2019-03-29 23:03:40 +01:00

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These are commands that will likely be useful during development.
__General:__ `./scripts/test.sh` compiles and builds the Haskell code and runs all tests. Recommended that you run this before pushing any code to a branch that others might be working on.
_Disclaimer_ If you have trouble getting started, please get in touch via [gitter](https://gitter.im/unisonweb/unison) so we can help. If you have any fixes to the process, please send us a PR!
## Running Unison
To get cracking with Unison,
* [Install `stack`](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/#how-to-install).
* Build the project with `stack build`.
* After building, `stack exec unison` will fire up the codebase editor, create a codebase in the current directory, and watch for `.u` file changes. If you want to run it in a different directory, just add `unison` to your `PATH`, after finding it with `find .stack-work -name unison -type f`. (For me, this finds two, they both work, but have different contents. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ )
* Once a file is typechecked, you can do `add` to add it to the codebase,
* and then `view` to view a definition, or `help` for more ideas.
### What if you want a profiled build?
stack build --executable-profiling --library-profiling --ghc-options="-fprof-auto -rtsopts" unison-parser-typechecker
Again you can leave off the flag. To run an executable with profiling enabled, do:
stack exec -- <executable-name> +RTS -p
That will generate a `<executable-name>.prof` plain text file with profiling data. [More info on profiling](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/profiling.html).