2023-05-03 12:57:17 +02:00

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CLI Reference

This document describes the Wasp CLI commands, arguments, and options.


The wasp command can be called from command line once installed. When called without arguments, it will display its command usage and help document:

  wasp <command> [command-args]

    new [<name>] [args]   Creates a new Wasp project. Run it without arguments for interactive mode.
        -t|--template <template-name>
           Check out the templates list here: https://github.com/wasp-lang/starters

    version               Prints current version of CLI.
    waspls                Run Wasp Language Server. Add --help to get more info.
    completion            Prints help on bash completion.
    uninstall             Removes Wasp from your system.
    start                 Runs Wasp app in development mode, watching for file changes.
    start db              Starts managed development database for you.
    db <db-cmd> [args]    Executes a database command. Run 'wasp db' for more info.
    clean                 Deletes all generated code and other cached artifacts.
                          Wasp equivalent of 'have you tried closing and opening it again?'.
    build                 Generates full web app code, ready for deployment. Use when deploying or ejecting.
    deploy                Deploys your Wasp app to cloud hosting providers.
    telemetry             Prints telemetry status.
    deps                  Prints the dependencies that Wasp uses in your project.
    dockerfile            Prints the contents of the Wasp generated Dockerfile.
    info                  Prints basic information about current Wasp project.
    test                  Executes tests in your project.

  wasp new MyApp
  wasp start
  wasp db migrate-dev

Docs: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs
Discord (chat): https://discord.gg/rzdnErX
Newsletter: https://wasp-lang.dev/#signup


Creating a new project

  • wasp new runs the interactive mode for creating a new Wasp project. It will ask you for the project name, and then for the template to use. It will use the template to generate the directory with the provided project-name.

    $ wasp new
     Enter the project name (e.g. my-project) ▸ MyFirstProject
     Choose a starter template
     [1] basic (default)
     [2] saas
     [3] todo-ts
     ▸ 1
     🐝 --- Creating your project from the basic template... ---------------------------
     Created new Wasp app in ./MyFirstProject directory!
     To run it, do:
         cd MyFirstProject
         wasp start
  • wasp new <project-name> creates new Wasp project from the default template skipping the interactive mode.

    $ wasp new MyFirstProject
     🐝 --- Creating your project from the basic template... ---------------------------
     Created new Wasp app in ./MyFirstProject directory!
     To run it, do:
         cd MyFirstProject
         wasp start

In project

  • wasp start runs Wasp app in development mode. It opens a browser tab with your application running, and watches for any changes to .wasp or files in src/ to automatically reflect in the browser. It also shows messages from the web app, the server and the database on stdout/stderr.

  • wasp start db starts the database for you. This can be very handy, since you don't need to spin up your own database or provide its connection URL to the Wasp app!

  • wasp clean deletes all generated code and other cached artifacts. If using SQlite, it also deletes the SQlite database. It is the Wasp equivalent to "try shutting it down and turning back on".

    $ wasp clean
    Deleting .wasp/ directory...
    Deleted .wasp/ directory.
  • wasp build generates full web app code, ready for deployment. Use when deploying or ejecting. Generated code goes in the .wasp/build folder.

  • wasp deploy makes it easy to get your app hosted on the web. Currently, Wasp offers support for Fly.io. Want another hosting provider? Let us know in Discord or make a PR by updating this TypeScript app!

  • wasp telemetry prints telemetry status.

    $ wasp telemetry
    Telemetry is currently: ENABLED
    Telemetry cache directory: /home/user/.cache/wasp/telemetry/
    Last time telemetry data was sent for this project: 2021-05-27 09:21:16.79537226 UTC
    Our telemetry is anonymized and very limited in its scope: check https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/telemetry for more details.
  • wasp deps prints the dependencies that Wasp uses in your project.

  • wasp info prints basic information about current Wasp project.


Wasp has a set of commands for working with the database. They all start with db and mostly call prisma commands in the background.

  • wasp db migrate-dev ensures dev database corresponds to the current state of schema (entities): it generates a new migration if there are changes in the schema and it applies any pending migration to the database.

    • Supports a --name foo option for providing a migration name, as well as --create-only for creating an empty migration but not applying it.
  • wasp db studio opens the GUI for inspecting your database.

Bash Completion

To setup Bash completion, execute wasp completion and follow the instructions.


  • wasp version prints current version of CLI.

    $ wasp version
  • wasp uninstall removes Wasp from your system.

    $ wasp uninstall
    🐝 --- Uninstalling Wasp ... ------------------------------------------------------
     We will remove the following directories:
     We will also remove the following files:
     Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]
     ✅ --- Uninstalled Wasp -----------------------------------------------------------