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synced 2024-12-17 22:21:33 +03:00
[Analyzer] Instead of directly embedding Declarations into AST, now they are referenced via Ref (#343)
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module AST
( App (..),
AuthMethod (..),
Page (..),
import AST.Core.Ref (Ref)
-- TODO: Make AST full-featured, so it supports latest version of waps-lang.
-- TODO: Split into multiple files (one for App, one for Page, ...).
-- TODO: I should probably move Decl out of Analyzer and make it part of the AST here,
-- since currently AST has no "top structure", right now it is just a bunch of nodes,
-- and Decl is what wraps it all together, which really makes it a part of AST, not Analyzer.
-- Also, in order for Ref to make sense, we need Decl since it contains names, so that
-- again suggests that we need to make Decl part of AST.
data App = App
{ title :: String,
authMethod :: AuthMethod,
defaultPage :: Ref Page
deriving (Show, Eq)
data AuthMethod = EmailAndPassword deriving (Show, Eq)
data Page = Page
{ content :: String
deriving (Show, Eq)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module AST.Core.Ref
( Ref (..),
import Data.Data (Data)
-- | Reference to a part of the AST, by its name.
-- e.g. `Ref "HomePage" :: Ref Page` is a reference to a page that is declared under the name "HomePage".
newtype Ref a = Ref {name :: String} deriving (Show, Eq, Data)
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ module Analyzer
-- * API
AnalyzeError (..),
@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
evaluate :: TD.TypeDefinitions -> AST.TypedAST -> Either EvaluationError [Decl]
evaluate typeDefs (AST.TypedAST stmts) = runExcept $ flip runReaderT typeDefs $ evalStateT (evalStmts stmts) H.empty
-- TODO: Currently, trying to reference declarations declared after the current one
-- fails. There are some solutions mentioned in docs/wasplang that should be
-- investigated.
evalStmts :: [AST.TypedStmt] -> Eval [Decl]
evalStmts = traverse evalStmt
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Analyzer.Evaluator.Evaluation.TypedExpr.Combinators
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module Analyzer.Evaluator.Evaluation.TypedExpr.Combinators
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Decl.Operations (fromDecl)
import AST.Core.Ref (Ref)
import qualified AST.Core.Ref as Ref
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Evaluation.Internal (evaluation, evaluation', runEvaluation)
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Evaluation.TypedExpr (TypedExprEvaluation)
import qualified Analyzer.Evaluator.EvaluationError as EvaluationError
@ -25,7 +26,6 @@ import qualified Analyzer.Type as T
import qualified Analyzer.TypeChecker.AST as TypedAST
import qualified Analyzer.TypeDefinitions as TD
import Control.Arrow (left)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
-- | An evaluation that expects a "StringLiteral".
string :: TypedExprEvaluation String
@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ bool = evaluation' $ \case
expr -> Left $ EvaluationError.ExpectedType T.BoolType (TypedAST.exprType expr)
-- | An evaluation that expects a "Var" bound to a "Decl" of type "a".
decl :: forall a. TD.IsDeclType a => TypedExprEvaluation a
decl = evaluation $ \(_, bindings) -> \case
TypedAST.Var var typ -> case H.lookup var bindings of
Nothing -> Left $ EvaluationError.UndefinedVariable var
Just dcl -> case fromDecl @a dcl of
Nothing ->
declRef :: forall a. TD.IsDeclType a => TypedExprEvaluation (Ref a)
declRef = evaluation' $ \case
TypedAST.Var varName varType ->
case varType of
T.DeclType declTypeName | declTypeName == expectedDeclTypeName -> pure $ Ref.Ref varName
_ ->
Left $
(EvaluationError.ForVariable var)
(EvaluationError.ExpectedType (T.DeclType declTypeName) typ)
Just (_dclName, dclValue) -> Right dclValue
expr -> Left $ EvaluationError.ExpectedType (T.DeclType declTypeName) (TypedAST.exprType expr)
(EvaluationError.ForVariable varName)
(EvaluationError.ExpectedType expectedType varType)
expr -> Left $ EvaluationError.ExpectedType expectedType (TypedAST.exprType expr)
declTypeName = TD.dtName $ TD.declType @a
expectedDeclTypeName = TD.dtName $ TD.declType @a
expectedType = T.DeclType expectedDeclTypeName
-- | An evaluation that expects a "Var" bound to an "EnumType" for "a".
