rather than scattered in structures
The context is still hierarchical for defs though, so one needs to retrieve the
path to lookup in the correct context for info. Exceptions are enums and struct
defs, which are re-exposed at toplevel.
(first working dynload test with compilation done by manual calls to ocaml)
A few pieces of the puzzle:
* Loading of interfaces only from Catala files
* Registration of toplevel values in modules compiled to OCaml, to allow access
using dynlink
* Shady conversion from OCaml runtime values to/from Catala expressions, to
allow interop (ffi) of compiled modules and the interpreter
Two interdependent changes here:
1. Enforce all instances of Shared_ast.gexpr to use the generic type for marks.
This makes the interfaces a tad simpler to manipulate: you now write
`('a, 'm) gexpr` rather than `('a, 'm mark) gexpr`.
2. Define a polymorphic `Custom` mark case for use by pass-specific annotations.
And leverage this in the typing module
The module is renamed to `Mark`, and functions renamed to avoid redundancy:
`Marked.mark` is now `Mark.add`
`Marked.unmark` is now `Mark.remove`
`Marked.map_under_mark` is now simply `Mark.map`
`Marked.same_mark_as` is replaced by `Mark.copy`, but with the arguments
swapped (which seemed more convenient throughout)
Since a type `Mark.t` would indicate a mark, and to avoid confusion, the type
`Marked.t` is renamed to `Mark.ed` as a shorthand for `Mark.marked` ; this part
can easily be removed if that's too much quirkiness.
A module without mli is ok as long as it only contains types
Here we already stretch it a bit with some functor applications, but having
toplevel values defeats the expectation that you can safely `open` this module.
The phantom polymorphic variant qualifying AST nodes is reversed:
- previously, we were explicitely restricting each AST node to the passes where it belonged using a closed type (e.g. `[< dcalc | lcalc]`)
- now, each node instead declares the "feature" it provides using an open type (e.g. `[> 'Exceptions ]`)
- then the AST for a specific pass limits the features it allows with a closed type
The result is that you can mix and match all features if you wish,
even if the result is not a valid AST for any given pass. More
interestingly, it's now easier to write a function that works on
different ASTs at once (it's the inferred default if you don't write a
type restriction).
The opportunity was also taken to simplify the encoding of the
operators, which don't need a second type parameter anymore.
Interstingly enough, it was already implemented in the Python backend.
Required to implement *pro rata temporis*, which the US tax section 121 does
make use of.
Only allowed for durations expressed in days (as returned by `<date> - <date>`),
of course.
This uses the same disambiguation mechanism put in place for
structures, calling the typer on individual rules on the desugared AST
to propagate types, in order to resolve ambiguous operators like `+`
to their strongly typed counterparts (`+!`, `+.`, `+$`, `+@`, `+$`) in
the translation to scopelang.
The patch includes some normalisation of the definition of all the
operators, and classifies them based on their typing policy instead of
their arity. It also adds a little more flexibility:
- a couple new operators, like `-` on date and duration
- optional type annotation on some aggregation constructions
The `Shared_ast` lib is also lightly restructured, with the `Expr`
module split into `Type`, `Operator` and `Expr`.
Some typing errors are changed a little, because they get triggered during the
typing of the disambiguation pass, which does not specify the expected return
type (it's an expected invariant that it should not be needed for
It would be possible to still specify these types during disambiguation just to
get the same errors, but since the newer ones don't appear to be clearly worse
at the moment, it has not been done.
This is just a bunch of `sed` calls:
sed -i 's/ScopeSet/ScopeName.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/ScopeMap/ScopeName.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/StructMap/StructName.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/StructSet/StructName.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/EnumMap/EnumName.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/EnumSet/EnumName.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/StructFieldName/StructField/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/StructFieldMap/StructField.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/StructFieldSet/StructField.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/EnumConstructorMap/EnumConstructor.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/EnumConstructorSet/EnumConstructor.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/RuleMap/RuleName.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/RuleSet/RuleName.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/LabelMap/LabelName.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/LabelSet/LabelName.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/ScopeVarMap/ScopeVar.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/ScopeVarSet/ScopeVar.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/SubScopeNameMap/SubScopeName.Map/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
sed -i 's/SubScopeNameSet/SubScopeName.Set/g' compiler/**/*.ml*
... and reformat