The pretty printer for `Core` depends on `substEnv`, so it is convenient
to have it isolated so that it is possible to use ``ppTrace`` when
debugging functions in `Core.Utils` (or anything depending on it).
This PR introduces an evaluator for the Geb STLC interface/fragment and
other related commands, including a REPL to interact with his backend.
We have included a REPL and support for commands such as read and eval
here. Check out:
juvix dev geb --help
- [x] Add Geb evaluator with the two basic eval strategies.
- [x] Add quasi quoter: return morphisms from typed geb values.
- [x] Add type/object inference for morphisms.
- [x] All combined: morphisms-eval-to-morphisms
- [x] Parse and pretty printer Geb values (without quoting them)
- [x] Parse files containing Geb terms:
- [x] Saved in a .lisp file according to anoma/geb example (typed
- [x] Store in a .geb file simple as simple lisp expression.
- [x] Add related commands to the CLI for `dev geb`:
- [x] Subcommand: eval
- [x] Subcommand: read
- [x] Subcommand: infer
- [x] Subcommand: repl
- [x] Subcommand: check
- [x] Minor changes `hom` by `!->` in the Geb prettyprinter
- [x] Add tests for:
- [x] New subcommand (smoke tests)
- [x] Eval
Issues to solve after merging this PR:
- Add location to Geb ast for proper error location.
- Add tests for all related subcommands, e.g. check, and infer.
- Check compilation from Core to Geb: (run inferObject with the type
provided by the core node).
- [x] Update the vs code-plugin to load Geb repl and eval.
I paired with @janmasrovira on this work.
Before this change - long type signatures were formatted to contain line
breaks within applications:
exampleFunction : {A : Type} -> List A -> List A -> List
A -> List A -> List A -> List A -> List A -> Nat;
After this change we treat `->` and an infix operator and format like
other infix applications:
exampleFunction :
{A : Type}
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> Nat;
* Fixes#1850
Co-authored-by: @janmasrovira
This PR adds the `match-to-case` Core transformation. This transforms
pattern matching nodes to a sequence of case and let nodes.
## High level description
Each branch of the match is compiled to a lambda. In the combined match
Each branch of the match is compiled to a lambda. These lambdas are
combined in nested lets and each lambda is called in turn as each branch
gets checked. The lambda corresponding to the first branch gets called
first, if the pattern match in the branch fails, the lambda
corresponding to the next branch is called and so on. If no branches
match then a lambda is called which returns a fail node.
match v1 .. vn {
let c0 := λ FAIL in
let ck := λ {...} in
let c1 := λ {...} in
c1 v1 ... vn
The patterns on each branch are compiled to either let bindings (pattern
binders) or case expressions (constructor patterns).
Auxillary bindings are added in the case of nested constructor patterns.
The default branch in each case expression has a call to the lambda
corresponding to the next branch of the match. This is because the
branch is reached if the pattern match fails.
Pattern match
suc (suc n) ↦ n
case ?$0 of {
suc arg_8 := case ?$0 of {
suc n := let n := ?$0 in n$0;
_ := ?$2 ?$1
_ := ?$1 ?$0
The body of each branch is wrapped in let bindings so that the indicies
of bound
variables in the body point to the correct variables in the compiled
This is necessary because the auxiliary bindings added for nested
patterns will cause the original indicies to be offset.
Finally, the free variables in the match branch body need to be shifted
by all the bindings we've added as part of the compilation.
## Examples
### Single wildcard
<td> Juvix </td> <td> Core </td> <td> Transformed Core </td>
f : Nat -> Nat;
f _ := 1;
λ? match ?$0 with {
_ω309 ↦ ? 1
λ? let ? := λ? fail "Non-exhaustive patterns" in
let ? := λ? let _ω309 := ?$0 in
let _ω309 := ?$0 in 1 in
?$0 ?$2
### Single binder
<td> Juvix </td> <td> Core </td> <td> Transformed Core </td>
f : Nat -> Nat;
f n := n;
λ? match ?$0 with {
n ↦ n$0
λ? let ? := λ? fail "Non-exhaustive patterns" in
let ? := λ? let n := ?$0 in
let n := ?$0 in n$0 in
?$0 ?$2
### Single Constructor
<td> Juvix </td> <td> Core </td> <td> Transformed Core </td>
f : Nat -> Nat;
f (suc n) := n;
λ? match ?$0 with {
suc n ↦ n$0
λ? let ? := λ? fail "Non-exhaustive patterns" in let ? := λ? case ?$0 of {
suc n := let n := ?$0 in let n := ?$0 in n$0;
_ := ?$1 ?$0
} in ?$0 ?$2
### Nested Constructor
<td> Juvix </td> <td> Core </td> <td> Transformed Core </td>
f : Nat -> Nat;
f (suc (suc n)) := n;
λ? match ?$0 with {
suc (suc n) ↦ n$0
λ? let ? := λ? fail "Non-exhaustive patterns" in let ? := λ? case ?$0 of {
suc arg_8 := case ?$0 of {
suc n := let n := ?$0 in let n := ?$0 in n$0;
_ := ?$2 ?$1
_ := ?$1 ?$0
} in ?$0 ?$2
### Multiple Branches
<td> Juvix </td> <td> Core </td> <td> Transformed Core </td>
f : Nat -> Nat;
f (suc n) := n;
f zero := 0;
λ? match ?$0 with {
suc n ↦ n$0;
zero ↦ ? 0
λ? let ? := λ? fail "Non-exhaustive patterns" in let ? := λ? case ?$0 of {
zero := ? 0;
_ := ?$1 ?$0
} in let ? := λ? case ?$0 of {
suc n := let n := ?$0 in let n := ?$0 in n$0;
_ := ?$1 ?$0
} in ?$0 ?$3
### Nested case with captured variable
<td> Juvix </td> <td> Core </td> <td> Transformed Core </td>
f : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
f n m := case m
| suc k := n + k;
f = λ? λ? match ?$1, ?$0 with {
n, m ↦ match m$0 with {
suc k ↦ + n$2 k$0
λ? λ?
