editor tests: Reintroduce block_on_ticks.

Co-authored-by: Antonio <antonio@zed.dev>
This commit is contained in:
Piotr Osiewicz 2023-12-01 17:22:12 +01:00
parent 134f3eb79f
commit aed11ee8cb
3 changed files with 353 additions and 313 deletions

View File

@ -1026,337 +1026,337 @@ fn consolidate_wrap_edits(edits: &mut Vec<WrapEdit>) {
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
// use super::*;
// use crate::{
// display_map::{fold_map::FoldMap, inlay_map::InlayMap, tab_map::TabMap},
// MultiBuffer,
// };
// use gpui::test::observe;
// use rand::prelude::*;
// use settings::SettingsStore;
// use smol::stream::StreamExt;
// use std::{cmp, env, num::NonZeroU32};
// use text::Rope;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
display_map::{fold_map::FoldMap, inlay_map::InlayMap, tab_map::TabMap},
use gpui::test::observe;
use rand::prelude::*;
use settings::SettingsStore;
use smol::stream::StreamExt;
use std::{cmp, env, num::NonZeroU32};
use text::Rope;
// #[gpui::test(iterations = 100)]
// async fn test_random_wraps(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, mut rng: StdRng) {
// init_test(cx);
#[gpui::test(iterations = 100)]
async fn test_random_wraps(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, mut rng: StdRng) {
// cx.foreground().set_block_on_ticks(0..=50);
// let operations = env::var("OPERATIONS")
// .map(|i| i.parse().expect("invalid `OPERATIONS` variable"))
// .unwrap_or(10);
let operations = env::var("OPERATIONS")
.map(|i| i.parse().expect("invalid `OPERATIONS` variable"))
// let font_cache = cx.font_cache().clone();
// let font_system = cx.platform().fonts();
// let mut wrap_width = if rng.gen_bool(0.1) {
// None
// } else {
// Some(rng.gen_range(0.0..=1000.0))
// };
// let tab_size = NonZeroU32::new(rng.gen_range(1..=4)).unwrap();
// let family_id = font_cache
// .load_family(&["Helvetica"], &Default::default())
// .unwrap();
// let font_id = font_cache
// .select_font(family_id, &Default::default())
// .unwrap();
// let font_size = 14.0;
let font_cache = cx.read(|cx| cx.font_cache().clone());
let font_system = cx.platform().fonts();
let mut wrap_width = if rng.gen_bool(0.1) {
} else {
let tab_size = NonZeroU32::new(rng.gen_range(1..=4)).unwrap();
let family_id = font_cache
.load_family(&["Helvetica"], &Default::default())
let font_id = font_cache
.select_font(family_id, &Default::default())
let font_size = 14.0;
// log::info!("Tab size: {}", tab_size);
// log::info!("Wrap width: {:?}", wrap_width);
log::info!("Tab size: {}", tab_size);
log::info!("Wrap width: {:?}", wrap_width);
// let buffer = cx.update(|cx| {
// if rng.gen() {
// MultiBuffer::build_random(&mut rng, cx)
// } else {
// let len = rng.gen_range(0..10);
// let text = util::RandomCharIter::new(&mut rng)
// .take(len)
// .collect::<String>();
// MultiBuffer::build_simple(&text, cx)
// }
// });
// let mut buffer_snapshot = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.snapshot(cx));
// log::info!("Buffer text: {:?}", buffer_snapshot.text());
// let (mut inlay_map, inlay_snapshot) = InlayMap::new(buffer_snapshot.clone());
// log::info!("InlayMap text: {:?}", inlay_snapshot.text());
// let (mut fold_map, fold_snapshot) = FoldMap::new(inlay_snapshot.clone());
// log::info!("FoldMap text: {:?}", fold_snapshot.text());
// let (mut tab_map, _) = TabMap::new(fold_snapshot.clone(), tab_size);
// let tabs_snapshot = tab_map.set_max_expansion_column(32);
// log::info!("TabMap text: {:?}", tabs_snapshot.text());
let buffer = cx.update(|cx| {
if rng.gen() {
MultiBuffer::build_random(&mut rng, cx)
} else {
let len = rng.gen_range(0..10);
let text = util::RandomCharIter::new(&mut rng)
MultiBuffer::build_simple(&text, cx)
let mut buffer_snapshot = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.snapshot(cx));
