2022-08-22 11:26:40 -04:00

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Basic usage

.> builtins.merge
even : Nat -> Boolean
even x = if x == 0 then true else odd (drop x 1)

odd : Nat -> Boolean
odd x = if x == 0 then false else even (drop x 1)

is2even : 'Boolean
is2even = '(even 2)

it errors if there isn't a previous run

.> add.run foo
.> run is2even

it errors if the desired result name conflicts with a name in the unison file

.> add.run is2even

otherwise, the result is successfully persisted

.> add.run foo.bar.baz
.> view foo.bar.baz

It resolves references within the unison file

z b = b Nat.+ 12
y a b = a Nat.+ b Nat.+ z 10

main : '{IO, Exception} (Nat -> Nat -> Nat)
main _ = y
.> run main
.> add.run result

It resolves references within the codebase

inc : Nat -> Nat
inc x = x + 1
.> add inc
main : '(Nat -> Nat)
main _ x = inc x
.> run main
.> add.run natfoo
.> view natfoo

It captures scratch file dependencies at run time

x = 1
y = x + x
main = 'y
.> run main
x = 50

this saves 2 to xres, rather than 100

.> add.run xres
.> view xres

It fails with a message if add cannot complete cleanly

main = '5
.> run main
.> add.run xres

It works with absolute names

main = '5
.> run main
.> add.run .an.absolute.name
.> view .an.absolute.name