2024-04-14 20:20:36 -04:00

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This file tests some obscure issues involved with abilities and over-applied functions.

Stream.fromList : [a] -> '{Stream a} ()
Stream.fromList l _ =
  _ = List.map (x -> emit x) l

Stream.map : (a -> b) -> '{Stream a} r -> '{Stream b} r
Stream.map f stream = handle !stream with Stream.map.handler f

Stream.map.handler : (a -> b) -> Request {Stream a} r -> '{Stream b} r
Stream.map.handler f = cases
  {Stream.emit a -> resume} -> 'let
    Stream.emit (f a)
    Stream.map f resume ()
  {r} -> 'r

increment : Nat -> Nat
increment n = 1 + n

> Stream.toList (Stream.map increment (Stream.fromList [1,2,3]))

> let
    s1 = do emit 10
            emit 20
            emit 30
            emit 40
    s2 = Stream.map (a -> a * 10) s1
    Stream.toList s2
structural ability E where
  eff : () -> ()

hh : Request {E} (Nat ->{} r) -> Nat -> r
hh = cases
  {eff _ -> k} -> x -> h k x
  {x} -> x

h : '{E} (Nat -> r) -> Nat -> r
h k = handle !k with hh

foo : '{E} (Nat -> Nat)
foo _ =
  eff ()
  x -> 7

> h foo 337
structural ability Over where
  over : Nat ->{Over} (Nat -> Nat)

hd = cases
  {over m -> k} ->
    handle k (n -> m + n) with hd
  {x} -> x

delegated _ =
  handle over 5 with hd

hmm =
  x : Nat
  x = delegated () 16789
  trace "x" x

> hmm