let ? := λ? λ? fail "Non-exhaustive patterns" in
let ? := λ? λ? let n := ?$1 in let m := ?$1 in let n := ?$1 in let m := ?$1 in
let ? := λ? fail "Non-exhaustive patterns" in let ? := λ? case ?$0 of {
suc k := let k := ?$0 in let k := ?$0 in + n$6 k$0;
_ := ?$1 ?$0
} in ?$0 m$2 in ?$0 ?$3 ?$2
## Testing
The `tests/Compilation/positive` tests are run up to the Core evaluator
with `match-to-case` and `nat-to-int` transformations on Core turned on.
Co-authored-by: Lukasz Czajka <>
- Closes#1793.
Now, if the body of a function clause does not fit in a line, the body
will start indented in the next line.
The example presented in the linked issue is now formatted thus:
go n s :=
(s < n)
(go (sub n 1) s)
(go n (sub s n) + go (sub n 1) s);
This pr adds the `_lambdaType :: Maybe Expression` to `Internal.Lambda`.
This field will be `Nothing` before typechecking and `Just _` after it.
The type is printed if present. For example if the input of `juvix dev
internal typecheck M.juvix --print-result` is the following:
id : {A : Type} → A → A
id := λ { a := a}
Then the output is as follows:
id : {A : Type} → A → A
id {_ω209} := λ : _ω209 → _ω209 {| a := a}
Core transformations apply to the whole InfoTable, the REPL needs to
apply Core transformations to the single node that it compiles from the
user input string.
The solution in this commit is to:
1. Compile the input string as before to obtain a Core Node.
2. Add this Node to a copy of the Core InfoTable for the loaded file.
3. Apply the (CLI specified) Core transformations to this InfoTable.
4. Extract the (now transformed) Node from the InfoTable.
We can think of a way to improve this, maybe when we tackle allowing the
user to make new definitions in the REPL.
As soon as compilation of pattern matching is complete we should enable
some (all?) Core transformations by default.
At the moment we get the following result in the REPL:
juvix repl
Stdlib.Prelude> 1 + 1
suc (suc zero)
After this commit we can turn on `nat-to-int` transformation:
juvix repl -t nat-to-int
Stdlib.Prelude> 1 + 1
* Part of
This PR:
- Closes#1647
It gives compilation errors for language features that require more
substantial support (recursion, polymorphism). The additional features
are to be implemented in future separate PRs.
* Adds a new target `geb` to the CLI command `juvix dev core compile`,
which produces a `*.geb` output file in the `.juvix-build` directory.
* Adds a few tests. These are not yet checked automatically because
there is no GEB evaluator; checking the `*.geb` output would be too
This PR addresses a caching issue in our CI by streamlining each
operating system's build and test processes, reducing CI time. 🤞 Also,
our caching strategy has been updated with the new restore/save actions.
For example, we aim to cache the .stack folder, and if the stack build
is successful, the .stack-build. The building documentation job
continues depending on the Linux build. Upon merging this PR, we get
back to the point where the CI maintain a cache for each OS to be shared
among all PRs, significantly reducing CI testing time. The expected
scenario is as follows. The CI can take, on average, 35' in Linux to
build and test everything. Using caching, that time is reduced to less
than 10'. macOS is a different story. It can easily take one hour, and
even more, the first time to build and test the project. After that, it
might take an average of 20'.
- Caching strategies
- Closes#1776
Before this change, nested as-patterns (i.e as-patterns binding
arguments to constructors) were not translated to Core pattern binders.
This meant that the following function would crash the compiler:
f : List Nat -> List Nat;
f (x :: a@(x' :: xs)) := a;
f _ := nil;
i.e the nested as-pattern `a` was ignored in the internal to core
This commit translates each as-pattern to a Core `PatternBinder`.
* Fixes
* Fixes
- Closes#1637.
A function type signature is now allowed to have a body. This is valid
for both top level and let definitions.
not : Bool -> Bool := λ {
| true := false
| false := true