2023-07-11 13:16:23 -04:00

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Ensure that Records keep their syntax after being added to the codebase

Record with 1 field

unique type Record1 = { a : Text }
.> view Record1

  unique type Record1 = { a : Text }

Record with 2 fields

unique type Record2 = { a : Text, b : Int }
.> view Record2

  unique type Record2 = { a : Text, b : Int }

Record with 3 fields

unique type Record3 = { a : Text, b : Int, c : Nat }
.> view Record3

  unique type Record3 = { a : Text, b : Int, c : Nat }

Record with many fields

unique type Record4 = 
  { a : Text
  , b : Int
  , c : Nat
  , d : Bytes
  , e : Text
  , f : Nat
  , g : [Nat]
.> view Record4

  unique type Record4
    = { a : Text,
        b : Int,
        c : Nat,
        d : Bytes,
        e : Text,
        f : Nat,
        g : [Nat] }

Record with user-defined type fields

This record type has two fields whose types are user-defined (Record4 and UserType).

unique type UserType = UserType Nat

unique type RecordWithUserType = { a : Text, b : Record4, c : UserType }

If you view or edit it, it should be treated as a record type, but it does not (which is a bug)

.> view RecordWithUserType

  unique type RecordWithUserType
    = { a : Text, b : Record4, c : UserType }


Trailing commas are allowed.

unique type Record5 = 
  { a : Text, 
    b : Int,

  I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
  do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
    ⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
      unique type Record5
      Record5.a        : Record5 -> Text
      Record5.a.modify : (Text ->{g} Text)
                         -> Record5
                         ->{g} Record5
      Record5.a.set    : Text -> Record5 -> Record5
      Record5.b        : Record5 -> Int
      Record5.b.modify : (Int ->{g} Int)
                         -> Record5
                         ->{g} Record5
      Record5.b.set    : Int -> Record5 -> Record5