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+++ title = "HTTP API" description = "Learn how to interact with ships through Eyre's web API" weight = 40 +++

Eyre is the web-server vane (kernel module) of Arvo, an Urbit ship's kernel and operating system. In this guide, we'll look at interacting with a ship through Eyre's web API using the @urbit/http-api Javascript module.


Before we dig into the details of Eyre's API, we'll first give a quick run-down of some concepts in Arvo. Eyre's API is a fairly thin overlay on some of Arvo's internal systems, so there's some basic things to understand.


Clay is the filesystem vane. It's typed, and it's revision-controlled in a similar way to git. Clay is comprised of a number of desks, which are a bit like git repositories. Each app on your ship's home screen corresponds to a desk in Clay. That desk contains the source code and resources for that app.


Most of Clay's workings aren't relevant to front-end development, but there's one important concept to understand: marks. Clay is a typed filesystem, and marks are the filetypes. There's a mark for .hoon files, a mark for .txt files, and so on. The mark specifies the hoon datatype for those files, and it also specifies conversion methods between different marks. Marks aren't just used for files saved in Clay, but also for data that goes to and from the web through Eyre.

When you send a poke or run a thread through Eyre, it will look at the mark specified (for example graph-action-3, settings-event, etc) and use the corresponding mark file in the desk to convert the given JSON to that datatype before passing it to the target agent or thread. The same conversion will happen in reverse for responses.

Note that Eyre makes a best effort attempt to convert data to and from JSON. If the marks in question do not contain appropriate JSON conversion functions, it will fail. Not all scry endpoints, subscription paths, pokes, etc, are intended to be used from a front-end, so not all use marks which can be converted to and from JSON (the noun mark for example). If documentation is available for the agent or thread in question, it should note in some fashion whether it can take or produce JSON. The majority of things you'll want to interact with through Eyre will work with JSON.

Gall agents

An agent is a userspace application managed by the Gall vane. A desk may contain multiple agents that do different things. The Groups app, for example, has graph-store, group-store, contact-store, and others in its desk. Agents are the main thing you'll interact with through Eyre. They have a simple interface with three main parts:

Interface Description
Pokes One-off message to an agent. Pokes often represent actions, commands, requests, etc.
Subscriptions An agent may have a number of different paths to which you may subscribe. If a subscription request is accepted, you'll continue to receive update/events the agent sends out on that path until you either cancel the subscription or are kicked by the agent.
Scries Scries are one-off requests for data. Like subscriptions, they are organized by path. Scry requests will be fulfilled immediately. Scries are "read-only", they cannot alter the state of an agent.


Pokes are single, stand-alone messages to agents. Pokes are how you send data and requests to agents. Agents will send back either a positive acknowledgement (ack) or a negative acknowledgement (nack). The agent can't send actual data back in the acks. If they have any response to give back, it will be sent out to subscribers on a subscription path instead.

The pokes an agent accepts will be defined in the on-poke section of its source in the desk's /app directory, and typically in its type definition file in the /sur directory too. If the agent has documentation, the data structures and marks of its pokes should be listed there.

http-api includes a poke function which allows you to perform pokes through Eyre, and is detailed below.


Agents define subscription paths which you can subscribe to through Eyre. A path might be simple and fixed like /foo/bar, or it might have variable elements where you can specify a date, ship, or what have you. Each agent will define its subscription paths in the on-watch section of its source, and if it has documentation the paths should also be listed there.

You can subscribe by sending a watch request to the agent with the desired path specifed. The agent will apply some logic (such as checking permissions) to the request and then ack or nack it. If acked, you'll be subscribed and begin receiving any updates the agent sends out on that path. What you'll receive on a given path depends entirely on the agent.

Agents can kick subscribers, and you can also unsubscribe at any time.

http-api includes a subscribe function which allows you to perform pokes through Eyre, and is detailed below.