log::info!("Buffer text: {:?}", buffer_snapshot.text());
let (mut inlay_map, inlay_snapshot) = InlayMap::new(buffer_snapshot.clone());
log::info!("InlayMap text: {:?}", inlay_snapshot.text());
let (mut fold_map, fold_snapshot) = FoldMap::new(inlay_snapshot.clone());
log::info!("FoldMap text: {:?}", fold_snapshot.text());
let (mut tab_map, _) = TabMap::new(fold_snapshot.clone(), tab_size);
let tabs_snapshot = tab_map.set_max_expansion_column(32);
log::info!("TabMap text: {:?}", tabs_snapshot.text());
// let mut line_wrapper = LineWrapper::new(font_id, font_size, font_system);
// let unwrapped_text = tabs_snapshot.text();
// let expected_text = wrap_text(&unwrapped_text, wrap_width, &mut line_wrapper);
let mut line_wrapper = LineWrapper::new(font_id, font_size, font_system);
let unwrapped_text = tabs_snapshot.text();
let expected_text = wrap_text(&unwrapped_text, wrap_width, &mut line_wrapper);
// let (wrap_map, _) =
// cx.update(|cx| WrapMap::new(tabs_snapshot.clone(), font_id, font_size, wrap_width, cx));
// let mut notifications = observe(&wrap_map, cx);
let (wrap_map, _) =
cx.update(|cx| WrapMap::new(tabs_snapshot.clone(), font_id, font_size, wrap_width, cx));
let mut notifications = observe(&wrap_map, cx);
// if wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
// notifications.next().await.unwrap();
// }
if wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
// let (initial_snapshot, _) = wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| {
// assert!(!map.is_rewrapping());
// map.sync(tabs_snapshot.clone(), Vec::new(), cx)
// });
let (initial_snapshot, _) = wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| {
map.sync(tabs_snapshot.clone(), Vec::new(), cx)
// let actual_text = initial_snapshot.text();
// assert_eq!(
// actual_text, expected_text,
// "unwrapped text is: {:?}",
// unwrapped_text
// );
// log::info!("Wrapped text: {:?}", actual_text);
let actual_text = initial_snapshot.text();
actual_text, expected_text,
"unwrapped text is: {:?}",
log::info!("Wrapped text: {:?}", actual_text);
// let mut next_inlay_id = 0;
// let mut edits = Vec::new();
// for _i in 0..operations {
// log::info!("{} ==============================================", _i);
let mut next_inlay_id = 0;
let mut edits = Vec::new();
for _i in 0..operations {
log::info!("{} ==============================================", _i);
// let mut buffer_edits = Vec::new();
// match rng.gen_range(0..=100) {
// 0..=19 => {
// wrap_width = if rng.gen_bool(0.2) {
// None
// } else {
// Some(rng.gen_range(0.0..=1000.0))
// };
// log::info!("Setting wrap width to {:?}", wrap_width);
// wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.set_wrap_width(wrap_width, cx));
// }
// 20..=39 => {
// for (fold_snapshot, fold_edits) in fold_map.randomly_mutate(&mut rng) {
// let (tabs_snapshot, tab_edits) =
// tab_map.sync(fold_snapshot, fold_edits, tab_size);
// let (mut snapshot, wrap_edits) =
// wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot, tab_edits, cx));
// snapshot.check_invariants();
// snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
// edits.push((snapshot, wrap_edits));
// }
// }
// 40..=59 => {
// let (inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits) =
// inlay_map.randomly_mutate(&mut next_inlay_id, &mut rng);
// let (fold_snapshot, fold_edits) = fold_map.read(inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits);
// let (tabs_snapshot, tab_edits) =
// tab_map.sync(fold_snapshot, fold_edits, tab_size);
// let (mut snapshot, wrap_edits) =
// wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot, tab_edits, cx));
// snapshot.check_invariants();
// snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
// edits.push((snapshot, wrap_edits));
// }
// _ => {
// buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| {
