-`cargo run -p theme_importer` - Import the context of `assets/themes/src`
## Troubleshooting
As the importer generates rust files, you may need to manually do some cleanup in `registry.rs` and `themes/mod.rs` if you remove themes or delete the `themes` folder in the theme crate.
## Required Structure
To import a theme or series of themes 3 things are required:
-`family.json`: A JSON file containing the theme family metadata and list of theme variants
-`{theme_name}.json`: One theme json for each theme variant
-`LICENSE`: A license file for the theme family
### `family.json`
#### `name`
The name of the theme family. Avoid special characters.
This will be used for the theme family directory name (lowercased) and the theme family name in the Zed UI.
-`Rose Pine`
-`Synthwave 84`
-`Monokai Solarized`
-`Rosé Pine`
-`Synthwave '84`
-`Monokai (Solarized)`
#### `author`
The author of the theme family. This can be a name or a username.
This will be used for the theme family author in the Zed UI.
#### `themes`
A list of theme variants.
`appearance` can be either `light` or `dark`. This will impact which default fallback colors are used, and where the theme shows up in the Zed UI.
### `{theme_name}.json`
Each theme added to the family must have a corresponding JSON file. This JSON file can be obtained from the VSCode extensions folder (once you have installed it.) This is usually located at `~/.vscode/extensions` (on macOS).
You can use `open ~/.vscode/extensions` to open the folder in Finder directly.
Copy that json file into the theme family directory and tidy up the filenames as needed.
A LICENSE file is required to import a theme family. Failing to provide a complete text license will cause it to be skipped when the import is run.