Scry Endpoints

Pokes and subscriptions can modify the state of the agent. A third kind of interaction called a scry does not - it simply retrieves data from the agent without any side-effects. Agents can define scry endpoints which (like subscriptions) are paths. A scry to one of these endpoints will retrieve some data (as determined by the agent's design) from the agent's state. Like subscription paths, scry paths can be simple like /foo/bar or contain variable elements. Unlike subscriptions, a scry is a one-off request and the data will come back immediately.

Scry endpoints are defined in the on-peek section of an agent's source, and will likely be listed in the agent's documentation if it has any. Scry endpoints will often be written with a leading letter like /x/foo/bar. All scries through Eyre are x scries, so that letter (called a care) needn't be specified.

http-api includes a scry function which allows you to perform scries through Eyre, and is detailed below.


A thread is a monadic function in Arvo that takes arguments and produces a result. Threads are conceptually similar to Javascript promises - they can perform a series of asynchronous I/O operations and may succeed or fail. Threads are often used to handle complex I/O operations for agents. Threads live in the /ted directory of a desk.

http-api includes a thread function which allows you to run threads through Eyre, and is detailed below.

http-api basics

The http-api module provides convenient functions to interact with a ship through Eyre. In this section we'll discuss the basics of how it works.

Importing the module

The http-api module is available in npm as @urbit/http-api, and can be installed with:

npm i @urbit/http-api

Once installed, you can import it into your app with:

import Urbit from '@urbit/http-api';

Note that the examples in this guide are simple HTML documents with vanilla Javascript in <script> tags, so they use to import @urbit/http-api. This is not typical, and is just done here for purposes of simplicity.


All functionality is contained within the Urbit class. There are two ways to instantiate it, depending on whether your web app is served directly from the ship or whether it's served externally. The reason for the difference is that you require a session cookie to talk to the ship. If your app is served from the ship, the user will already have a cookie. If it's not, they'll need to authenticate, which is detailed separately below.

In the case of a front-end served from the ship, the Urbit class contains a constructor which takes three arguments:

Argument Type Description Example
url string The host of the ship without the protocol. This is mandatory but would typically be left blank as requests will still work if they're root-relative paths. "", "localhost:8080", ""
code string The web login code of the ship. You'll typically use this constructor when it's served directly from the ship and therefore you'll already have a session cookie, so this field is optional and is typically omitted or left empty. "", "lidlut-tabwed-pillex-ridrup"
desk string The desk on which you want to run threads. This field is optional and is only used if you want to run threads, no other function uses it. If you're not running threads, you can omit it or leave it empty. "landscape", ""

To create an Urbit instance, you can simply do:

const api = new Urbit("");

If you want to specify a desk, you can do:

const api = new Urbit("", "", "landscape");


Most functions of the Urbit class need to know the ship name or they will fail. This is given explicitly with the external authentication method detailed below, but not when using the Urbit constructor in a web app served directly from the ship. Rather than having the user manually enter it, Urbit ships serve a JS library at /session.js that contains the following:

window.ship = "zod";

"zod" will be replaced with the actual name of the ship in question. You can include this file like:

<script src="/session.js"></script>

Then you need to set the ship field in the Urbit object. You would typically do it immediately after instantiating it:

const api = new Urbit("");
api.ship = window.ship;


With the exception of scries and threads, all communication with Eyre happens through its channel system.

The Urbit object will generate a random channel ID that looks like 1646295453-e1bdfd, and use a path of /~/channel/1646295453-e1bdfd for channel communications. Pokes will and subscription requests will be sent to that channel. Responses and subscription updates will be sent out to you on that channel too.

Eyre sends out updates and responses on an SSE (Server Sent Event) stream for the channel. The Urbit object handles this internally with an eventSource object, but you won't deal with it directly. Eyre requires all events it sends out be acknowledged by the client, and will eventually close the channel if enough unacknowledged events accumulate. The Urbit object handles event acknowledgement automatically, so you don't need to worry about this.

