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Welcome to the Waspleau example! This is a small Wasp project that will allow you to setup an easy Dashboard that pulls in data via Jobs and stores them in the database.
The deployed version of this example can be found at https://waspleau.netlify.app/
Step 1
Clone this repo
Step 2
Update ext/workers with whatever you want to track, add them to main.wasp as a job
, and optionally import and use them in serverSetup.js
(or other server-side code).
Step 3 (with PostgreSQL running)
NODE_ENV=development DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost/waspleau-dev" wasp db migrate-dev
Step 4
NODE_ENV=development DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost/waspleau-dev" wasp start
This will start your background workers as Wasp Jobs and present a dashboard UI that will auto-refresh every minute.
Note: As you develop your own workers, keep in mind each time you save a file in the project it will automatically reload everything, including restarting your server, which may re-submit or terminate running job
Heroku Deployment Note
If you wish to deploy this on Heroku, pg-boss will fail to initialize as for some reason the pg
client does not attempt to connect over SSL by default. This results in an error like:
pg-boss failed to start!
2022-05-18T19:07:37.464126+00:00 app[web.1]: error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "***", user "***", database "***", SSL off
Ref: https://help.heroku.com/DR0TTWWD/seeing-fatal-no-pg_hba-conf-entry-errors-in-postgres
Even if you force SSL, it will still fail as Heroku uses a self-signed certificate. The solution is to set a PG_BOSS_NEW_OPTIONS
environment variable to something like this:
Ref: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/connecting-heroku-postgres#connecting-in-node-js