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module Main where
import Data.Binary ( encode )
import Data.Binary.Get ( runGet )
import Data.Binary.Put ( runPut )
import Bits
import Data.Bits
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Random
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
import System
import BitsGet
import BitsPut
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
import Test.Framework.Options ( TestOptions'(..) )
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 ( testProperty )
import Test.Framework.Runners.Console ( defaultMainWithOpts )
import Test.Framework.Runners.Options ( RunnerOptions'(..) )
import Test.Framework ( Test, testGroup )
import Test.QuickCheck
main = do
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
args <- getArgs
defaultMainWithOpts tests (setMaxTestCases (if null args then 1024 else read (head args)))
-- increase the number of test cases
setMaxTestCases n =
{ ropt_test_options = Just $
{ topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just n
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Internal test functions"
[ testProperty "prop_bitreq" prop_bitreq ]
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
, testGroup "Custom test cases"
[ testProperty "prop_composite_case" prop_composite_case ]
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
, testGroup "prop_put_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word8 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word16 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word32 -> Property)
-- , testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word64 -> Property)
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_simple"
[ testProperty "Bool" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Bool] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word32] -> Property)
-- , testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word32] -> Property)
-- , testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word64] -> Property)
-- these tests use the R structure
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_2_Word16
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16
2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
prop_putget_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => a -> Property
prop_putget_with_bitreq w = property $
2010-08-26 17:24:53 +04:00
-- write all words with as many bits as it's required
let p = putBits (bitreq w) w
g = getBits (bitreq w)
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
w' = runGet (runBitGetSimple g) lbs
in w == w'
prop_putget_list_simple :: (BinaryBit a, Eq a, Storable a) => [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_simple ws = property $
let s = sizeOf (head ws) * 8
p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits s v) ws
g = mapM (const (getBits s)) ws
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
ws' = runGet (runBitGetSimple g) lbs
in ws == ws'
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq ws = property $
2010-08-26 17:24:53 +04:00
-- write all words with as many bits as it's required
let p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits (bitreq v) v) ws
g = mapM getBits bitlist
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
ws' = runGet (runBitGetSimple g) lbs
in ws == ws'
bitlist = map bitreq ws
-- number of bits required to write 'v'
bitreq :: (Num b, Bits a, Ord a) => a -> b
bitreq v = fromIntegral . head $ [ req | (req, top) <- bittable, v <= top ]
bittable :: Bits a => [(Integer, a)]
2010-08-26 17:24:53 +04:00
bittable = [ (fromIntegral x, (1 `shiftL` x) - 1) | x <- [1..64] ]
2010-08-26 18:49:14 +04:00
prop_bitreq :: Word64 -> Property
prop_bitreq w = property $
( w == 0 && bitreq w == 1 )
|| bitreq w == (bitreq (w `shiftR` 1)) + 1
2010-08-26 18:49:14 +04:00
prop_composite_case :: Bool -> Word16 -> Property
prop_composite_case b w = w < 0x8000 ==>
let p = do putBool b
putWord16be 15 w
g = do v <- getBool
case v of
True -> getWord16be 15
False -> do
msb <- getWord8 7
lsb <- getWord8 8
return ((fromIntegral msb `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral lsb)
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
w' = runGet (runBitGetSimple g) lbs
in w == w'
prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16 :: Word8 -> Word16 -> Property
prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16 w8 w16 = property $
let p = RWord32be 24
w' = runGet (get p) lbs
in w0 == w'
lbs = runPut (putWord8 w8 >> putWord16be w16)
w0 = ((fromIntegral w8) `shiftL` 16) .|. fromIntegral w16
prop_Word32_from_2_Word16 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Property
prop_Word32_from_2_Word16 w1 w2 = property $
let p = RWord32be 32
w' = runGet (get p) lbs
in w0 == w'
lbs = encode w0
w0 = ((fromIntegral w1) `shiftL` 16) .|. fromIntegral w2
shrinker :: (Num a, Ord a, Bits a) => a -> [a]
shrinker 0 = []
shrinker w = [ w `shiftR` 1 -- try to make everything roughly half size
] ++ [ w' -- flip bits to zero, left->right
| m <- [n, n-1..1]
, let w' = w `clearBit` m
, w /= w'
] ++ [w-1] -- just make it a little smaller
n = bitreq w
instance Arbitrary Word8 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
instance Arbitrary Word16 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
instance Arbitrary Word32 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
instance Arbitrary Word64 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of
(x,g) -> (fromIntegral x, g)
instance Random Word where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word8 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word16 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word32 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word64 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)