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Ensure type dependencies are properly considered in slurping


Define a type.

structural type Y = Y

Now, we update Y, and add a new type Z which depends on it.

structural type Z = Z Y
structural type Y = Y Nat

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      structural type Z
    ⍟ These names already exist. You can `update` them to your
      new definition:
      structural type Y
        (The old definition is also named builtin.Unit.)

Adding should fail for BOTH definitions, Y needs an update and Z is blocked by Y.

.> add 

  x These definitions failed:
    needs update structural type Y
    blocked      structural type Z
    Tip: Use `help filestatus` to learn more.

-- This shouldn't exist, because it should've been blocked.
.> view Z

  The following names were not found in the codebase. Check your spelling.