2024-01-09 11:36:36 +02:00

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Key Dispatch

GPUI is designed for keyboard-first interactivity.

To expose functionality to the mouse, you render a button with a click handler.

To expose functionality to the keyboard, you bind an action in a key context.

Actions are similar to framework-level events like MouseDown, KeyDown, etc, but you can define them yourself:

mod menu {
    struct MoveUp;

    struct MoveDown;

Actions are frequently unit structs, for which we have a macro. The above could also be written:

mod menu {
    actions!(gpui, [MoveUp, MoveDown]);

Actions can also be more complex types:

mod menu {
    struct Move {
        direction: Direction,
        select: bool,

To bind actions, chain on_action on to your element:

impl Render for Menu {
    fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> impl Component {
            .on_action(|this: &mut Menu, move: &MoveUp, cx: &mut ViewContext<Menu>| {
                // ...
            .on_action(|this, move: &MoveDown, cx| {
                // ...

In order to bind keys to actions, you need to declare a key context for part of the element tree by calling key_context.

impl Render for Menu {
    fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> impl Component {
            .on_action(|this: &mut Menu, move: &MoveUp, cx: &mut ViewContext<Menu>| {
                // ...
            .on_action(|this, move: &MoveDown, cx| {
                // ...

Now you can target your context in the keymap. Note how actions are identified in the keymap by their fully-qualified type name.

  "context": "menu",
  "bindings": {
    "up": "menu::MoveUp",
    "down": "menu::MoveDown"

If you had opted for the more complex type definition, you'd provide the serialized representation of the action alongside the name:

  "context": "menu",
  "bindings": {
    "up": ["menu::Move", {direction: "up", select: false}]
    "down": ["menu::Move", {direction: "down", select: false}]
    "shift-up": ["menu::Move", {direction: "up", select: true}]
    "shift-down": ["menu::Move", {direction: "down", select: true}]