2024-02-20 13:17:55 -05:00

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Structural find and replace

Here's a scratch file with some rewrite rules:

ex1 = List.map (x -> x + 1) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

eitherToOptional e a =
    term Left e ==> None
    term Right a ==> Some a
    case Left e ==> None
    case Right a ==> Some a
    signature e a . Either e a ==> Optional a

Either.mapRight : (a ->{g} b) -> Either e a ->{g} Either e b
Either.mapRight f = cases
  Left e -> Left e
  Right a -> Right (f a)

rule1 f x = @rewrite
  term x + 1 ==> Nat.increment x
  term (a -> f a) ==> f -- eta reduction

unique type Optional2 a = Some2 a | None2

rule2 x = @rewrite signature Optional ==> Optional2

Let's rewrite these:

.> rewrite rule1

  I found and replaced matches in these definitions: ex1
  The rewritten file has been added to the top of scratch.u

.> rewrite eitherToOptional

  I found and replaced matches in these definitions:
  The rewritten file has been added to the top of scratch.u

-- | Rewrote using: 
-- | Modified definition(s): ex1

ex1 = List.map Nat.increment [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

eitherToOptional e a =
    term Left e ==> None
    term Right a ==> Some a
    case Left e ==> None
    case Right a ==> Some a
    signature e a . Either e a ==> Optional a

Either.mapRight : (a ->{g} b) -> Either e a ->{g} Either e b
Either.mapRight f = cases
  Left e  -> Left e
  Right a -> Right (f a)

rule1 f x =
  use Nat +
    term x + 1 ==> Nat.increment x
    term a -> f a ==> f

type Optional2 a = Some2 a | None2

rule2 x = @rewrite signature Optional ==> Optional2
-- | Rewrote using: 
-- | Modified definition(s): Either.mapRight

ex1 = List.map Nat.increment [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

eitherToOptional e a =
    term Left e ==> None
    term Right a ==> Some a
    case Left e ==> None
    case Right a ==> Some a
    signature e a . Either e a ==> Optional a

Either.mapRight : (a ->{g} b) -> Optional a ->{g} Optional b
Either.mapRight f = cases
  None   -> None
  Some a -> Some (f a)

rule1 f x =
  use Nat +
    term x + 1 ==> Nat.increment x
    term a -> f a ==> f

type Optional2 a = Some2 a | None2

rule2 x = @rewrite signature Optional ==> Optional2

After adding to the codebase, here's the rewritten source:

.> view ex1 Either.mapRight rule1

  Either.mapRight : (a ->{g} b) -> Optional a ->{g} Optional b
  Either.mapRight f = cases
    None   -> None
    Some a -> Some (f a)
  ex1 : [Nat]
  ex1 = List.map Nat.increment [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  rule1 :
    (i ->{g} o)
    -> Nat
    -> Rewrites
      ( RewriteTerm Nat Nat,
        RewriteTerm (i ->{g, g1} o) (i ->{g} o))
  rule1 f x =
    use Nat +
      term x + 1 ==> Nat.increment x
      term a -> f a ==> f

Another example, showing that we can rewrite to definitions that only exist in the file:

unique ability Woot1 where woot1 : () -> Nat
unique ability Woot2 where woot2 : () -> Nat

woot1to2 x = @rewrite
  term Woot1.woot1 ==> Woot2.woot2
  term blah ==> blah2
  signature _ . Woot1 ==> Woot2

wootEx : Nat ->{Woot1} Nat
wootEx a =
  _ = !woot1

blah = 123
blah2 = 456

Let's apply the rewrite woot1to2:

.> rewrite woot1to2

  I found and replaced matches in these definitions: wootEx
  The rewritten file has been added to the top of scratch.u

-- | Rewrote using: 
-- | Modified definition(s): wootEx

ability Woot1 where woot1 : '{Woot1} Nat

ability Woot2 where woot2 : '{Woot2} Nat

woot1to2 x =
    term Woot1.woot1 ==> Woot2.woot2
    term blah ==> blah2
    signature _ . Woot1 ==> Woot2

wootEx : Nat ->{Woot2} Nat
wootEx a =
  _ = !Woot2.woot2

blah = 123

blah2 = 456

After adding the rewritten form to the codebase, here's the rewritten Woot1 to Woot2:

.> view wootEx

  wootEx : Nat ->{Woot2} Nat
  wootEx a =
    _ = !woot2

This example shows that rewrite rules can to refer to term definitions that only exist in the file:

foo1 =
  b = "b"

foo2 =
  a = "a"

rule = @rewrite
  case None ==> Left "oh no"
  term foo1 ==> foo2
  case None ==> Left "89899"

sameFileEx =
  _ = "ex"

After adding the rewritten form to the codebase, here's the rewritten definitions:

.> view foo1 foo2 sameFileEx

  foo1 : Nat
  foo1 =
    b = "b"
  foo2 : Nat
  foo2 =
    a = "a"
  sameFileEx : Nat
  sameFileEx =
    _ = "ex"

Capture avoidance

bar1 =
  b = "bar"

bar2 =
  a = 39494

rule bar2 = @rewrite
  case None ==> Left "oh no"
  term bar1 ==> bar2

sameFileEx =
  _ = "ex"

In the above example, bar2 is locally bound by the rule, so when applied, it should not refer to the bar2 top level binding.

.> rewrite rule

  I found and replaced matches in these definitions: sameFileEx
  The rewritten file has been added to the top of scratch.u

-- | Rewrote using: 
-- | Modified definition(s): sameFileEx

bar1 =
  b = "bar"

bar2 =
  a = 39494

rule bar2 =
    case None ==> Left "oh no"
    term bar1 ==> bar2

sameFileEx =
  _ = "ex"

Instead, it should be an unbound free variable, which doesn't typecheck:

.> load

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  I couldn't figure out what bar21 refers to here:
     19 |   bar21
  I also don't know what type it should be.
  Some common causes of this error include:
    * Your current namespace is too deep to contain the
      definition in its subtree
    * The definition is part of a library which hasn't been
      added to this project
    * You have a typo in the name

In this example, the a is locally bound by the rule, so it shouldn't capture the a = 39494 binding which is in scope at the point of the replacement:

bar2 =
  a = 39494

rule a = @rewrite
  case None ==> Left "oh no"
  term 233 ==> a
.> rewrite rule

  I found and replaced matches in these definitions: bar2
  The rewritten file has been added to the top of scratch.u

-- | Rewrote using: 
-- | Modified definition(s): bar2

bar2 =
  a = 39494

rule a =
    case None ==> Left "oh no"
    term 233 ==> a

The a introduced will be freshened to not capture the a in scope, so it remains as an unbound variable and is a type error:

.> load

  Loading changes detected in scratch.u.

  I couldn't figure out what a1 refers to here:
      6 |   a1
  I also don't know what type it should be.
  Some common causes of this error include:
    * Your current namespace is too deep to contain the
      definition in its subtree
    * The definition is part of a library which hasn't been
      added to this project
    * You have a typo in the name

Structural find

eitherEx = Left ("hello", "there")
findEitherEx x = @rewrite term Left ("hello", x) ==> Left ("hello" Text.++ x)
findEitherFailure = @rewrite signature a . Either Failure a ==> ()
.> sfind findEitherEx

  These definitions from the current namespace (excluding `lib`) have matches:
    1. eitherEx
  Tip: Try `edit 1` to bring this into your scratch file.

.> sfind findEitherFailure

  These definitions from the current namespace (excluding `lib`) have matches:
    1. catch
    2. printText
    3. reraise
    4. toEither
    5. toEither.handler
  Tip: Try `edit 1` or `edit 1-5` to bring these into your
       scratch file.

.> find 1-5

  1. Exception.catch : '{g, Exception} a ->{g} Either Failure a
  2. Exception.reraise : Either Failure a ->{Exception} a
  3. Exception.toEither : '{ε, Exception} a
                          ->{ε} Either Failure a
  4. Exception.toEither.handler : Request {Exception} a
                                  -> Either Failure a
  5. printText : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()