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+++ title = "Sail (HTML)" description = "Learn the basics of Sail" weight = 95 +++

Sail is a domain-specific language for composing HTML (and XML) structures in Hoon. Like everything else in Hoon, a Sail document is a noun, just one produced by a specialized markup language within Hoon.

Front-ends for Urbit apps are often created and uploaded separately to the rest of the code in the desk. Sail provides an alternative approach, where front-ends can be composed directly inside agents.

This document will walk through the basics of Sail and its syntax.

Basic example

Its easy to see how Sail can directly translate to HTML:

{% table %}

  • Sail
  • HTML

  • ;html
        ;title = My page
        ;meta(charset "utf-8");
        ;h1: Welcome!
          ; Hello, world!
          ; Welcome to my page.
          ; Here is an image:
  •   <html>
          <title>My page</title>
          <meta charset="utf-8" />
          <p>Hello, world! Welcome to my
            page. Here is an image:
            <br />
            <img src="/foo.png" />

{% /table %}

Tags and Closing

In Sail, tag heads are written with the tag name prepended by ;. Unlike in HTML, there are different ways of closing tags, depending on the needs of the tag. One of the nice things about Hoon is that you dont have to constantly close expressions; Sail inherits this convenience.


Empty tags are closed with a ; following the tag. For example, ;div; will be rendered as <div></div>. Non-container tags ;br; and ;img@"some-url"; in particular will be rendered as a single tag like <br /> and <img src="some-url" />.


Filled tags are closed via line-break. To fill text inside, add : after the tag name, then insert your plain text following a space. Example:

;h1: The title <h1>The title</h1>


To nest tags, simply create a new line. Nested tags need to be closed with ==, because they expect a list of sub-tags.

If we nest lines of plain text with no tag, the text will be wrapped in a <p> tag. Additionally, any text with atom auras or ++arm:syntax in such plain text lines will be wrapped in <code> tags.


{% table %}

  • Sail
  • HTML

  • ;body
      ;h1: Blog title
      This is some good content.
  •   <body>
      <h1>Blog title</h1>
      <p>This is some good content.</p>

{% /table %}

If we want to write a string with no tag at all, then we can prepend those untagged lines with ; and then a space:

{% table %}

  • Sail
  • HTML

  • ;body
      ;h1: Welcome!
      ; Hello, world!
      ; Were on the web.
  •   <body>
        Hello, world!
        Were on the web.

{% /table %}


Adding attributes is simple: just add the desired attribute between parentheses, right after the tag name without a space. We separate different attributes of the same node by using ,.

Attributes can also be specified in tall form, with each key prefixed by =, followed by two spaces, and then a tape with its value. These two styles are shown below.


{% table %}

  • Form
  • Example

  • Wide
  • ;div(title "a tooltip", style "color:red")
      ;h1: Foo
      foo bar baz

  • Tall
  • ;div
      =title  "a tooltip"
      =style  "color:red"
      ;h1: Foo
      foo bar baz

  • HTML
  •   <div title="a tooltip" style="color:red">
        <p>foo bar baz </p>

{% /table %}


Add # after tag name to add an ID:

;nav#header: Menu <nav id="header">Menu</nav>


Add . after tag name to add a class:

;h1.text-blue: Title <h1 class="text-blue">Title</h1>

For class values containing spaces, you can add additional .s like so:

;; <div class="foo bar baz"></div>

Otherwise, if your class value does not conform to the allowed @tas characters, you must use the generic attribute syntax:

;div(class "!!! !!!"); <div class="!!! !!!"></div>


Add @ after the tag name to link your source:

;img@"example.png"; <img src="example.png"/>

To add attributes to the image, like size specifications, add the desired attribute after the " of the image name and before the final ; of the img tag like ;img@"example.png"(width "100%");.

Add / after tag name to start an href.

{% table %}

  • Sail
  • HTML

  • ;a/"": A link to
  •   <a href="">A link to</a>

{% /table %}


The textual content of tags, despite not being enclosed in double-quotes, are actually tapes. This means they support interpolated Hoon expressions in the usual manner. For example:

{% table %}

  • Sail
  • HTML

  • =|  =time
    ;p: foo {<time>} bar
  •   <p>foo ~2000.1.1 baz</p>

{% /table %}


{% table .w-full %}

  • Sail

  •   =/  txt=tape  " bananas"
        ;b: {(a-co:co (mul 42 789))}
        ; {txt}
        {<our>} {<now>} {<`@ux`(end 6 eny)>}

{% /table %}

{% table .w-full %}

  • HTML

  •   <article>
        <b>33138</b> bananas
        <p>~zod ~2022.2.21..09.54.21..5b63 0x9827.99c7.06f4.8ef9</p>

{% /table %}

A note on CSS

The CSS for a page is usually quite large. The typical approach is to include a separate arm in your agent (++style or the like) and write out the CSS in a fenced cord block. You can then call ++trip on it and include it in a style tag. For example:

++  style
  %-  trip
  main {
    width: 100%;
    color: red;
  header {
    color: blue;
    font-family: monospace;

And then your style tag might look like:

;style: {style}

A cord is used rather than a tape so you don't need to escape braces. The ketsig (^~) rune means ++trip will be run at compile time rather than call time.

