mirror of https://github.com/wader/fq.git synced 2024-12-29 00:22:38 +03:00
Mattias Wadman f4480c6fe5 decode,interp: Support for format specific options
interp: Refactor format help and also include options
interp: Add -o name=@path to load file content as value (not documented yet, might change)
interp,decode: Expose decode out value as _out (might change)
interp: Refactor foramts.jq into format_{decode,func,include}.jq
interp: Refactor torepr into _format_func for generic format function overloading
interp: Refactor -o options parsing to be more generic and collect unknowns options to be used as format options
decode of decode alises
func for format overloaded functions
include for format specific jq functions (also _help, torepr etc)
flac_frame: Add bits_per_sample option
mp3: Add max_unique_header_config and max_sync_seek options
mp4: Add decode_samples and allow_truncate options
avc_au: Has length_size option
hevc_au: Has length_size option
aac_frame: Has object_typee option
doc: Rewrite format doc generation, less hack more jq
2022-05-01 17:08:30 +02:00

341 lines
8.4 KiB

include "internal";
include "options";
include "binary";
def _display_default_opts:
options({depth: 1});
def display($opts):
( options($opts) as $opts
| if _can_display then _display($opts)
( if type == "string" and $opts.raw_string then print
else _print_color_json($opts)
, ( $opts.join_string
| if . then print else empty end
| error("unreachable")
def display: display({});
def hexdump($opts): _hexdump(options({display_bytes: 0} + $opts));
def hexdump: hexdump({display_bytes: 0});
def hd($opts): hexdump($opts);
def hd: hexdump;
def intdiv(a; b): _intdiv(a; b);
def trim: capture("^\\s*(?<str>.*?)\\s*$"; "").str;
# does +1 and [:1] as " "*0 is null
def rpad($s; $w): . + ($s * ($w+1-length))[1:];
# like group but groups streaks based on condition
def streaks_by(f):
( . as $a
| length as $l
| if $l == 0 then []
( [ foreach $a[] as $v (
{cf: ($a[0] | f), index: 0, start: 0, extract: null};
( ($v | f) as $vf
| (.index == 0 or (.cf == $vf)) as $equal
| if $equal then
( .extract = null
( .cf = $vf
| .extract = [.start, .index]
| .start = .index
| .index += 1
( if .extract then .extract else empty end
, if .index == $l then [.start, .index] else empty end
| map($a[.[0]:.[1]])
# [1, 2, 2, 3] => [[1], [2, 2], [3]]
def streaks: streaks_by(.);
# same as group_by but counts, array or pairs with [value, count]
def count_by(exp):
group_by(exp) | map([(.[0] | exp), length]);
def count: count_by(.);
# array of result of applying f on all consecutive pairs
def delta_by(f):
( . as $a
| if length < 1 then []
[ range(length-1) as $i
| {a: $a[$i], b: $a[$i+1]}
| f
# array of minus between all consecutive pairs
def delta: delta_by(.b - .a);
# split array or string into even chunks, except maybe the last
def chunk($size):
if length == 0 then []
[ ( range(
( (length / $size)
| ceil
| if . == 0 then 1 end
) as $i
| .[$i * $size:($i + 1) * $size]
# [{a: 123, ...}, ...]
# colmap maps something into [col, ...]
# render maps [{column: 0, string: "coltext", maxwidth: 12}, ..] into a row
def table(colmap; render):
def _column_widths:
[ . as $rs
| range($rs[0] | length) as $i
| [$rs[] | colmap | (.[$i] | length)]
| max
if length == 0 then ""
( _column_widths as $cw
| . as $rs
| ( $rs[]
| . as $r
| [ range($r | length) as $i
| ($r | colmap | {column: $i, string: .[$i], maxwidth: $cw[$i]})
| render
def fromradix($base; $table):
( if type != "string" then error("cannot fromradix convert: \(.)") end
| split("")
| reverse
| map($table[.])
