
112 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Analyzer.EvaluatorTest where
import AST.Core.Ref (Ref (..))
import Analyzer.Evaluator
import Analyzer.Evaluator.TH
import Analyzer.Parser (ExtImportName (ExtImportField, ExtImportModule), parse)
import Analyzer.TypeChecker (typeCheck)
import qualified Analyzer.TypeDefinitions as TD
import Data.Data (Data)
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
fromRight :: Show a => Either a b -> b
fromRight (Right x) = x
fromRight (Left e) = error $ show e
newtype Simple = Simple String deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
makeDeclType ''Simple
data Fields = Fields {a :: String, b :: Maybe Double} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
makeDeclType ''Fields
data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Integer} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
makeDeclType ''Person
data BusinessType = Manufacturer | Seller | Store deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
makeEnumType ''BusinessType
data Special = Special {imps :: [ExtImport], json :: JSON, psl :: PSL} deriving (Eq, Show)
makeDeclType ''Special
data Business = Business
{ employees :: [Ref Person],
worth :: Double,
businessType :: BusinessType,
location :: Maybe String
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
makeDeclType ''Business
eval :: TD.TypeDefinitions -> [String] -> Either EvaluationError [Decl]
eval typeDefs source = evaluate typeDefs $ fromRight $ typeCheck typeDefs $ fromRight $ parse $ unlines source
spec_Evaluator :: Spec
spec_Evaluator = do
describe "Analyzer.Evaluator" $
describe "evaluate" $ do
it "Evaluates a simple declaration" $ do
let typeDefs = TD.addDeclType @Simple $ TD.empty
let decls = eval typeDefs ["simple Test \"hello wasp\""]
fmap takeDecls decls
`shouldBe` Right [("Test", Simple "hello wasp")]
it "Evaluates a declaration with a dictionary" $ do
let typeDefs = TD.addDeclType @Fields $ TD.empty
let decls = eval typeDefs ["fields Test { a: \"hello wasp\", b: 3.14 }"]
fmap takeDecls decls
`shouldBe` Right [("Test", Fields {a = "hello wasp", b = Just 3.14})]
it "Evaluates a declaration with missing optional fields" $ do
let typeDefs = TD.addDeclType @Fields $ TD.empty
let decls = eval typeDefs ["fields Test { a: \"hello wasp\" }"]
fmap takeDecls decls
`shouldBe` Right [("Test", Fields {a = "hello wasp", b = Nothing})]
it "Evaluates a complicated example" $ do
let typeDefs =
TD.addDeclType @Business $
TD.addEnumType @BusinessType $
TD.addDeclType @Person $ TD.empty
let source =
[ "person Tim { name: \"Tim Stocker\", age: 40 }",
"person John { name: \"John Cashier\", age: 23 }",
"business Grocer { employees: [Tim, John], businessType: Store, worth: 115 }"
fmap takeDecls (eval typeDefs source)
`shouldBe` Right
[ ( "Grocer",
{ employees = [Ref "Tim", Ref "John"],
businessType = Store,
worth = 115.0,
location = Nothing
it "Evaluates ExtImports, JSON, and PSL" $ do
let typeDefs = TD.addDeclType @Special $ TD.empty
let source =
[ "special Test {",
" imps: [import { field } from \"main.js\", import main from \"main.js\"],",
" json: {=json \"key\": 1 json=},",
" psl: {=psl ID Int psl=}",
fmap takeDecls (eval typeDefs source)
`shouldBe` Right
[ ( "Test",
[ExtImport (ExtImportField "field") "main.js", ExtImport (ExtImportModule "main") "main.js"]
(JSON " \"key\": 1 ")
(PSL " ID Int ")