enum :: forall a. TD.IsEnumType a => TypedExprEvaluation a
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Analyzer.Evaluator.TH.Decl
import AST.Core.Ref (Ref)
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Decl.Operations (makeDecl)
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Evaluation
import Analyzer.Evaluator.TH.Common
@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ genWaspTypeFromHaskellType typ =
KImport -> [|T.ExtImportType|]
KJSON -> [|T.QuoterType "json"|]
KPSL -> [|T.QuoterType "psl"|]
KDecl -> [|T.DeclType $ dtName $ declType @ $(pure typ)|]
KDeclRef t -> [|T.DeclType $ dtName $ declType @ $(pure t)|]
KEnum -> [|T.EnumType $ etName $ enumType @ $(pure typ)|]
KOptional _ -> fail "Maybe is only allowed in record fields"
@ -201,12 +202,46 @@ genEvaluationExprForHaskellType typ =
KImport -> [|extImport|]
KJSON -> [|json|]
KPSL -> [|psl|]
KDecl -> [|decl @ $(pure typ)|]
KDeclRef t -> [|declRef @ $(pure t)|]
KEnum -> [|enum @ $(pure typ)|]
KOptional _ -> fail "Maybe is only allowed in record fields"
-- | An intermediate mapping between Haskell types and Wasp types, used for
-- generating @Types@, @Evaluation@, @DictEntryTypes@, and @DictEvaluation@.
-- | Find the "WaspKind" of a Haskell type.
waspKindOfType :: Type -> Q WaspKind
waspKindOfType typ = do
maybeDeclRefKind <- tryCastingToDeclRefKind typ
maybeEnumKind <- tryCastingToEnumKind typ
case maybeDeclRefKind of
Just declRefKind -> pure declRefKind
Nothing -> case maybeEnumKind of
Just enumKind -> pure enumKind
Nothing -> case typ of
ConT name
| name == ''String -> pure KString
| name == ''Integer -> pure KInteger
| name == ''Double -> pure KDouble
| name == ''Bool -> pure KBool
| name == ''E.ExtImport -> pure KImport
| name == ''E.JSON -> pure KJSON
| name == ''E.PSL -> pure KPSL
ListT `AppT` elemType -> pure (KList elemType)
ConT name `AppT` elemType | name == ''Maybe -> pure (KOptional elemType)
_ -> fail $ "No translation to wasp type for type " ++ show typ
tryCastingToDeclRefKind :: Type -> Q (Maybe WaspKind)
tryCastingToDeclRefKind (ConT name `AppT` subType) | name == ''Ref = do
isDeclTypeRef <- isInstance ''IsDeclType [subType]
return $ if isDeclTypeRef then Just (KDeclRef subType) else Nothing
tryCastingToDeclRefKind _ = return Nothing
tryCastingToEnumKind :: Type -> Q (Maybe WaspKind)
tryCastingToEnumKind t = do
isEnumType <- isInstance ''IsEnumType [t]
return $ if isEnumType then Just KEnum else Nothing
-- | An intermediate mapping between Haskell types and Wasp types, we use it internally
-- in this module when generating @Types@, @Evaluation@, @DictEntryTypes@, and @DictEvaluation@
-- so that we have easier time when figuring out what we are dealing with.
data WaspKind
= KString
| KInteger
@ -216,32 +251,10 @@ data WaspKind
| KImport
| KDecl
| -- | Reference to a declaration type @Type@.
KDeclRef Type
| KEnum
| -- | Valid only in a record field, represents @DictOptional@/@Maybe@
KOptional Type
-- | Find the "WaspKind" of a Haskell type.
waspKindOfType :: Type -> Q WaspKind
waspKindOfType typ = do
typIsDecl <- isInstance ''IsDeclType [typ]
typIsEnum <- isInstance ''IsEnumType [typ]
if typIsDecl
then pure KDecl
if typIsEnum
then pure KEnum
else case typ of
ConT name
| name == ''String -> pure KString
| name == ''Integer -> pure KInteger
| name == ''Double -> pure KDouble
| name == ''Bool -> pure KBool
| name == ''E.ExtImport -> pure KImport
| name == ''E.JSON -> pure KJSON
| name == ''E.PSL -> pure KPSL
ListT `AppT` elemType -> pure (KList elemType)
ConT name `AppT` elemType | name == ''Maybe -> pure (KOptional elemType)
_ -> fail $ "No translation to wasp type for type " ++ show typ
@ -1,37 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Analyzer.StdTypeDefinitions
( AuthMethod (..),
App (..),
( stdTypes,
import qualified AST
import Analyzer.Evaluator.TH (makeDeclType, makeEnumType)
import qualified Analyzer.TypeDefinitions as TD
makeEnumType ''AST.AuthMethod
makeDeclType ''AST.Page
makeDeclType ''AST.App
-- | Collection of domain types that are standard for Wasp, that define what the Wasp language looks like.
