2023-04-05 11:33:52 +02:00

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TypeScript Support

Using Wasp with TypeScript

TypeScript is a programming language that brings static type analysis to JavaScript. It is a superset of JavaScript (i.e., all valid JavaScript programs are valid TypeScript programs) and compiles to JavaScript before running. TypeScript's type system detects common errors at build time (reducing the chance of runtime errors in production) and enables type-based auto-completion in IDEs.

This document assumes you are familiar with TypeScript and primarily focuses on how to use it with Wasp. To learn more about TypeScript itself, we recommend reading the official docs.

The document also assumes a basic understanding of core Wasp features (e.g., Queries, Actions, Entities). You can read more about these features in our feature docs.

Besides allowing you to write your code in TypeScript, Wasp also supports:

  • Importing and using Wasp Entity types (on both the server and the client).
  • Automatically generated types for Queries and Actions.
  • Type-safe generic hooks (useQuery and useAction) with the accompanying type inference.
  • Type-safe optimistic update definitions.

We'll dig into the details of each feature in the following sections. But first, let's see how you can introduce TypeScript to an existing Wasp project.

:::info To get the best IDE experience, make sure to leave wasp start running in the background. Wasp will track the working directory and ensure the generated code/types are up to date with your changes.

Your editor may sometimes report type and import errors even while wasp start is running. This happens when the TypeScript Language Server gets out of sync with the current code. If you're using VS Code, you can manually restart the language server by opening the command palette and selecting "TypeScript: Restart TS Server." :::

Migrating your project to TypeScript

Wasp supports TypeScript out of the box!

Our scaffolding already includes TypeScript, so migrating your project to TypeScript is as simple as changing file extensions and using the language. This approach allows you to gradually migrate your project on a file-by-file basis.


Let's first assume your Wasp file contains the following definitions:

entity Task {=psl
    id          Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
    description String
    isDone      Boolean @default(false)

query getTaskInfo {
  fn: import { getTaskInfo } from "@server/queries.js",
  entities: [Task]

Let's now assume that your queries.js file looks something like this:

import HttpError from "@wasp/core/HttpError.js"

function getInfoMessage(task) {
  const isDoneText = task.isDone ? "is done" : "is not done"
  return `Task '${task.description}' is ${isDoneText}.`

export const getTaskInfo = async ({ id }, context) => {
  const Task = context.entities.Task
  const task = await Task.findUnique({ where: { id } })
  if (!task) {
    throw new HttpError(404)
  return getInfoMessage(task)

To migrate this file to TypeScript, all you have to do is:

  1. Change the filename from queries.js to queries.ts.
  2. Write some types.

Let's start by only providing a basic getInfoMessage function. We'll see how to properly type the rest of the file in the following sections.

import HttpError from "@wasp/core/HttpError.js"

// highlight-next-line
function getInfoMessage(task: { isDone: boolean, description: string }): string {
  const isDoneText = task.isDone ? "is done" : "is not done"
  return `Task '${task.description}' is ${isDoneText}.`

export const getTaskInfo = async ({ id }, context) => {
  const Task = context.entities.Task
  const task = await Task.findUnique({ where: { id } })
  if (!task) {
    throw new HttpError(404)
  return getInfoMessage(task)

You don't need to change anything inside the .wasp file. :::caution

Even when you use TypeScript, and your file is called queries.ts, you still need to import it using the .js extension:

query getTaskInfo {
  fn: import { getTaskInfo } from "@server/queries.js",
  entities: [Task]

Wasp internally uses esnext module resolution, which always requires specifying the extension as .js (i.e., the extension used in the emitted JS file). This applies to all @server imports (and files on the server in general). This quirk does not apply to client files (the transpiler takes care of it).

