2018-11-22 08:10:30 -08:00

31 lines
1.6 KiB

# utterances 🔮
A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages and more!
* [Open source](https://github.com/utterance). 🙌
* No tracking, no ads, always free. 📡🚫
* No lock-in. All data stored in GitHub issues. 🔓
* Styled with [Primer](http://primer.style), the css toolkit that powers GitHub. 💅
* Dark theme. 🌘
* Lightweight. Vanilla TypeScript. No font downloads, JavaScript frameworks or polyfills for evergreen browsers. 🐦🌲
## how it works
When Utterances loads, the GitHub [issue search API](https://developer.github.com/v3/search/#search-issues) is used to find the issue associated with the page based on `url`, `pathname` or `title`. If we cannot find an issue that matches the page, no problem, [utterances-bot](https://github.com/utterances-bot) will automatically create an issue the first time someone comments.
To comment, users must authorize the utterances app to post on their behalf using the GitHub [OAuth flow](https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/#web-application-flow). Alternatively, users can comment on the GitHub issue directly.
## configuration
## sites using utterances
* Haxe [documentation](https://haxe.org/manual) and [cookbook](https://code.haxe.org/)
* [danyow.net](https://www.danyow.net)
* [Den by Default](https://dennisdel.com)
* [os.phil-opp.com](https://os.phil-opp.com/second-edition)
* **[and many more...](https://github.com/utterance/utterances/blob/master/SITES.md#sites-using-utterances)**
Are you using utterances? [Add your site](https://github.com/utterance/utterances/edit/master/SITES.md) to the list!
# try it out 👇👇👇