2024-06-25 11:11:07 -07:00

8.4 KiB

Test for code serialization operations.

Define a function, serialize it, then deserialize it back to an actual function. Also ask for its dependencies for display later.

save : a -> Bytes
save x = Value.serialize (Value.value x)

Code.save : Code -> Bytes
Code.save = Code.serialize

Code.get : Link.Term -> Code
Code.get tl = match Code.lookup tl with
  Some co -> co
  None -> throw "could not look up code"

load : Bytes ->{io2.IO, Throw Text} a
load b = match Value.deserialize b with
  Left _ -> throw "could not deserialize value"
  Right v -> match Value.load v with
    Left _ -> throw "could not load value"
    Right x -> x

Code.load : Bytes ->{io2.IO, Throw Text} Code
Code.load b = match Code.deserialize b with
  Left _ -> throw "could not deserialize code"
  Right co -> co

roundtrip : a ->{io2.IO, Throw Text} a
roundtrip x = load (save x)

handleTest : Text -> Request {Throw Text} a -> Result
handleTest t = let
  pfx = "(" ++ t ++ ") "
    { _ } -> Ok (pfx ++ "passed")
    { Throw.throw s -> _ } -> Fail (pfx ++ s)

expectFailure : Text -> Request {Throw Text} a -> Result
expectFailure t =
  pfx = "(" ++ t ++ ") "
    { _ } -> Fail (pfx ++ ": expected failure, but succeeded")
    { Throw.throw _ -> _ } -> Ok (pfx ++ "passed")

identical : Text -> a -> a ->{Throw Text} ()
identical err x y =
  if x == y
  then ()
  else throw ("mismatch" ++ err)

structural type Three a b c = zero a | one b | two c

showThree : Three Nat Nat Nat -> Text
showThree = cases
  zero n -> "zero " ++ toText n
  one n -> "one " ++ toText n
  two n -> "two " ++ toText n

concatMap : (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
concatMap f = cases
  [] -> []
  x +: xs -> f x ++ concatMap f xs

prod : [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
prod l = cases
  [] -> []
  y +: ys -> map (x -> (x,y)) l ++ prod l ys

threes : [Three Nat Nat Nat]
threes = map zero fib10 ++ map one fib10 ++ map two fib10

   : (a -> b -> Text)
  -> (a -> b -> c)
  -> (a -> b -> c)
  -> [(a,b)] ->{Throw Text} ()
extensionals sh f g = cases
  [] -> ()
  (x,y) +: xs ->
    identical (" on: " ++ sh x y) (f x y) (g x y)
    extensionals sh f g xs

fib10 : [Nat]
fib10 = [1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89]

mutual0 n = mutual1 (n+1)
mutual1 n = mutual2 (drop n 1)
mutual2 n =
 if n == 0 then 5
 else mutual0 (drop n 1)

extensionality : Text -> (Three Nat Nat Nat -> Nat -> b) ->{io2.IO} Result
extensionality t f = let
  sh t n = "(" ++ showThree t ++ ", " ++ toText n ++ ")"
    g = roundtrip f
    extensionals sh f g (prod threes fib10)
  with handleTest t

identicality : Text -> a ->{io2.IO} Result
identicality t x
  = handle identical "" x (roundtrip x) with handleTest t

idempotence : Text -> Link.Term ->{io2.IO} Result
idempotence t tl =
  handle let
    co1 = Code.get tl
    b1 = Code.save co1
    co2 = Code.load b1
    b2 = Code.save co2
    identical "" b1 b2
  with handleTest t

-- Check that the transitive dependencies of some code
-- would pass validation.
verify : Text -> [(Link.Term,Code)] -> ()
verify name rco =
    match validateLinks rco with
      Left rs -> throw "missing links"
      Right [] -> ()
      Right rs -> throw "invalid links"
  with cases
    { r } -> r
    { raise _ -> _ } -> throw "failure raised"

verified : Text -> Link.Term ->{io2.IO} Result
verified name link =
  handle verify name (Code.transitiveDeps link)
  with handleTest ("verified " ++ name)

rejected : Text -> [(Link.Term,Code)] ->{io2.IO} Result
rejected name rco =
  handle verify name rco
  with expectFailure ("rejected " ++ name)

missed : Text -> Link.Term -> Result
missed name link =
  rco = match Code.transitiveDeps link with
    _ +: co -> co
    _ -> []
  rejected ("missing " ++ name) rco

swapped : Text -> Link.Term -> Result
swapped name link =
  rco0 = Code.transitiveDeps link
  rco = uncurry List.zip (first List.reverse (List.unzip rco0))
  rejected ("swapped " ++ name) rco
scratch/main> add
structural ability Zap where
  zap : Three Nat Nat Nat

h : Three Nat Nat Nat -> Nat -> Nat
h y x = match y with
  zero y -> x + y
  one y -> x + y + y
  two y -> x + 3*y

f : Nat ->{Zap} Nat
f x = h zap x

fVal : Value
fVal = Value.value f

fDeps : [Link.Term]
fDeps = Value.dependencies fVal

fSer : Bytes
fSer = Value.serialize fVal

rotate : Three Nat Nat Nat -> Three Nat Nat Nat
rotate = cases
  zero n -> one (n+1)
  one n -> two (n+2)
  two n -> zero (drop n 6)

zapper : Three Nat Nat Nat -> Request {Zap} r -> r
zapper t = cases
  { r } -> r
  { zap -> k } -> handle k t with zapper (rotate t)

bigFun : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
bigFun i j k = let
  f x y = i + x + y
  g x y = j + x + y
  h x y = k + x + y
  f j k + g i k + h i j

tests : '{io2.IO} [Result]
tests =
  '[ extensionality "ext f" (t x -> handle f x with zapper t)
   , extensionality "ext h" h
   , identicality "ident compound" (x -> handle f x with zapper (zero 5))
   , identicality "ident fib10" fib10
   , identicality "ident effect" (_ -> zap)
   , identicality "ident zero" zero
   , identicality "ident h" h
   , identicality "ident text" "hello"
   , identicality "ident int" +5
   , identicality "ident float" 0.5
   , identicality "ident termlink" fDeps
   , identicality "ident bool" false
   , identicality "ident bytes" [fSer, Bytes.empty]

badLoad : '{IO} [Result]
badLoad _ =
  payload = Bytes.fromList[0,0,0,3,0,1,64,175,174,29,188,217,78,209,175,255,137,165,135,165,1,20,151,182,215,54,21,196,43,159,247,106,175,177,213,20,111,178,134,214,188,207,243,196,240,187,111,44,245,111,219,223,98,88,183,163,97,22,18,153,104,185,125,175,157,36,209,151,166,168,102,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0]
  go _ =
    match Value.deserialize payload with
      Left t -> Fail "deserialize exception"
      Right a -> match Value.load a with
        Left terms ->
            bs = Value.serialize (Value.value terms)
            s = size bs
            Ok ("serialized" ++ toText s)
        Right _ ->
            Ok "actually loaded"
  match toEither go with
    Right v -> [v]
    Left _ -> [Fail "Exception"]

This simply runs some functions to make sure there isn't a crash. Once we gain the ability to capture output in a transcript, it can be modified to actual show that the serialization works.

scratch/main> add
scratch/main> io.test tests
scratch/main> io.test badLoad
codeTests : '{io2.IO} [Result]
codeTests =
  '[ idempotence "idem f" (termLink f)
   , idempotence "idem h" (termLink h)
   , idempotence "idem rotate" (termLink rotate)
   , idempotence "idem zapper" (termLink zapper)
   , idempotence "idem showThree" (termLink showThree)
   , idempotence "idem concatMap" (termLink concatMap)
   , idempotence "idem big" (termLink bigFun)
   , idempotence "idem extensionality" (termLink extensionality)
   , idempotence "idem identicality" (termLink identicality)
   , verified "f" (termLink f)
   , verified "h" (termLink h)
   , verified "rotate" (termLink rotate)
   , verified "zapper" (termLink zapper)
   , verified "showThree" (termLink showThree)
   , verified "concatMap" (termLink concatMap)
   , verified "big" (termLink bigFun)
   , verified "extensionality" (termLink extensionality)
   , verified "identicality" (termLink identicality)
   , verified "mutual0" (termLink mutual0)
   , verified "mutual1" (termLink mutual0)
   , verified "mutual2" (termLink mutual0)
   , missed "mutual0" (termLink mutual0)
   , missed "mutual1" (termLink mutual1)
   , missed "mutual2" (termLink mutual2)
   , swapped "zapper" (termLink zapper)
   , swapped "extensionality" (termLink extensionality)
   , swapped "identicality" (termLink identicality)
   , swapped "mututal0" (termLink mutual0)
   , swapped "mututal1" (termLink mutual1)
   , swapped "mututal2" (termLink mutual2)
scratch/main> add
scratch/main> io.test codeTests
validateTest : Link.Term ->{IO} Result
validateTest l = match Code.lookup l with
  None -> Fail "Couldn't look up link"
  Some co -> match Code.validate [(l, co)] with
    Some f -> Fail "invalid code pre"
    None -> match Code.deserialize (Code.serialize co) with
      Left _ -> Fail "code failed deserialization"
      Right co -> match Code.validate [(l, co)] with
        Some f -> Fail "invalid code post"
        None -> Ok "validated"

vtests : '{IO} [Result]
vtests _ =
  List.map validateTest
    [ termLink fib10
    , termLink compose
    , termLink List.all
    , termLink hex
    , termLink isDirectory
    , termLink delay
    , termLink printLine
    , termLink isNone
scratch/main> add
scratch/main> io.test vtests