// let subscription = buffer.subscribe();
// let edit_count = rng.gen_range(1..=5);
// buffer.randomly_mutate(&mut rng, edit_count, cx);
// buffer_snapshot = buffer.snapshot(cx);
// buffer_edits.extend(subscription.consume());
// });
// }
// }
let mut buffer_edits = Vec::new();
match rng.gen_range(0..=100) {
0..=19 => {
wrap_width = if rng.gen_bool(0.2) {
} else {
log::info!("Setting wrap width to {:?}", wrap_width);
wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.set_wrap_width(wrap_width, cx));
20..=39 => {
for (fold_snapshot, fold_edits) in fold_map.randomly_mutate(&mut rng) {
let (tabs_snapshot, tab_edits) =
tab_map.sync(fold_snapshot, fold_edits, tab_size);
let (mut snapshot, wrap_edits) =
wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot, tab_edits, cx));
snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
edits.push((snapshot, wrap_edits));
40..=59 => {
let (inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits) =
inlay_map.randomly_mutate(&mut next_inlay_id, &mut rng);
let (fold_snapshot, fold_edits) = fold_map.read(inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits);
let (tabs_snapshot, tab_edits) =
tab_map.sync(fold_snapshot, fold_edits, tab_size);
let (mut snapshot, wrap_edits) =
wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot, tab_edits, cx));
snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
edits.push((snapshot, wrap_edits));
_ => {
buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| {
let subscription = buffer.subscribe();
let edit_count = rng.gen_range(1..=5);
buffer.randomly_mutate(&mut rng, edit_count, cx);
buffer_snapshot = buffer.snapshot(cx);
// log::info!("Buffer text: {:?}", buffer_snapshot.text());
// let (inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits) =
// inlay_map.sync(buffer_snapshot.clone(), buffer_edits);
// log::info!("InlayMap text: {:?}", inlay_snapshot.text());
// let (fold_snapshot, fold_edits) = fold_map.read(inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits);
// log::info!("FoldMap text: {:?}", fold_snapshot.text());
// let (tabs_snapshot, tab_edits) = tab_map.sync(fold_snapshot, fold_edits, tab_size);
// log::info!("TabMap text: {:?}", tabs_snapshot.text());
log::info!("Buffer text: {:?}", buffer_snapshot.text());
let (inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits) =
inlay_map.sync(buffer_snapshot.clone(), buffer_edits);
log::info!("InlayMap text: {:?}", inlay_snapshot.text());
let (fold_snapshot, fold_edits) = fold_map.read(inlay_snapshot, inlay_edits);
log::info!("FoldMap text: {:?}", fold_snapshot.text());
let (tabs_snapshot, tab_edits) = tab_map.sync(fold_snapshot, fold_edits, tab_size);
log::info!("TabMap text: {:?}", tabs_snapshot.text());
// let unwrapped_text = tabs_snapshot.text();
// let expected_text = wrap_text(&unwrapped_text, wrap_width, &mut line_wrapper);
// let (mut snapshot, wrap_edits) =
// wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot.clone(), tab_edits, cx));
// snapshot.check_invariants();
// snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
// edits.push((snapshot, wrap_edits));
let unwrapped_text = tabs_snapshot.text();
let expected_text = wrap_text(&unwrapped_text, wrap_width, &mut line_wrapper);
let (mut snapshot, wrap_edits) =
wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot.clone(), tab_edits, cx));
snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
edits.push((snapshot, wrap_edits));
// if wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) && rng.gen_bool(0.4) {
// log::info!("Waiting for wrapping to finish");
// while wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
// notifications.next().await.unwrap();
// }
// wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| assert!(map.pending_edits.is_empty()));
// }
if wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) && rng.gen_bool(0.4) {
log::info!("Waiting for wrapping to finish");
while wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| assert!(map.pending_edits.is_empty()));
// if !wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
// let (mut wrapped_snapshot, wrap_edits) =
// wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot, Vec::new(), cx));
// let actual_text = wrapped_snapshot.text();
// let actual_longest_row = wrapped_snapshot.longest_row();
// log::info!("Wrapping finished: {:?}", actual_text);
// wrapped_snapshot.check_invariants();
// wrapped_snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
// edits.push((wrapped_snapshot.clone(), wrap_edits));
// assert_eq!(
// actual_text, expected_text,
// "unwrapped text is: {:?}",
// unwrapped_text
// );
if !wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
let (mut wrapped_snapshot, wrap_edits) =
wrap_map.update(cx, |map, cx| map.sync(tabs_snapshot, Vec::new(), cx));
let actual_text = wrapped_snapshot.text();
let actual_longest_row = wrapped_snapshot.longest_row();
log::info!("Wrapping finished: {:?}", actual_text);
wrapped_snapshot.verify_chunks(&mut rng);
edits.push((wrapped_snapshot.clone(), wrap_edits));
actual_text, expected_text,
"unwrapped text is: {:?}",
// let mut summary = TextSummary::default();
// for (ix, item) in wrapped_snapshot
// .transforms
// .items(&())
// .into_iter()
// .enumerate()
// {
// summary += &item.summary.output;
// log::info!("{} summary: {:?}", ix, item.summary.output,);
// }
let mut summary = TextSummary::default();
for (ix, item) in wrapped_snapshot
summary += &item.summary.output;
log::info!("{} summary: {:?}", ix, item.summary.output,);
// if tab_size.get() == 1
// || !wrapped_snapshot
// .tab_snapshot
// .fold_snapshot
// .text()
// .contains('\t')
// {
// let mut expected_longest_rows = Vec::new();
// let mut longest_line_len = -1;
// for (row, line) in expected_text.split('\n').enumerate() {
// let line_char_count = line.chars().count() as isize;
// if line_char_count > longest_line_len {
// expected_longest_rows.clear();
// longest_line_len = line_char_count;
// }
// if line_char_count >= longest_line_len {
// expected_longest_rows.push(row as u32);
// }
// }
if tab_size.get() == 1
|| !wrapped_snapshot
let mut expected_longest_rows = Vec::new();
let mut longest_line_len = -1;
for (row, line) in expected_text.split('\n').enumerate() {
let line_char_count = line.chars().count() as isize;
if line_char_count > longest_line_len {
longest_line_len = line_char_count;
if line_char_count >= longest_line_len {
expected_longest_rows.push(row as u32);
// assert!(
// expected_longest_rows.contains(&actual_longest_row),
// "incorrect longest row {}. expected {:?} with length {}",
// actual_longest_row,
// expected_longest_rows,
// longest_line_len,
// )
// }
// }
// }
"incorrect longest row {}. expected {:?} with length {}",
// let mut initial_text = Rope::from(initial_snapshot.text().as_str());
// for (snapshot, patch) in edits {
// let snapshot_text = Rope::from(snapshot.text().as_str());
// for edit in &patch {
// let old_start = initial_text.point_to_offset(Point::new(edit.new.start, 0));
// let old_end = initial_text.point_to_offset(cmp::min(
// Point::new(edit.new.start + edit.old.len() as u32, 0),
// initial_text.max_point(),
// ));
// let new_start = snapshot_text.point_to_offset(Point::new(edit.new.start, 0));
// let new_end = snapshot_text.point_to_offset(cmp::min(
// Point::new(edit.new.end, 0),
// snapshot_text.max_point(),
// ));
// let new_text = snapshot_text
// .chunks_in_range(new_start..new_end)
// .collect::<String>();
let mut initial_text = Rope::from(initial_snapshot.text().as_str());
for (snapshot, patch) in edits {
