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Empty namespace behaviours

mynamespace.x = 1

The deleted namespace shouldn't appear in ls output.

.> ls

  nothing to show

.> ls.verbose

  No results. Check your spelling, or try using tab completion
  to supply command arguments.

.> find mynamespace

  No results. Check your spelling, or try using tab completion
  to supply command arguments.

The history of the namespace should still exist if requested explicitly.

.> history mynamespace

  Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
  ⊙ #qjc20aua9h
    - Deletes:
  □ #hkrqt3tm05 (start of history)

Merging an empty namespace should still copy its history if it has some.

  ☝️  The namespace .empty is empty.

.empty> history

  ☝️  The namespace .empty is empty.

.empty> merge .mynamespace

  Nothing changed as a result of the merge.

.empty> history

  Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
  ⊙ #qjc20aua9h
    - Deletes:
  □ #hkrqt3tm05 (start of history)