Eyre automatically creates a channel when a poke or subscription request is first sent to /~/channel/[a new channel ID]. If your web app is served external to the ship and you use the authenticate function described below, the function will automatically send a poke and open the channel. If your web app is served directly from the ship and you use Urbit class constructor, it won't open the channel right away. Instead, the channel will be opened whenever you first send a poke or subscription request.

Connection state

Urbit class includes three optional callbacks that fire when the SSE connection state changes:

Callback Description
Urbit.onOpen Called when an SSE channel connection is successfully established.
Urbit.onRetry This is called whenever a reconnection attempt is made due to an interruption, for example if there are network problems.
Urbit.onError This is called when there is an unrecoverable error, for example after enough reconnection attemps have failed.

As mentioned in the previous section, typically a channel will be opened and an SSE connection established after you first poke the ship or make a subscription request. If successful, whatever function you provided to onOpen will be called. If at some point the connection is interrupted, a reconnection attempt will be made three times:

  1. Instantly.
  2. 750ms after the first.
  3. 3000ms after the second.

Each attempt will call the function you provided to onRetry, if any. If all three reconnection attempts failed, or if a fatal error occurred, the function you provided onError will be called with an Error object containing an error message as its argument.

How you use these (if you do at all) is up to you and depends on the nature of your app. If you want to try reconnecting when onError fires, note that Eyre will delete a channel if it's had no messages from the client in the last 12 hours. The timeout is reset whenever it receives a message, including the acks that are automatically sent by the Urbit object in response to subscription updates.

If you don't want to account for the possibility of the channel having been deleted in your app's logic, you can also just call the reset() function before you try reconnecting and consequently open a brand new channel.


If your front-end is served directly from the Urbit ship, this step can be skipped. If your web app is served externally to the ship, you must authenticate and obtain a session cookie before commencing communications with the ship.

The Urbit class in http-api includes an authenticate function which does the following:

  1. Login to the user's ship with their code and obtain a session cookie.
  2. Generate a random channel ID for the connection.
  3. Poke the user's ship and print "opening airlock" in the dojo to initialize the channel.

The authenticate function takes four arguments in an object: ship, url, code and verbose:

Argument Type Description Example
ship string The ship ID (@p) without the leading ~. "sampel-palnet" or "zod"
url string The base URL for the ship without the protocol. localhost:8080 or
code string The user's web login code. "lidlut-tabwed-pillex-ridrup"
verbose boolean Whether to log details to the console. This field is optional and defaults to false. true

This function returns a promise that if successful, produces an Urbit object which can then be used for communications with the ship.

Note: An Urbit ship will deny CORS requests from external URLs by default. In order to allow CORS for an external web app, the user will need to run the following in the dojo (replacing with the address in question):

|cors-approve ''


Here's a simple example that will run authenticate for a fakezod when the Connect button is pressed:

    <script src=""></script>
    <button id="start" type="button" onClick="connect()" >Connect</button>
    async function connect() {
      window.api = await UrbitHttpApi.Urbit.authenticate({
          ship: "zod",
          url: "localhost:8080",
          code: "lidlut-tabwed-pillex-ridrup",
          verbose: true
      document.body.innerHTML = "Connected!";

window.api can then be used for further communications.


The various functions you can use in the Urbit object are described below.


For poking a ship, the Urbit class in http-api includes a poke function. The poke function takes six arguments in a object:

Argument Type Description Example
app string The Gall agent to poke. "graph-store"
mark string The mark of the data to poke the agent with. "graph-update-3"
json any JSON The data to poke the agent with. {foo: "bar", baz: 42}
ship string The Urbit ID (@p) of the ship without the ~. This may be ommitted if it's already been set for the whole Urbit object. "sampel-palnet"
onSuccess A function. This is called if the poke succeeded (the ship ack'd the poke). someFunction
onError A function. This is called if the poke failed (the ship nack'd the poke). anotherFunction


