBTMoIIQKBgQDorAlZCjzKxGDIaZoD\nDBXYzhSnnIhthThW4edCQ9/ZnJpX4vdTw4FngW504d8SPStMCYeBeMt8iwTczI4W\nHfK+AlVTlPfH/9NnIVADqqr9kobJW6782MYSW2/758d+L5bq8NGATyh8nPll9joN\nYAk7tNO2bGO2bEk2DbZMf3qnOQKBgQDVGdD005kUT3D+DfgeLTGzwk/2wCCPjoJ5\n6fsjsFAeZWU/qioIB3xHt1w8NsT6O+7XOKp/GRbsvsJR9Z/zmA3Ii5yrHYn48UzM\n+UyGLv+2HCpO+8A3szz/aDhKIxNFpXyZzvOXdtqBwTQbICOW2WRWOOgDrS2W1i9l\nD69xRLqj6wKBgBW0xwJ5hAZen7DSuT2DiR46y45/efLNtN3WIV77OgzxIS0FzZEQ\n8ieX2Zgp4kevUTS8xtl7TXCG/6MhqjfB/31edltf0GXmJfC/GNneuCkD3HM4jHCm\nQIRB54aWrvPEuM2ePc08lUha1KGAgRXyWaoqSn4ASqUgIQxb5x/n3KdxAoGAXlD0\nyMc2Q2T9r5PjMwfxrYvc9GsIfkEmwmqqupr4etuJumnH/JHDkcI30nazK8WG6j6s\nR2CFYvby7m92AcxUnWQdTSbfwAycX0QfeGwoxSMmHpsR8hUkdC5ea4Gmr/aUdUbB\nTVJPV4p5U2AgIE3LONYq6iWlvdLCW0pb7hfrO00CgYAb8bXz9BNow4soEkSbQysg\n4sGAr1+iSPY+ErffKRDpcFRnWcQdnTfI4xd8bgnC6OZwVpLbRZaZf3opDJ+axWqa\nEgAeHErTDY4R8aMecvyQj780sQ35kVq4VK0rSQyiKRBcjEust8UEzwYsUog2ysN0\n3zLHVEvFTfwOSctnEQRw1w==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
self_signed_cert_pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nuQGST3aCreV27zd0lrF8LHjwD2XcjVVzHy46VYQvf1r+6gatedDBjqc=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
.> add
Using an alternative certificate store
First lets make sure we can load our cert and private key
test> match (decodeCert.impl (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem) with
Left (Failure _ t _) -> [Fail t]
Right _ -> [Ok "succesfully decoded self_signed_pem"]
Test handshaking a client/server a local TCP connection using our self-signed cert.
We'll create a server and a client, and start threads for each.
The server will report the port it is bound to via a passed MVar which the client can read.
serverThread: MVar Nat -> Text -> '{io2.IO}()
serverThread portVar toSend = 'let
go: '{io2.IO, Exception}()
go = 'let
-- load our self signed cert
cert = decodeCert (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem)
-- assume there is exactly one key decoded from our Bytes
key = match (decodePrivateKey (toUtf8 self_signed_key_pem)) with k +: _ -> k
-- create a default configuration using our credentials (certificate chain and key)
tlsconfig = Tls.ServerConfig.default [cert] key
-- Open a TCP server port:
-- we pass the special port "0" to mean "please find us an open port"
sock = serverSocket (Some "") "0"
-- find out what port we got
port = socketPort sock
-- report the port back so that the client knows where to connect
put portVar port
-- start listening to the socket so that it starts accepting connections
listen sock
watch ("server listening on port: " ++ (toText port)) ()
-- accept a single connection on this socket
sock' = socketAccept sock
-- attach TLS to our TCP connection
tls = newServer tlsconfig sock'
-- try to handshake the TLS connection with the client
handshake tls
-- send our message over our tls channel
send tls (toUtf8 toSend)
terminate tls
closeSocket sock'
match (toEither go) with
Left (Failure _ t _) -> watch ("error in server: " ++ t) ()
_ -> watch "server finished" ()
testClient : Optional SignedCert -> Text -> MVar Nat -> '{io2.IO, Exception} Text
testClient cert hostname portVar _ =
-- create a client that will expect a cert from the given hostname (CN)
defaultClient = (Tls.ClientConfig.default hostname Bytes.empty)
-- if we were passed a certificate to trust, it is the only certificate we trust
tlsconfig = match cert with
None -> defaultClient
Some (cert) -> defaultClient |> ClientConfig.certificates.set [cert]
-- wait to find out what port the server started on
port = take portVar
-- create a tcp connection with the server
sock = clientSocket "" (Nat.toText port)
-- attach the TLS client to the TCP socket
tls = newClient tlsconfig sock
watch ("client connecting to port: " ++ (toText port)) ()
-- verify that the server presents us with a certificate chain for
-- test.unison.cloud originating with a certificate we trust, and
-- that the server can use a compatible TLS version and cipher
handshake tls
-- receive a message from the server
fromUtf8 (receive tls)
testConnectSelfSigned : '{io2.IO}[Result]
testConnectSelfSigned _ =
test _ =
-- Server
portVar = !MVar.newEmpty
toSend = "12345"
forkComp (serverThread portVar toSend)
-- Client
cert = decodeCert (toUtf8 self_signed_cert_pem)
received = !(testClient (Some cert) "test.unison.cloud" portVar)
expectU "should have reaped what we've sown" toSend received
runTest test
-- this client will trust whatever certs the system trusts
-- for signing certs. This should NOT trust the server
-- serving the self-signed cert, so both the client and
-- the server should have a failure during the handshake
testCAReject : '{io2.IO}[Result]
testCAReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t _) ->
if contains "UnknownCa" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
test _ =
-- Server
portVar = !MVar.newEmpty
toSend = "12345"
forkComp (serverThread portVar toSend)
-- Client
testClient None "test.unison.cloud" portVar |> toEither |> checkError |> emit
runTest test
-- this client will ask for a different hostname, and
-- therefore should fail during the handshake when the
-- server presents an cert with unexpected hostname
testCNReject : '{io2.IO}[Result]
testCNReject _ =
checkError : Either Failure a -> Result
checkError = cases
Right _ -> Fail "expected a handshake exception"
Left (Failure _ t _) -> if contains "NameMismatch" t && contains "HandshakeFailed" t then Ok "correctly rejected self-signed cert" else
Fail ("expected UnknownCa, got: " ++ t)
test _ =
-- Server
portVar = !MVar.newEmpty
toSend = "12345"
forkComp (serverThread portVar toSend)
-- Client
testClient None "wrong.host.name" portVar |> toEither |> checkError |> emit
runTest test
.> add
.> io.test testConnectSelfSigned
.> io.test testCAReject
.> io.test testCNReject