2018-11-26 21:29:36 +00:00

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These are commands that will likely be useful during development.

General: ./test.sh compiles and builds both the Haskell and Scala code and runs all tests. Recommended that you run this before pushing any code to a branch that others might be working on.

Disclaimer The getting-started instructions on this page have not yet been tested from a 'clean install'. If they don't work for you, please get in touch via gitter so we can help. If you have any fixes to the process, please send us a PR!

Running Unison

To get cracking with typechecking and running Unison functions,

  • do the prerequisites mentioned for each side of the toolchain below (Scala and Haskell)
  • from the root directory of a clone of the Unison repo, run ./scripts/unisonloop.sh - that fires up the codebase editor, which watches for file changes in unison-src
  • once a file is typechecked, you can do add to add it to the codebase
  • and then view to view a definition.




Install a JDK, for example OpenJDK 8.

The runtime doesn't build with JDK 10 at the moment, but this will work:

JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 9` sbt <commands ...>


A typical sbt-based scala install doesn't actually put scala in your system path. You need the right scala version (see this file) in your path.

If you don't have scala already, then you can achieve that by following these instructions, taking care to replace the scala version where it appears with the one you want.

Do scala -version to check it's worked.


Bloop is a scala build server, that keeps a scala compiler instance 'hot' and waiting to do its job as part of the unison compiler backend. You need to have it installed and running.

  • First install python 2 if you don't have it already, because otherwise bloop will fail to start.
  • Then see the bloop install doc.
    • Do the systemd automatic startup stuff which that page mentions.
    • Then manually start the service, and check its status.
  • If it's not already there, then add the bloop executable location (e.g. ~/.bloop) to your PATH.

Diving in

Launch sbt in runtime-jvm directory, then here are various useful commands:

  • main/test:run - runs all the tests
  • main/test:run compilation - runs tests prefixed by "compilation"
  • main/test:run 102932 compilation.let3 - runs tests prefixed by "compilation.let3" with the random seed 102932
  • benchmark/run - presents menu of benchmarks to run
  • ;clean;coverage;main/test:run;coverageReport followed optionally by ;coverageOff - generates test coverage report
  • main/compile - builds the interpreter
  • main/run - builds and runs the interpreter

To run the built interpreter without booting sbt:

scala -cp main/target/scala-2.12/classes org.unisonweb.Bootstrap test.ub

or from the project root directory:

scala -cp runtime-jvm/main/target/scala-2.12/classes org.unisonweb.Bootstrap test.ub



If you don't have haskell yet, visit this page to install stack, which will then get it for you when you run the commands below.

Working with the parser/typechecker

For doing compilation you can do:

stack repl unison-parser-typechecker

You can also do:

stack build unison-parser-typechecker && stack exec tests

If you want to run the tests outside the REPL. The stack exec tests takes an optional command line arg specifying the test prefix. In the REPL, you can also do:

> import EasyTest as ET
> ET.runOnly "typechecker" Main.test

What if you want a profiled build? Do:

stack build --executable-profiling --library-profiling --ghc-options="-fprof-auto -rtsopts" unison-parser-typechecker

Again you can leave off the flag. To run an executable with profiling enabled, do:

stack exec -- <executable-name> +RTS -p

That will generate a <executable-name>.prof plain text file with profiling data. More info on profiling.