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Shortcut / Key Binding Assignments

The default key bindings are:

Modifiers Key Action
SUPER c Copy
SUPER v Paste
SHIFT Insert Paste
SUPER m Hide
SUPER n SpawnWindow
CTRL+SHIFT n SpawnWindow
ALT Enter ToggleFullScreen
SUPER - DecreaseFontSize
CTRL - DecreaseFontSize
SUPER = IncreaseFontSize
CTRL = IncreaseFontSize
SUPER 0 ResetFontSize
CTRL 0 ResetFontSize
SUPER t SpawnTabInCurrentTabDomain
CTRL+SHIFT t SpawnTabInCurrentTabDomain
SUPER w CloseCurrentTab
SUPER 1 ActivateTab(0)
SUPER 2 ActivateTab(1)
SUPER 3 ActivateTab(2)
SUPER 4 ActivateTab(3)
SUPER 5 ActivateTab(4)
SUPER 6 ActivateTab(5)
SUPER 7 ActivateTab(6)
SUPER 8 ActivateTab(7)
SUPER 9 ActivateTab(8)
CTRL+SHIFT w CloseCurrentTab
CTRL+SHIFT 1 ActivateTab(0)
CTRL+SHIFT 2 ActivateTab(1)
CTRL+SHIFT 3 ActivateTab(2)
CTRL+SHIFT 4 ActivateTab(3)
CTRL+SHIFT 5 ActivateTab(4)
CTRL+SHIFT 6 ActivateTab(5)
CTRL+SHIFT 7 ActivateTab(6)
CTRL+SHIFT 8 ActivateTab(7)
CTRL+SHIFT 9 ActivateTab(8)
SUPER+SHIFT [ ActivateTabRelative(-1)
SUPER+SHIFT ] ActivateTabRelative(1)

These can be overridden using the keys section in your ~/.wezterm.toml config file. For example, you can disable a default assignment like this:

# Turn off the default CMD-m Hide action
key = "m"
mods = "CMD"
action = "Nop"

The key value can be one of the following keycode identifiers. Note that not all of these are meaningful on all platforms:

Hyper, Super, Meta, Cancel, Backspace, Tab, Clear, Enter, Shift, Escape, LeftShift, RightShift, Control, LeftControl, RightControl, Alt, LeftAlt, RightAlt, Menu, LeftMenu, RightMenu, Pause, CapsLock, PageUp, PageDown, End, Home, LeftArrow, RightArrow, UpArrow, DownArrow, Select, Print, Execute, PrintScreen, Insert, Delete, Help, LeftWindows, RightWindows, Applications, Sleep, Numpad0, Numpad1, Numpad2, Numpad3, Numpad4, Numpad5, Numpad6, Numpad7, Numpad8, Numpad9, Multiply, Add, Separator, Subtract, Decimal, Divide, NumLock, ScrollLock, BrowserBack, BrowserForward, BrowserRefresh, BrowserStop, BrowserSearch, BrowserFavorites, BrowserHome, VolumeMute, VolumeDown, VolumeUp, MediaNextTrack, MediaPrevTrack, MediaStop, MediaPlayPause, ApplicationLeftArrow, ApplicationRightArrow, ApplicationUpArrow, ApplicationDownArrow.

Alternatively, a single unicode character can be specified to indicate pressing the corresponding key.

Possible Modifier labels are:

  • SUPER, CMD, WIN - these are all equivalent: on macOS the Command key, on Windows the Windows key, on Linux this can also be the Super or Hyper key. Left and right are equivalent.
  • SHIFT - The shift key. Left and right are equivalent.
  • ALT, OPT, META - these are all equivalent: on macOS the Option key, on other systems the Alt or Meta key. Left and right are equivalent.

You can combine modifiers using the | symbol (eg: "CMD|CTRL").

Possible actions are listed below. Some actions require a parameter that is specified via the arg key; see examples below.

Name Effect
SpawnTab Create a new local tab in the current window
SpawnTabInCurrentTabDomain Create a new tab in the current window. The tab will be spawned in the same domain as the currently active tab
SpawnTabInDomain Create a new tab in the current window. The tab will be spawned in the domain specified by the arg value
SpawnWindow Create a new window
ToggleFullScreen Toggles full screen mode for current window
Paste Paste the clipboard to the current tab
ActivateTabRelative Activate a tab relative to the current tab. The arg value specifies an offset. eg: -1 activates the tab to the left of the current tab, while 1 activates the tab to the right.
ActivateTab Activate the tab specified by the arg value. eg: 0 activates the leftmost tab, while 1 activates the second tab from the left, and so on.
IncreaseFontSize Increases the font size of the current window by 10%
DecreaseFontSize Decreases the font size of the current window by 10%
ResetFontSize Reset the font size for the current window to the value in your configuration
SendString Sends the string specified by the arg value to the terminal in the current tab, as though that text were literally typed into the terminal.
Nop Does nothing. This is useful to disable a default key assignment.
Hide Hides the current window
Show Shows the current window
CloseCurrentTab Equivalent to clicking the x on the window title bar to close it: Closes the current tab. If that was the last tab, closes that window. If that was the last window, wezterm terminates.


# Turn off the default CMD-m Hide action
key = "m"
mods = "CMD"
action = "Nop"

# Macro for sending in some boiler plate.  This types `wtf!?` each
# time CMD+SHIFT+W is pressed
key = "W"
mods = "CMD|SHIFT"
action = "SendString"
arg = "wtf!?"

# CTRL+ALT+0 activates the leftmost tab
key = "0"
mods = "CTRL|ALT"
action = "ActivateTab"
# the tab number
arg = "0"

# CMD+y spawns a new tab in Domain 1
key = "y"
mods = "CMD"
action = "SpawnTabInDomain"
# the domain ID
arg = "1"