2022-08-10 14:02:14 +03:00
--- Towers of Hanoi is a puzzle with three rods and n disks of decresing size.
--- The disks are stacked ontop of each other through the first rod.
--- The aim of the game is to move the stack of disks to another rod while
--- following these rules:
--- 1. Only one disk can be moved at a time
--- 2. You may only move a disk from the top of one of the stacks to the top of another stack
--- 3. No disk may be moved on top of a smaller disk
--- The function ;hanoi; computes the sequence of moves to solve puzzle.
module Hanoi;
open import Stdlib.Prelude;
--- Concatenation of ;String;s
infixr 5 ++str;
axiom ++str : String → String → String;
compile ++str {
c ↦ "concat";
--- Concatenates a list of strings
--- ;concat (("a" ∷ nil) ∷ ("b" ∷ nil)); evaluates to ;"a" ∷ "b" ∷ nil;
concat : List String → String;
2022-09-30 03:55:32 +03:00
concat := foldl (++str) "";
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intercalate : String → List String → String;
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intercalate sep xs := concat (intersperse sep xs);
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--- Joins a list of strings with the newline character
unlines : List String → String;
2022-09-30 03:55:32 +03:00
unlines := intercalate "\n";
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--- Produce a singleton List
singleton : {A : Type} → A → List A;
2022-09-30 03:55:32 +03:00
singleton a := a ∷ nil;
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2022-09-30 03:55:32 +03:00
--- Produce a ;String; representation of a ;List Nat;
showList : List Nat → String;
showList xs := "[" ++str intercalate "," (map natToStr xs) ++str "]";
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--- A Peg represents a peg in the towers of Hanoi game
2023-01-03 15:49:04 +03:00
type Peg :=
left : Peg
| middle : Peg
| right : Peg;
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showPeg : Peg → String;
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showPeg left := "left";
showPeg middle := "middle";
showPeg right := "right";
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--- A Move represents a move between pegs
2023-01-03 15:49:04 +03:00
type Move := move : Peg → Peg → Move;
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showMove : Move → String;
2022-09-30 03:55:32 +03:00
showMove (move from to) := showPeg from ++str " -> " ++str showPeg to;
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--- Produce a list of ;Move;s that solves the towers of Hanoi game
2022-09-30 03:55:32 +03:00
hanoi : Nat → Peg → Peg → Peg → List Move;
hanoi zero _ _ _ := nil;
hanoi (suc n) p1 p2 p3 := hanoi n p1 p3 p2 ++ singleton (move p1 p2) ++ hanoi n p3 p2 p1;
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main : IO;
2022-09-30 03:55:32 +03:00
main := putStrLn (unlines (map showMove (hanoi 5 left middle right)));
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