let snapshot_text = Rope::from(snapshot.text().as_str());
for edit in &patch {
let old_start = initial_text.point_to_offset(Point::new(edit.new.start, 0));
let old_end = initial_text.point_to_offset(cmp::min(
Point::new(edit.new.start + edit.old.len() as u32, 0),
let new_start = snapshot_text.point_to_offset(Point::new(edit.new.start, 0));
let new_end = snapshot_text.point_to_offset(cmp::min(
Point::new(edit.new.end, 0),
let new_text = snapshot_text
// initial_text.replace(old_start..old_end, &new_text);
// }
// assert_eq!(initial_text.to_string(), snapshot_text.to_string());
// }
initial_text.replace(old_start..old_end, &new_text);
assert_eq!(initial_text.to_string(), snapshot_text.to_string());
// if wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
// log::info!("Waiting for wrapping to finish");
// while wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
// notifications.next().await.unwrap();
// }
// }
// wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| assert!(map.pending_edits.is_empty()));
// }
if wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
log::info!("Waiting for wrapping to finish");
while wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| map.is_rewrapping()) {
wrap_map.read_with(cx, |map, _| assert!(map.pending_edits.is_empty()));
// fn init_test(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) {
// cx.foreground().forbid_parking();
// cx.update(|cx| {
// cx.set_global(SettingsStore::test(cx));
// theme::init((), cx);
// });
// }
fn init_test(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) {
cx.update(|cx| {
theme::init((), cx);
// fn wrap_text(
// unwrapped_text: &str,
// wrap_width: Option<f32>,
// line_wrapper: &mut LineWrapper,
// ) -> String {
// if let Some(wrap_width) = wrap_width {
// let mut wrapped_text = String::new();
// for (row, line) in unwrapped_text.split('\n').enumerate() {
// if row > 0 {
// wrapped_text.push('\n')
// }
fn wrap_text(
unwrapped_text: &str,
wrap_width: Option<f32>,
line_wrapper: &mut LineWrapper,
) -> String {
if let Some(wrap_width) = wrap_width {
let mut wrapped_text = String::new();
for (row, line) in unwrapped_text.split('\n').enumerate() {
if row > 0 {
// let mut prev_ix = 0;
// for boundary in line_wrapper.wrap_line(line, wrap_width) {
// wrapped_text.push_str(&line[prev_ix..boundary.ix]);
// wrapped_text.push('\n');
// wrapped_text.push_str(&" ".repeat(boundary.next_indent as usize));
// prev_ix = boundary.ix;
// }
// wrapped_text.push_str(&line[prev_ix..]);
// }
// wrapped_text
// } else {
// unwrapped_text.to_string()
// }
// }
let mut prev_ix = 0;
for boundary in line_wrapper.wrap_line(line, wrap_width) {
wrapped_text.push_str(&" ".repeat(boundary.next_indent as usize));
prev_ix = boundary.ix;
} else {
// impl WrapSnapshot {
// pub fn text(&self) -> String {
// self.text_chunks(0).collect()
// }
impl WrapSnapshot {
pub fn text(&self) -> String {
// pub fn text_chunks(&self, wrap_row: u32) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
// self.chunks(
// wrap_row..self.max_point().row() + 1,
// false,
// Highlights::default(),
// )
// .map(|h| h.text)
// }
pub fn text_chunks(&self, wrap_row: u32) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
wrap_row..self.max_point().row() + 1,
.map(|h| h.text)
// fn verify_chunks(&mut self, rng: &mut impl Rng) {
// for _ in 0..5 {
// let mut end_row = rng.gen_range(0..=self.max_point().row());
// let start_row = rng.gen_range(0..=end_row);
// end_row += 1;
fn verify_chunks(&mut self, rng: &mut impl Rng) {
for _ in 0..5 {
let mut end_row = rng.gen_range(0..=self.max_point().row());
let start_row = rng.gen_range(0..=end_row);
end_row += 1;
// let mut expected_text = self.text_chunks(start_row).collect::<String>();
// if expected_text.ends_with('\n') {
// expected_text.push('\n');
// }
