2023-08-09 10:33:48 -04:00

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Running a pill with Ares

We can run a pill with Ares by performing a one-line modification to Vere in order to use Ares as a serf. This is accurate as of August 2023 - details may have changed since then.

We first cover how to run rust/ares/test_data/baby.pill, then hoon/scaffolding/azimuth-pill.hoon, and finally some information on how to make your own pill.

Modify Vere

Download the Vere repo and open /pkg/vere/lord.c. Search for u3_lord_init(). In this function definition, you will find several lines that look something like

    arg_c[0] = god_u->bin_c;            //  executable
    arg_c[1] = "serf";                  //  protocol
    arg_c[2] = god_u->pax_c;            //  path to checkpoint directory
    arg_c[3] = key_c;                   //  disk key
    arg_c[4] = wag_c;                   //  runtime config

Change the right hand side of the first line to the path of the Ares executable as a string literal (probably something like rust/ares/target/debug/ares):

arg_c[0] = "/path/to/ares";

Next we need to compile the new version of Vere that uses Ares as a serf. See in the Vere repo on how to do this. Now cd to the directory you'd like this version of Vere to reside in and make a symlink to the urbit executable you just created like so:

ln -s path/to/vere/repo/bazel-bin/pkg/vere/urbit ares-urbit

Run baby.pill

baby.pill is an extremely minimal Arvo-shaped core and Hoon standard library equipped with %sham jets needed to run it. ~wicdev-wisryt streamed a video of its development. You can find the Hoon for baby.pill in the Ares repo at /hoon/scaffolding/baby.hoon, and the library is hoon/scaffolding/cradle.hoon.

The jammed pill is already in the Ares repo at rust/ares/test_data/baby.pill. To run it with our new version of Vere, we make a fakezod with baby.pill as the pill:

./ares-urbit -F zod -B /path/to/ares/rust/ares/test_data/baby.pill

This will boot a fakezod. If it writes effect to the terminal with every keystroke, you have succeeded!

Run azimuth-pill.pill

Next we will show how to build a pill that processes an Azimuth snapshot, called azimuth-pill.pill.

Boot a fakezod using the ordinary Urbit executable (not the one you created above) and run |mount %.

Next, copy the contents of the hoon/scaffolding/ folder from the Ares repo to path/to/fakezod/base/lib and run |commit %base, then

.azimuth-pill/pill -build-file %/lib/azimuth-pill/hoon

This will make a file azimuth-pill.pill in path/to/fakezod/.urb/put.

Now we can run this pill with the version of Vere we built above:

./ares-urbit -F dev -B /path/to/fakezod/.urb/put/azimuth-pill.pill

If you succeeded, you should see the standard boot header followed by ran a thousand logs every few moments. If you're running an optimized build (e.g. opt-level = 3) of Ares this should finish in a few minutes or less. If you're running an unoptimized build (e.g. opt-level = 0) this could take much longer.

Making your own pill

At time of writing, most jets have not yet been ported to Ares and so you cannot boot a typical solid pill. However, following the example of baby.pill and the development video linked above, and making use of the simplified standard libary cradle.hoon, you can still get Ares to run some interesting non-trivial Hoon.

After making your own pill, you can write it to disk with .my-pill/pill -build-file /path/to/my/pill from a fakezod, and then run it just like you did with baby.pill and azimuth-pill.pill above.