-- These are injected this way instead of hardcoding them into the Analyzer in order to make it
-- easier to modify and maintain the Wasp compiler/language.
stdTypes :: TD.TypeDefinitions
stdTypes =
TD.addEnumType @AuthMethod $
TD.addDeclType @App $
TD.addEnumType @AST.AuthMethod $
TD.addDeclType @AST.Page $
TD.addDeclType @AST.App $
-- | TODO: Remove these types from here and instead use types from the Wasp module (Wasp AST).
-- For that we will need to make sure that those types are correctly shaped so that our
-- TH functions can automatically create appropriate instances for them.
--------- MOCK TYPES ----------
data AuthMethod = EmailAndPassword deriving (Show, Eq)
data App = App {title :: String, authMethod :: AuthMethod} deriving (Show, Eq)
makeEnumType ''AuthMethod
makeDeclType ''App
-------- / MOCK TYPES ---------
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
module Analyzer.EvaluatorTest where
import AST.Core.Ref (Ref (..))
import Analyzer.Evaluator
import Analyzer.Evaluator.TH
import Analyzer.Parser (ExtImportName (ExtImportField, ExtImportModule), parse)
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ data Special = Special {imps :: [ExtImport], json :: JSON, psl :: PSL} deriving
makeDeclType ''Special
data Business = Business
{ employees :: [Person],
{ employees :: [Ref Person],
worth :: Double,
businessType :: BusinessType,
location :: Maybe String
@ -83,10 +84,7 @@ spec_Evaluator = do
`shouldBe` Right
[ ( "Grocer",
{ employees =
[ Person "Tim Stocker" 40,
Person "John Cashier" 23
{ employees = [Ref "Tim", Ref "John"],
businessType = Store,
worth = 115.0,
location = Nothing
@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module AnalyzerTest where
import AST (App (..), AuthMethod (..), Page (..))
import AST.Core.Ref (Ref (..))
import Analyzer
import Analyzer.StdTypeDefinitions (App (..), AuthMethod (..))
import qualified Analyzer.TypeChecker as TC
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
spec_Analyzer :: Spec
@ -13,7 +18,51 @@ spec_Analyzer = do
[ "app Todo {",
" title: \"Todo App\",",
" authMethod: EmailAndPassword,",
" defaultPage: HomePage",
"page HomePage { content: \"Hello world\" }"
let decls = analyze source
let expectedApps = [("Todo", App {title = "Todo App", authMethod = EmailAndPassword, defaultPage = Ref "HomePage"})]
takeDecls @App <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedApps
let expectedPages = [("HomePage", Page {content = "Hello world"})]
takeDecls @Page <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedPages
it "Returns a type error if unexisting declaration is referenced" $ do
let source =
[ "page HomePage { content: \"Hello world\" }",
"app Todo {",
" title: \"Todo App\",",
" authMethod: EmailAndPassword,",
" defaultPage: NonExistentPage",
let expectedApps = [("Todo", App {title = "Todo App", authMethod = EmailAndPassword})]
takeDecls <$> analyze source `shouldBe` Right expectedApps
takeDecls @App <$> analyze source `shouldBe` Left (TypeError $ TC.UndefinedIdentifier "NonExistentPage")
it "Returns a type error if referenced declaration is of wrong type" $ do
let source =
[ "app Todo {",
" title: \"Todo App\",",
" authMethod: EmailAndPassword,",
" defaultPage: Todo",
takeDecls @App <$> analyze source `shouldSatisfy` isAnalyzerOutputTypeError
it "Works when referenced declaration is declared after the reference." $ do
let source =
[ "app Todo {",
" title: \"Todo App\",",
" authMethod: EmailAndPassword,",
" defaultPage: HomePage",
"page HomePage { content: \"Hello world\" }"
isRight (analyze source) `shouldBe` True
isAnalyzerOutputTypeError :: Either AnalyzeError a -> Bool
isAnalyzerOutputTypeError (Left (TypeError _)) = True
isAnalyzerOutputTypeError _ = False
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