// let mut expected_text = expected_text
// .lines()
// .take((end_row - start_row) as usize)
// .collect::<Vec<_>>()
// .join("\n");
// if end_row <= self.max_point().row() {
// expected_text.push('\n');
// }
let mut expected_text = self.text_chunks(start_row).collect::<String>();
if expected_text.ends_with('\n') {
let mut expected_text = expected_text
.take((end_row - start_row) as usize)
if end_row <= self.max_point().row() {
// let actual_text = self
// .chunks(start_row..end_row, true, Highlights::default())
// .map(|c| c.text)
// .collect::<String>();
// assert_eq!(
// expected_text,
// actual_text,
// "chunks != highlighted_chunks for rows {:?}",
// start_row..end_row
// );
// }
// }
// }
// }
let actual_text = self
.chunks(start_row..end_row, true, Highlights::default())
.map(|c| c.text)
"chunks != highlighted_chunks for rows {:?}",

View File

@ -128,11 +128,19 @@ impl BackgroundExecutor {
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
pub fn block_test<R>(&self, future: impl Future<Output = R>) -> R {
self.block_internal(false, future)
if let Ok(value) = self.block_internal(false, future, usize::MAX) {
} else {
pub fn block<R>(&self, future: impl Future<Output = R>) -> R {
self.block_internal(true, future)
if let Ok(value) = self.block_internal(true, future, usize::MAX) {
} else {
@ -140,7 +148,8 @@ impl BackgroundExecutor {
background_only: bool,
future: impl Future<Output = R>,
) -> R {
mut max_ticks: usize,
) -> Result<R, ()> {
let unparker = self.dispatcher.unparker();
let awoken = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
@ -156,8 +165,13 @@ impl BackgroundExecutor {
loop {
match future.as_mut().poll(&mut cx) {
Poll::Ready(result) => return result,
Poll::Ready(result) => return Ok(result),
Poll::Pending => {
if max_ticks == 0 {
return Err(());
max_ticks -= 1;
if !self.dispatcher.tick(background_only) {
if awoken.swap(false, SeqCst) {
@ -192,16 +206,24 @@ impl BackgroundExecutor {
return Err(future);
let max_ticks = if cfg!(any(test, feature = "test-support")) {
.map_or(usize::MAX, |dispatcher| dispatcher.gen_block_on_ticks())
} else {
let mut timer = self.timer(duration).fuse();
let timeout = async {
futures::select_biased! {
value = future => Ok(value),
_ = timer => Err(()),
match self.block(timeout) {
Ok(value) => Ok(value),
Err(_) => Err(future),
match self.block_internal(true, timeout, max_ticks) {
Ok(Ok(value)) => Ok(value),
_ => Err(future),
@ -281,6 +303,11 @@ impl BackgroundExecutor {
pub fn is_main_thread(&self) -> bool {
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
pub fn set_block_on_ticks(&self, range: std::ops::RangeInclusive<usize>) {
impl ForegroundExecutor {

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use parking_lot::Mutex;
use rand::prelude::*;
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ struct TestDispatcherState {
allow_parking: bool,
waiting_backtrace: Option<Backtrace>,
deprioritized_task_labels: HashSet<TaskLabel>,
block_on_ticks: RangeInclusive<usize>,
impl TestDispatcher {
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ impl TestDispatcher {
allow_parking: false,
waiting_backtrace: None,
deprioritized_task_labels: Default::default(),
block_on_ticks: 0..=1000,
TestDispatcher {
@ -82,8 +85,8 @@ impl TestDispatcher {
pub fn simulate_random_delay(&self) -> impl 'static + Send + Future<Output = ()> {
pub struct YieldNow {
count: usize,
struct YieldNow {
pub(crate) count: usize,
impl Future for YieldNow {
@ -142,6 +145,16 @@ impl TestDispatcher {
pub fn rng(&self) -> StdRng {
pub fn set_block_on_ticks(&self, range: std::ops::RangeInclusive<usize>) {
self.state.lock().block_on_ticks = range;
pub fn gen_block_on_ticks(&self) -> usize {
let mut lock = self.state.lock();
let block_on_ticks = lock.block_on_ticks.clone();
impl Clone for TestDispatcher {