This example lets you "hi" your ship with a given message, which will be printed in the terminal. It pokes the hood agent (the system agent) with a helm-hi mark. The json argument just contains the message in a string. If for some reason the hood agent rejects the poke, "Poke failed!" will be displayed on the page.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/session.js"></script>
    <input id="msg" type="text" placeholder="Message for ship" />
    <button id="submit" type="button" onClick="doPoke()" >Submit</button>
    <p id="err"></p>
      .addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
        if (event.keyCode === 13) {
    const api = new UrbitHttpApi.Urbit("");
    api.ship = window.ship;
    function doPoke() {
      const msg = document.getElementById("msg").value;
        app: "hood",
        mark: "helm-hi",
        json: msg,
        onSuccess: success,
        onError: error
    function success() {
      document.getElementById("msg").value = "";
      document.getElementById("err").innerHTML = "";
    function error() {
      document.getElementById("msg").value = "";
      document.getElementById("err").innerHTML = "Poke failed!";

Subscribe and Unsubscribe {% #subscribe %}

For subscribing to a particular path in an agent, the Urbit class in http-api includes a subscribe function. The subscribe function takes six arguments in a object:

Argument Type Description Example
app string The Gall agent to which you'll subscribe. "graph-store"
path string The subscription path. "/updates"
ship string The Urbit ID (@p) of the ship without the ~. This may be ommitted if it's already been set for the whole Urbit object. "sampel-palnet"
err A function. This is called if the subscription request fails. someFunction
event A function. This is the function to handle each update you receive for this subscription. The function's argument is the update's JSON data. anotherFunction
quit A function. This is called if you are kicked from the subscription. yetAnotherFunction

The subscribe function returns a subscription ID, which is just a number. This ID can be used to unsubscribe down the line.

If the subscription request is successful, you'll continue to receive updates until you either unsubscribe or are kicked by the agent. You may subscribe to multiple different agents and subscription paths by calling the subscribe function for each one.

If you wish to unsubscribe from a particular subscription, the Urbit class in http-api includes an unsubscribe function. This function just takes a single argument: the subscription ID number of an existing subscription. Once unsubscribed, you'll stop receiving updates for the specified subscription.


This example will, upon clicking the "Subscribe" button, subscribe to the /updates path of the graph-store agent, and print the raw JSON of each update it receives. You can test it by doing something like posting a message in a chat. You can also unsubscribe by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/session.js"></script>
    <button id="toggle" type="button" onClick="doSub()" >Subscribe</button>
    <pre id="event">```
    const api = new UrbitHttpApi.Urbit("");
    api.ship = window.ship;
    const toggle = document.getElementById("toggle");
    const event = document.getElementById("event");
    function doSub() { = api.subscribe({
        app: "graph-store",
        path: "/updates",
        event: printEvent,
        quit: doSub,
        err: subFail
      toggle.innerHTML = "Unsubscribe";
      toggle.onclick = doUnsub;
      event.innerHTML = "Awaiting event";
    function doUnsub() {
      toggle.innerHTML = "Subscribe";
      toggle.onclick = doSub;
      event.innerHTML = "Subscription closed";
    function printEvent(update) {
      event.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(update, null, 2);
    function subFail() {
      event.innerHTML = "Subscription failed!";

Subscribe Once

The subscribeOnce function in the Urbit class of http-api is a variation on the ordinary subscribe function. Rather than keeping the subscription going and receiving an arbitrary number of updates, instead it waits to receive a single update and then closes the subscription. This is useful if, for example, you send a poke and just want a response to that one poke.

The subscribeOnce function also takes an optional timeout argument, which specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for an update before closing the subscription. If omitted, subscribeOnce will wait indefinitely.

subscribeOnce takes three arguments (these can't be in an object like most other Urbit functions):

Argument Type Description Example
app string The Gall agent to which you'll subscribe. "graph-store"
path string The subscription path. "/updates"
timeout number The number of milliseconds to wait for an update before closing the subscription. If omitted, it will wait indefinitely. 5000

subscribeOnce returns a Promise. If successful, the Promise produces the JSON data of the update it received. If it failed due to either timing out or getting kicked from the subscription, it will return an error message of either "timeout" or "quit".