| if . == null then error("invalid char \(.)") end
# state: [power, ans]
| reduce .[] as $c ([1,0];
( (.[0] * $base) as $b
| [$b, .[1] + (.[0] * $c)]
| .[1]
def fromradix($base):
fromradix($base; {
"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3,"4": 4, "5": 5, "6": 6, "7": 7, "8": 8, "9": 9,
"a": 10, "b": 11, "c": 12, "d": 13, "e": 14, "f": 15, "g": 16,
"h": 17, "i": 18, "j": 19, "k": 20, "l": 21, "m": 22, "n": 23,
"o": 24, "p": 25, "q": 26, "r": 27, "s": 28, "t": 29, "u": 30,
"v": 31, "w": 32, "x": 33, "y": 34, "z": 35,
"A": 36, "B": 37, "C": 38, "D": 39, "E": 40, "F": 41, "G": 42,
"H": 43, "I": 44, "J": 45, "K": 46, "L": 47, "M": 48, "N": 49,
"O": 50, "P": 51, "Q": 52, "R": 53, "S": 54, "T": 55, "U": 56,
"V": 57, "W": 58, "X": 59, "Y": 60, "Z": 61,
"@": 62, "_": 63,
def toradix($base; $table):
( if type != "number" then error("cannot toradix convert: \(.)") end
| if . == 0 then "0"
( [ recurse(if . > 0 then intdiv(.; $base) else empty end) | . % $base]
| reverse
| .[1:]
| if $base <= ($table | length) then
map($table[.]) | join("")
error("base too large")
def toradix($base):
toradix($base; "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@_");
# TODO: rename keys and add more, ascii/utf8/utf16/codepoint name?, le/be, signed/unsigned?
def iprint:
bin: "0b\(toradix(2))",
oct: "0o\(toradix(8))",
dec: "\(.)",
hex: "0x\(toradix(16))",
str: (try ([.] | implode) catch null),
# produce a/b pairs for diffing values
def diff($a; $b):
( ( $a | type) as $at
| ( $b | type) as $bt
| if $at != $bt then {a: $a, b: $b}
elif ($at == "array" or $at == "object") then
( [ ((($a | keys) + ($b | keys)) | unique)[] as $k
| {
($k | tostring):
( [($a | has($k)), ($b | has($k))]
| if . == [true, true] then diff($a[$k]; $b[$k])
elif . == [true, false] then {a: $a[$k]}
elif . == [false, true] then {b: $b[$k]}
else empty # TODO: can't happen? error?
| add
| if . == null then empty end
if $a == $b then empty else {a: $a, b: $b} end
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy-Enhanced_Mail
# TODO: add test
def frompem:
( tobytes
| tostring
| capture("-----BEGIN(.*?)-----(?<s>.*?)-----END(.*?)-----"; "mg").s
| base64
) // error("no pem header or footer found");
def topem($label):
( tobytes
| base64
| ($label | if $label != "" then " " + $label end) as $label
| [ "-----BEGIN\($label)-----"
, .
, "-----END\($label)-----"
, ""
| join("\n")
def topem: topem("");
def paste:
if _is_completing | not then
( [ _repeat_break(
try _stdin(64*1024)
catch if . == "eof" then error("break") end
| join("")
def tojq($style):
def _is_ident: test("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$");
def _key: if _is_ident | not then tojson end;
def _f($style):
def _r($indent):
( type as $t
| if $t == "null" then tojson
elif $t == "string" then tojson
elif $t == "number" then tojson
elif $t == "boolean" then tojson
elif $t == "array" then
[ "[", $style.compound_newline
, ( [ .[]
| $indent, $style.indent
, _r($indent+$style.indent), $style.array_sep
| .[0:-1]
, $style.compound_newline
, $indent, "]"
elif $t == "object" then
[ "{", $style.compound_newline
, ( [ to_entries[]
| $indent, $style.indent
, (.key | _key), $style.key_sep
, (.value | _r($indent+$style.indent)), $style.value_sep
| .[0:-1]
, $style.compound_newline
, $indent, "}"
else error("unknown type \($t)")
( {
compact: {
indent: "",
key_sep: ":",
value_sep: ",",
array_sep: ",",
compound_newline: "",
fancy_compact: {
indent: "",
key_sep: ": ",
value_sep: ", ",
array_sep: ", ",
compound_newline: "",
verbose: {
indent: " ",
key_sep: ": ",
value_sep: ",\n",
array_sep: ",\n",
compound_newline: "\n",
} as $styles
| _f(
( $style // "compact"
| if type == "string" then $styles[.]
elif type == "object" then .
else error("invalid style")
| flatten
| join("")
def tojq: tojq(null);
# very simple markdown to text converter
# assumes very basic markdown as input
def _markdown_to_text:
( .
# ```
# code
# ```
# -> code
| gsub("\\n```\\n"; "\n"; "m")
# #, ##, ###, ... -> #
| gsub("(?<line>\\n)?#+(?<title>.*)\\n"; "\(.line // "")#\(.title)\n"; "m")
# [title](url) -> title (url)
| gsub("\\[(?<title>.*)\\]\\((?<url>.*)\\)"; "\(.title) (\(.url))")
# `code` -> code
| gsub("`(?<code>.*)`"; .code)
def expr_to_path: _expr_to_path;
def path_to_expr: _path_to_expr;
def torepr:
( format as $f
| if $f == null then error("value is not a format root") end
| _format_func($f; "torepr")