Read more about ES modules in TypeScript here. If you're interested in the discussion and the reasoning behind this, read about it in this GitHub issue. :::

Entity Types

Instead of manually specifying the types for isDone and description, we can get them from the Task entity type. Wasp will generate types for all entities and let you import them from "@wasp/entities":

import HttpError from "@wasp/core/HttpError.js"
// highlight-next-line
import { Task } from "@wasp/entities"

// highlight-next-line
function getInfoMessage(task: Pick<Task, "isDone" | "description">): string {
  const isDoneText = task.isDone ? "is done" : "is not done"
  return `Task '${task.description}' is ${isDoneText}.`

export const getTaskInfo = async ({ id }, context) => {
  const Task = context.entities.Task
  const task = await Task.findUnique({ where: { id } })
  if (!task) {
    throw new HttpError(404)
  return getInfoMessage(task)

By doing this, we've connected the argument type of the getInfoMessage function with the Task entity. This coupling removes duplication and ensures the function keeps the correct signature even if we change the entity. Of course, the function might throw type errors depending on how we change the entity, but that's precisely what we want!

Don't worry about typing the query function for now. We'll see how to handle this in the next section.

Entity types are also available on the client under the same import:

import { Task } from "@wasp/entities"

export function ExamplePage() {}
  const task: Task = {
    id: 123,
    description: "Some random task",
    isDone: false,
  return <div>{task.description}</div>;

The mentioned type safety mechanisms also apply here: Changing the task entity in our .wasp file changes the imported type, which might throw a type error and warn us that our task definition is outdated.

Backend type support for Queries and Actions

Wasp automatically generates the appropriate types for all operations (i.e., Actions and Queries) you define inside your .wasp file. Assuming your .wasp file contains the following definition:

// ...

query GetTaskInfo {
  fn: import { getTaskInfo } from "@server/queries.js",
  entities: [Task]

Wasp will generate a type called GetTaskInfo, which you can use to type the Query's implementation. By assigning the GetTaskInfo type to your function, you get the type information for its context. In this case, TypeScript will know the context.entities object must include the Task entity. If the Query had auth enabled, it would also know that context includes user information.

GetTaskInfo can is a generic type that takes two (optional) type arguments:

  1. Input - The argument (i.e., payload) received by the query function.
  2. Output - The query function's return type.

Suppose you don't care about typing the Query's inputs and outputs. In that case, you can omit both type arguments, and TypeScript will infer the most general types (i.e., never for the input, unknown for the output.).

import HttpError from "@wasp/core/HttpError.js"
import { Task } from "@wasp/entities"
// highlight-next-line
import { GetTaskInfo } from "@wasp/queries/types"

function getInfoMessage(task: Pick<Task, "isDone" | "description">): string {
  const isDoneText = task.isDone ? "is done" : "is not done"
  return `Task '${task.description}' is ${isDoneText}.`

// Use the type parameters to specify the Query's argument and return types.
// highlight-next-line
export const getTaskInfo: GetTaskInfo<Pick<Task, "id">, string> = async ({ id }, context) => {
  // Thanks to the definition in your .wasp file, the compiler knows the type of
  // `context` (and that it contains the `Task` entity).
  const Task = context.entities.Task

  // Thanks to the first type argument in `GetTaskInfo`, the compiler knows `args`
  // is of type `Pick<Task, "id">`.
  const task = await Task.findUnique({ where: { id } })
  if (!task) {
    throw new HttpError(404)

  // Thanks to the second type argument in `GetTaskInfo`, the compiler knows the
  // function must return a value of type `string`.
  return getInfoMessage(task)

Everything described above applies to Actions as well.

Frontend type support for Queries and Actions

Wasp will soon support automatic full-stack type safety à la tRPC. Until then, you can get static type checking by manually passing type arguments to useQuery and useAction hooks.

Type support for the useQuery hook

To add type support to Queries on the frontend, you can use:

  • Entity types imported from "@wasp/entities".
  • The generic hook useQuery<Input, Output, Error> (read more about this hook here):
    • Input - Use this type argument to specify the type for the request's payload.
    • Output - Use this type argument to specify the type for the resposne's payload.
    • Error - Use this type argument to specify the error the Query throws.

Here's what a component that uses the Query the getTaskInfo might look like:

import { useQuery } from "@wasp/queries"
import getTaskInfo from "@wasp/queries/getTaskInfo"
import { Task } from "@wasp/entities"

type TaskInfoPayload = Pick<Task, "id">

export const TaskInfo = () => {
  const {
    // TypeScript knows `taskInfo` is a `string | undefined` because of the
    // second type argument.
    data: taskInfo,
    // TypeScript also knows `isError` is a `boolean` regardless of the
    // specified type arguments.
    // TypeScript knows `id` must be a `Task["id"]` (i.e., a number) because of
    // the first type argument.
    // highlight-next-line
  } = useQuery<TaskInfoPayload, string>(getTaskInfo, { id: 1 })

  if (isError) {
    return <div>Error when fetching tasks</div>

  // TypeScript forces you to perform this check.
  return taskInfo === undefined ? <div>Waiting for info...</div> : <div>{taskInfo}</div>

The above example omits the type argument for the error because it doesn't need it. Here's an example that uses the error:

import { useQuery } from "@wasp/queries"
import getTaskInfo from "@wasp/queries/getTaskInfo"
import { Task } from "@wasp/entities"

type TaskInfoPayload = Pick<Task, "id">
// highlight-next-line
type TaskInfoError = { message: string }

export const TaskInfo = () => {
  const {
    data: taskInfo,
    // TypeScript knows `error` is a `TaskInfoError` because of the third type
    // argument.
  // highlight-next-line
  } = useQuery<TaskInfoPayload, string, TaskInfoError>(getTaskInfo, { id: 1 })

  if (isError) {
    // highlight-next-line
    return <div> Error during fetching tasks: {error.message || ''}</div>

  // TypeScript forces you to perform this check.
  return taskInfo === undefined ? <div>Waiting for info...</div> : <div>{taskInfo}</div>

Type support for the useAction hook

To add type support to Actions on the frontend, you can use:

  • Entity types imported from "@wasp/entities".
  • The generic hook useAction<Input, Output, Error> (read more about this hook here):
    • Input - This type argument specifies the type for the request's payload.
    • Output - This type argument specifies the type for the response's payload.
    • Error - This type argument specifies the error the Query throws.

Assuming the following action definition in your .wasp file (and the corresponding implementation in src/server/actions.js):

// ...

action addTask {
  fn: import { addTask } from "@server/actions.js"
  entities: [Task]

Here's how you can use it:

import { useAction } from "@wasp/actions"
import addTask from "@wasp/queries/addTask"
import { Task } from "@wasp/entities"

const AddTask = ({ description }: Pick<Task, "description">) => {

  // TypeScript knows `addTaskAction` is a function that expects a value of
  // type `Pick<Task, "description"> and returns a value of type
  // `Promise<Task>`.
  const addTaskAction = useAction<Pick<Task, "description" | "isDone">, Task>(addTask)

  return (
        onClick={() => addTaskAction({ description, isDone: false })}
      >Add unfinished task</button>
        onClick={() => addTaskAction({ description, isDone: true })}
      >Add finished task</button>

The useAction hook also includes support for optimistic updates. Read the feature docs to understand more about optimistic updates and how to define them in Wasp.

Here's an example that shows how you can use static type checking in their definitions (the example assumes an appropriate action defined in the .wasp file and implemented on the server):

import { useQuery } from '@wasp/queries'
import { OptimisticUpdateDefinition, useAction } from '@wasp/actions'
import updateTaskIsDone from '@wasp/actions/updateTaskIsDone'

type TaskPayload = Pick<Task, "id" | "isDone">

const Task = ({ taskId }: Pick<Task, "id">) => {
  const updateTaskIsDoneOptimistically = useAction<TaskPayload, Task>(updateTaskIsDone, {
    optimisticUpdates: [
        getQuerySpecifier: () => [getTask, { id: taskId }],
        // This query's cache should should never be empty
        updateQuery: ({ isDone }, oldTask) => ({ ...oldTask!, isDone }),
      // highlight-next-line
      } as OptimisticUpdateDefinition<TaskPayload, Task>,
        getQuerySpecifier: () => [getTasks],
        updateQuery: (updatedTask, oldTasks) =>
          oldTasks && oldTasks.map(task =>
            task.id === updatedTask.id ? { ...task, ...updatedTask } : task
      // highlight-next-line
      } as OptimisticUpdateDefinition<TaskPayload, Task[]>
  // ...

Database seeding

When implementing a seed function in TypeScript, you can import a DbSeedFn type via

import type { DbSeedFn } from '@wasp/dbSeed/types.js'

and use it to type your seed function like this:

export const devSeedSimple: DbSeedFn = async (prismaClient) => { ... }