Here's a variation on the ordinary subscribe function. Rather than printing every graph-store update it receives, it will instead just print the first one it receives and close the subscription. Additionally, it sets a five second timeout, and prints an error message if it times out.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/session.js"></script>
    <button type="button" onClick="doSub()" >Subscribe Once</button>
    <pre id="event">```
    const api = new UrbitHttpApi.Urbit("");
    api.ship = window.ship;
    const event = document.getElementById("event");
    function doSub() {
      event.innerHTML = "";
        .then(printEvent, noEvent);
    function printEvent(update) {
      event.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(update, null, 2);
    function noEvent(error) {
      event.innerHTML = error;


To scry agents on the ship, the Urbit class in http-api includes a scry function. The scry function takes two arguments in a object:

Argument Type Description Example
app string The agent to scry. "graph-store"
path string The path to scry, sans the care. "/keys"

The scry function returns a promise that, if successful, contains the requested data as JSON. If the scry failed, for example due to a non-existent scry endpoint, connection problem, or mark conversion failure, the promise will fail.


Upon pressing the "Scry Graphs" button, this example will scry the graph-store agent's /keys endpoint for the list of graphs, and print the resulting JSON data.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/session.js"></script>
    <button id="scry" type="button" onClick="doScry()" >Scry Graphs</button>
    <pre id="result">```
    const api = new UrbitHttpApi.Urbit("");
    api.ship = window.ship;
    async function doScry() {
      var groups = await api.scry({app: "graph-store", path: "/keys"});
        .innerHTML = JSON.stringify(groups, null, 2);


To run a thread, the Urbit class in http-api includes a thread function. The thread function takes five arguments in an object:

Argument Type Description Example
inputMark string The mark to convert your JSON data to before giving it to the thread as its argument. "graph-view-action"
outputMark string The result of the thread should be converted to this mark before being converted to JSON and returned to you. "tang"
threadName string The name of the thread to run. "graph-eval"
body any JSON The data to give to the thread as its argument. {foo: "bar", baz: 42}
desk string The desk in which the thread resides. This may be ommitted if previously set for the whole Urbit object. "landscape"

The thread function will produce a promise that, if successful, contains the JSON result of the thread. If the thread failed, a connection error occurred, or mark conversion failed, the promise will fail.


This example takes a hoon expression (such as (add 1 1)), evalutes it with the graph-eval thread in the landscape desk, and prints the result.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/session.js"></script>
    <input id="hoon" type="text" placeholder="Hoon to evaluate" />
    <button id="submit" type="button" onClick="runThread()" >Submit</button>
    <pre id="expr">```
    <pre id="result">```
      .addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
        if (event.keyCode === 13) {
    const hoon = document.getElementById("hoon");
    const expr = document.getElementById("expr");
    const result = document.getElementById("result");
    const desk = "landscape";
    const api = new UrbitHttpApi.Urbit("", "", desk);
    api.ship = window.ship;
    async function runThread() {
      const threadResult = await api.thread({
        inputMark: "graph-view-action",
        outputMark: "tang",
        threadName: "graph-eval",
        body: {eval: hoon.value}
      result.innerHTML = threadResult[0].join("\n");
      expr.innerHTML = hoon.value;
      hoon.value = "";

Delete Channel

Rather than just closing individual subscriptions, the entire channel can be closed with the delete function in the Urbit class of http-api. The function takes no arguments, and can be called like api.cancel() (replacing api with whatever you've named the Urbit object you previously instantiated). When a channel is closed, all subscriptions will be cancelled and all pending updates will be discarded.


An existing instance of http-api's Urbit class can be reset with its reset function. This function takes no arguments, and can be called like api.reset() (replacing api with whatever you've named the Urbit object you previously instantiated). When called, the channel will be closed and all subscriptions cancelled. Additionally, all outstanding outbound pokes will be discarded and a fresh channel ID will be generated.

Further reading


Here are some examples which make use of @urbit/http-api that might be useful as a reference: