Add error message to pattern sort sheet

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2022-07-25 20:52:31 +09:00
parent d5c40c19e5
commit d95fd8e480
12 changed files with 116 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Change Log
- Store the state of the “Dont ask again for this document” option for the inconsistent line endings alert and respect it for future open.
- Support the split cursor for bidirectional languages in multi-cursor editing.
- Update the CotEditor's setting view in the print panel.
- Display the error message in the pattern sort dialog if the regular expression pattern is invalid.
- Improve the algorithm to parse numbers in the Sort by Pattern command.
- Improve the algorithm of uncommenting.
- Deprecate the “Ignore line endings when counting characters” option.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
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@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ Gw
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@ -507,9 +508,41 @@ Gw
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View File

@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ final class RegularExpressionSortPattern: NSObject, SortPattern {
@objc dynamic var usesCaptureGroup: Bool = false
@objc dynamic var group: Int = 1
@objc private(set) dynamic var errorMessage: String?
@objc private(set) dynamic var numberOfCaptureGroups: Int = 0
@ -205,12 +206,18 @@ final class RegularExpressionSortPattern: NSObject, SortPattern {
} catch {
self.regex = nil
self.numberOfCaptureGroups = 0
if self.searchPattern.isEmpty {
self.errorMessage = "Empty pattern".localized
} else {
self.errorMessage = "Invalid pattern".localized
throw error
self.regex = regex
self.numberOfCaptureGroups = regex.numberOfCaptureGroups
self.errorMessage = nil

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Ungültiges Muster";
"Empty pattern" = "Leeres Muster";
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "Dateizuordnungskonflikte";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "Die folgenden Dateizuordnungsregeln sind in mehreren Stilen registriert.CotEditor verwendet den ersten Stil automatisch. Um Konflikte zu beheben, bearbeite jeden Syntaxstil.";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern";
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern";
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style.";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern"; // FIXME: new
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern"; // FIXME: new
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "Conflits dassociations entre syntaxes";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "Les associations de fichiers suivantes sont définies dans plusieurs syntaxes. Dans ce cas, CotEditor utilisera la première syntaxe. Pour résoudre les conflits, éditez chaque syntaxe.";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern"; // FIXME: new
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern"; // FIXME: new
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "Mappatura dei conflitti di stile sintassi";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "Le seguenti regole di mappatura del file sono registrate per più stili. CotEditor usa automaticamente il primo stile. Per risolvere eventuali conflitti, modificare ciascuno stile di sintassi";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "無効なパターン";
"Empty pattern" = "空のパターン";
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "ファイル関連付けのコンフリクト";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "以下のファイル関連付けルールはいくつかのスタイルで重複して登録されています。CotEditorは自動的に最初のスタイルを使用します。解決するには、それぞれのシンタックススタイルを編集してください。";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern"; // FIXME: new
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern"; // FIXME: new
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "Conflitos de Mapeamento de Estilos de Sintaxe";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "As seguintes regras de mapeamento de arquivo estão registradas em vários estilos. O CotEditor usa o primeiro estilo automaticamente. Para resolver conflitos, edite cada estilo de sintaxe.";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern"; // FIXME: new
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern"; // FIXME: new
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "Sözdizim Biçemli Eşlemleme Çakışmaları";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "Aşağıdaki dosya eşlemleme kuralları birden çok biçemde kayıtlıdır. CotEditor, kendiliğinden ilk biçemi kullanır. Çakışmaları çözmek için her bir sözdizim biçemini düzenleyin.";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern"; // FIXME: new
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern"; // FIXME: new
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "语法样式映射冲突";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "下列文件映射规则被注册了多种格式。CotEditor自动使用第一个格式。可以通过编辑每个语法格式来解决冲突。";

View File

@ -719,6 +719,13 @@
/* MARK: Pattern Sort View */
// error messages
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern"; // FIXME: new
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern"; // FIXME: new
/* MARK: Syntax Mapping Conflicts View */
"Syntax Style Mapping Conflicts" = "文法樣式對映衝突";
"The following file mapping rules are registered in multiple styles. CotEditor uses the first style automatically. To resolve conflicts, edit each syntax style." = "下列檔案對映規則被註冊了多種格式。CotEditor自動使用第一個格式。可以透過編輯每個文法格式來解決衝突。";