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.> builtins.merge

Squash merges

squash src dest merges can be used to merge from src to dest, discarding the history of src. It's useful when the source namespace history is irrelevant or has a bunch of churn you wish to discard. Often when merging small pull requests, you'll use a squash merge.

Let's look at some examples. We'll start with a namespace with just the builtins. Let's take a look at the hash of this namespace:

.> history builtin
.> fork builtin builtin2

(We make a copy of builtin for use later in this transcript.)

Now suppose we fork a copy of builtin, then rename Nat.+ to frobnicate, then rename it back. Notice this produces multiple entries in the history:

.> fork builtin mybuiltin
.mybuiltin> rename.term Nat.+ Nat.frobnicate
.mybuiltin> rename.term Nat.frobnicate Nat.+
.mybuiltin> history

If we merge that back into builtin, we get that same chain of history:

.> merge mybuiltin builtin
.> history builtin

Let's try again, but using a merge.squash (or just squash) instead. The history will be unchanged:

.> merge.squash mybuiltin builtin2
.> history builtin2

The churn that happened in mybuiltin namespace ended up back in the same spot, so the squash merge of that namespace with our original namespace had no effect.

Another example

Let's look at a more interesting example, where the two namespaces have diverged a bit. Here's our starting namespace:

x = 1
.trunk> add
.> fork trunk alice
.> fork trunk bob

Alice now does some hacking:

radNumber = 348
bodaciousNumero = 2394
neatoFun x = x
.alice> add
.alice> rename.term radNumber superRadNumber
.alice> rename.term neatoFun productionReadyId

Meanwhile, Bob does his own hacking:

whatIsLove = "?"
babyDon'tHurtMe = ".. Don't hurt me..."
no more = no more
.bob> add

At this point, Alice and Bob both have some history beyond what's in trunk:

.> history trunk
.> history alice
.> history bob

Alice then squash merges into trunk, as does Bob. It's as if Alice and Bob both made their changes in one single commit.

.> merge.squash alice trunk
.> history trunk
.> merge.squash bob trunk
.> history trunk

Since squash merges don't produce any merge nodes, we can undo a couple times to get back to our starting state:

.> undo
.> undo
.> history trunk

This time, we'll first squash Alice and Bob's changes together before squashing their combined changes into trunk. The resulting trunk will have just a single entry in it, combining both Alice and Bob's changes:

.> squash alice bob
.> squash bob trunk
.> history trunk

So, there you have it. With squashing, you can control the granularity of your history.

Throwing out all history

Another thing we can do is squash into an empty namespace. This effectively makes a copy of the namespace, but without any of its history:

.> squash alice nohistoryalice
.> history nohistoryalice

There's nothing really special here, squash src dest discards src history that comes after the LCA of src and dest, it's just that in the case of an empty namespace, that LCA is the beginning of time (the empty namespace), so all the history of src is discarded.

Checking for handling of deletes

This checks to see that squashing correctly preserves deletions:

.delete> builtins.merge
.delete> fork builtin builtin2
.delete> delete.term builtin2.Nat.+
.delete> delete.term builtin2.Nat.*
.delete> squash builtin2 builtin
.delete> history builtin

Notice that Nat.+ and Nat.* are deleted by the squash, and we see them deleted in one atomic step in the history.

Just confirming that those two definitions are in fact removed:

.delete> view .delete.builtin.Nat.+
.delete> view .delete.builtin.Nat.*


If you squash mystuff trunk, you're discarding any history of mystuff and just cons'ing onto the history of trunk. Thus, don't expect to be able to merge trunk mystuff later and get great results. Squashing should only be used when you don't care about the history (and you know others haven't pulled and built on your line of history being discarded, so they don't care about the history either).