Types and marks

So far we've shown rendered HTML for demonstrative purposes, but Sail syntax doesn't directly produce HTML text. Instead, it produces a $manx. This is a Hoon type used to represent an XML hierarchical structure with a single root node. There are six XML-related types defined in the standard library:

+$  mane  $@(@tas [@tas @tas])                    ::  XML name+space
+$  manx  $~([[%$ ~] ~] [g=marx c=marl])          ::  dynamic XML node
+$  marl  (list manx)                             ::  XML node list
+$  mars  [t=[n=%$ a=[i=[n=%$ v=tape] t=~]] c=~]  ::  XML cdata
+$  mart  (list [n=mane v=tape])                  ::  XML attributes
+$  marx  $~([%$ ~] [n=mane a=mart])              ::  dynamic XML tag

More information about these can be found in section 5e of the standard library reference.

You don't need to understand these types in order to write Sail. The main thing to note is that a $manx is a node (a single tag) and its contents is a $marl, which is just a (list manx).


A $manx can be rendered as HTML in a tape with the ++en-xml:html function in zuse.hoon. For example:

> ;p: foobar
[[%p ~] [[%$ [%$ "foobar"] ~] ~] ~]

> =x ;p: foobar

> (en-xml:html x)

> (crip (en-xml:html x))


The ++en-xml:html function will sanitize the contents of both attributes and elements, converting characters such as > to HTML entities. For example:

> =z ;p(class "\"><script src=\""): <h1>FOO</h1>

> (crip (en-xml:html z))
'<p class="&quot;&gt;<script src=&quot;"><h1&gt;FOO</h1&gt;</p>'


There are a few different HTML and XML related marks, so it can be a bit confusing. We'll look at the ones you're most likely to use.


  • Type: @t

This mark is used for HTML that has been printed as text in a cord. You may wish to return this mark when serving pages to the web. To do so, you must run the $manx produced by your Sail expressions through ++en-xml:html, and then run the resulting tape through ++crip.


  • Type: $manx

The %hymn mark is intended to be used for complete HTML documents - having an <html> root element, <head>, <body>, etc. This isn't enforced on the type level but it is assumed in certain mark conversion pathways. Eyre can automatically convert a %hymn to printed %html if it was requested through Eyre's scry interface.


  • Type: $manx

The type of the %elem mark is a $manx, just like a %hymn. While %hymns are intended for complete HTML documents, %elems are intended for more general XML structures. You may wish to use an %elem mark if you're producing smaller fragments of XML or HTML rather than whole documents. Like a %hymn, Eyre can automatically convert it to %html if requested through its scry interface.


In general, if you're going to be composing web pages and serving them to web clients, running the result of your Sail through ++en-xml:html, ++cripping it and producing %html is the most straight-forward approach. If you might want to pass around a $manx to other agents or ships which may wish to manipulate it futher, a %hymn or %elem is better.

Sail Runes

In addition to the syntax so far described, there are also a few Sail-specific runes:

;+ Miclus

The miclus rune makes a $marl from a complex hoon expression that produces a single $manx. Its main use is nesting tall-form hoon logic in another Sail element. For example:

  ;b: {(a-co:co number)}
  ; is an
  ;+  ?:  =(0 (mod number 2))
        ;b: even
      ;b: odd
  ; number.

Produces one of these depending on the value of number:

<p><b>2 </b>is an <b>even </b>number.</p>
<p><b>12345 </b>is an <b>odd </b>number.</p>

;* Mictar

The mictar rune makes a $marl (a list of XML nodes) from a complex hoon expression. This rune lets you add many elements inside another Sail element. For example:

{% table %}

  • Sail
  • HTML

  • =/  nums=(list @ud)  (gulf 1 9)
      ;*  %+  turn  nums
          |=  n=@ud
          ?:  =(0 (mod n 2))
            ;sup: {(a-co:co n)}
          ;sub: {(a-co:co n)}
  •   <p>

{% /table %}

;= Mictis

The mictis rune makes a $marl (a list of XML nodes) from a series of $manxes. This is mostly useful if you want to make the list outside of an element and then be able to insert it afterwards. For example:

{% table %}

  • Sail
  • HTML

  • =/  paras=marl
      ;=  ;p: First node.
          ;p: Second node.
          ;p: Third node.
      ;*  paras
  •   <main>
        <p>First node.</p>
        <p>Second node.</p>
        <p>Third node.</p>

{% /table %}

;/ Micfas

The micfas rune turns an ordinary tape into a $manx. For example:

> %-  en-xml:html  ;/  "foobar"

In order to nest it inside another Sail element, it must be preceeded with a ;+ rune or similar, it cannot be used directly. For example:

  ;+  ;/  ?:  =(0 (mod eny 2))

Good examples

Here's a couple of agents that make use of Sail, which you can use as a reference: