mirror of https://github.com/wez/wezterm.git synced 2024-12-23 13:21:38 +03:00
2023-05-01 08:37:56 -07:00

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search keywords tags
default keys key

The default key assignments are shown in the table below.

You may also use wezterm show-keys --lua to see the assignments in a form that you can copy and paste into your own configuration.

Modifiers Key Action
SUPER c CopyTo="Clipboard"
SUPER v PasteFrom="Clipboard"
CTRL+SHIFT c CopyTo="Clipboard"
CTRL+SHIFT v PasteFrom="Clipboard"
Copy CopyTo="Clipboard"
Paste PasteFrom="Clipboard"
CTRL Insert CopyTo="PrimarySelection" {{since('20210203-095643-70a364eb', inline=True)}}
SHIFT Insert PasteFrom="PrimarySelection"
SUPER m Hide
SUPER n SpawnWindow
CTRL+SHIFT n SpawnWindow
ALT Enter ToggleFullScreen
SUPER - DecreaseFontSize
CTRL - DecreaseFontSize
SUPER = IncreaseFontSize
CTRL = IncreaseFontSize
SUPER 0 ResetFontSize
CTRL 0 ResetFontSize
SUPER t SpawnTab="CurrentPaneDomain"
CTRL+SHIFT t SpawnTab="CurrentPaneDomain"
SUPER+SHIFT T SpawnTab="DefaultDomain"
SUPER w CloseCurrentTab{confirm=true}
SUPER 1 ActivateTab=0
SUPER 2 ActivateTab=1
SUPER 3 ActivateTab=2
SUPER 4 ActivateTab=3
SUPER 5 ActivateTab=4
SUPER 6 ActivateTab=5
SUPER 7 ActivateTab=6
SUPER 8 ActivateTab=7
SUPER 9 ActivateTab=-1
CTRL+SHIFT w CloseCurrentTab{confirm=true}
CTRL+SHIFT 1 ActivateTab=0
CTRL+SHIFT 2 ActivateTab=1
CTRL+SHIFT 3 ActivateTab=2
CTRL+SHIFT 4 ActivateTab=3
CTRL+SHIFT 5 ActivateTab=4
CTRL+SHIFT 6 ActivateTab=5
CTRL+SHIFT 7 ActivateTab=6
CTRL+SHIFT 8 ActivateTab=7
CTRL+SHIFT 9 ActivateTab=-1
SUPER+SHIFT [ ActivateTabRelative=-1
CTRL+SHIFT Tab ActivateTabRelative=-1
CTRL PageUp ActivateTabRelative=-1
SUPER+SHIFT ] ActivateTabRelative=1
CTRL Tab ActivateTabRelative=1
CTRL PageDown ActivateTabRelative=1
CTRL+SHIFT PageUp MoveTabRelative=-1
CTRL+SHIFT PageDown MoveTabRelative=1
SHIFT PageUp ScrollByPage=-1
SHIFT PageDown ScrollByPage=1
SUPER r ReloadConfiguration
CTRL+SHIFT R ReloadConfiguration
SUPER h HideApplication (macOS only)
SUPER k ClearScrollback="ScrollbackOnly"
CTRL+SHIFT K ClearScrollback="ScrollbackOnly"
CTRL+SHIFT L ShowDebugOverlay {{since('20210814-124438-54e29167', inline=True)}}
CTRL+SHIFT P ActivateCommandPalette {{since('20230320-124340-559cb7b0', inline=True)}}
CTRL+SHIFT U CharSelect {{since('20220903-194523-3bb1ed61', inline=True)}}
SUPER f Search={CaseSensitiveString=""}
CTRL+SHIFT F Search={CaseSensitiveString=""}
CTRL+SHIFT X ActivateCopyMode
CTRL+SHIFT Space QuickSelect {{since('20210502-130208-bff6815d', inline=True)}}
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT " SplitVertical={domain="CurrentPaneDomain"}
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT % SplitHorizontal={domain="CurrentPaneDomain"}
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT LeftArrow AdjustPaneSize={"Left", 1}
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT RightArrow AdjustPaneSize={"Right", 1}
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT UpArrow AdjustPaneSize={"Up", 1}
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT DownArrow AdjustPaneSize={"Down", 1}
CTRL+SHIFT LeftArrow ActivatePaneDirection="Left"
CTRL+SHIFT RightArrow ActivatePaneDirection="Right"
CTRL+SHIFT UpArrow ActivatePaneDirection="Up"
CTRL+SHIFT DownArrow ActivatePaneDirection="Down"
CTRL+SHIFT Z TogglePaneZoomState

If you don't want the default assignments to be registered, you can disable all of them with this configuration; if you chose to do this, you must explicitly register every binding.

config.disable_default_key_bindings = true

!!! tip When using disable_default_key_bindings, it is recommended that you assign ShowDebugOverlay to something to aid in potential future troubleshooting.

Likewise, you may wish to assign