-`TimeoutError`<[function]> A class of [TimeoutError].
Playwright methods might throw errors if they are unable to fulfill a request. For example, [page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])](#pagewaitforselectorselector-options)
might fail if the selector doesn't match any nodes during the given timeframe.
For certain types of errors Playwright uses specific error classes.
A Browser is created when Playwright connects to a browser instance, either through [`browserType.launch`](#browsertypelaunchoptions) or [`browserType.connect`](#browsertypeconnectoptions).
See [ChromiumBrowser], [FirefoxBrowser] and [WebKitBrowser] for browser-specific features. Note that [browserType.connect(options)](#browsertypeconnectoptions) and [browserType.launch(options)](#browsertypelaunchoptions) always return a specific browser instance, based on the browser being connected to or launched.
Disconnects Browser from the browser application, but leaves the application process running. After calling `disconnect`, the [Browser] object is considered disposed and cannot be used anymore.
-`javaScriptEnabled`<?[boolean]> Whether or not to enable or disable JavaScript in the context. Defaults to true.
-`timezoneId`<?[string]> Changes the timezone of the context. See [ICU’s `metaZones.txt`](https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/icu/source/data/misc/metaZones.txt?rcl=faee8bc70570192d82d2978a71e2a615788597d1) for a list of supported timezone IDs.
-`permissions`<[Object]> A map from origin keys to permissions values. See [browserContext.setPermissions]((#browsercontextsetpermissionsorigin-permissions)) for more details.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Array]<[Page]>>> Promise which resolves to an array of all open pages. Non visible pages, such as `"background_page"`, will not be listed here. You can find them using [target.page()](#targetpage).
> **NOTE** Consider using [browserContext.setPermissions](#browsercontextsetpermissions-permissions) to grant permissions for the page to read its geolocation.
-`permissions`<[Array]<[string]>> An array of permissions to grant. All permissions that are not listed here will be automatically denied. Permissions can be one of the following values:
Page provides methods to interact with a single tab in a [Browser], or an [extension background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) in Chromium. One [Browser] instance might have multiple [Page] instances.
The Page class emits various events (described below) which can be handled using any of Node's native [`EventEmitter`](https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_eventemitter) methods, such as `on`, `once` or `removeListener`.
Emitted when JavaScript within the page calls one of console API methods, e.g. `console.log` or `console.dir`. Also emitted if the page throws an error or a warning.
Emitted when a JavaScript dialog appears, such as `alert`, `prompt`, `confirm` or `beforeunload`. Playwright can respond to the dialog via [Dialog]'s [accept](#dialogacceptprompttext) or [dismiss](#dialogdismiss) methods.
Emitted when the JavaScript [`DOMContentLoaded`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/DOMContentLoaded) event is dispatched.
#### event: 'filechooser'
-`element`<[ElementHandle]> handle to the input element that was clicked
-`multiple`<[boolean]> Whether file chooser allow for [multiple](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#attr-multiple) file selection.
Emitted when a file chooser is supposed to appear, such as after clicking the `<input type=file>`. Playwright can respond to it via setting the input files using [`elementHandle.setInputFiles`](#elementhandlesetinputfilesfiles).
> **NOTE** HTTP Error responses, such as 404 or 503, are still successful responses from HTTP standpoint, so request will complete with [`'requestfinished'`](#event-requestfinished) event and not with [`'requestfailed'`](#event-requestfailed).
This method runs `document.querySelector` within the page and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query page for
-`pageFunction`<[function]\([Element]\)> Function to be evaluated in browser context
-`options`<[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
-`polling`<[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
-`'raf'` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
-`'mutation'` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
-`timeout`<[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves to a JSHandle of the success value
This method runs `document.querySelector` within the page and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
-`path`<[string]> Path to the JavaScript file to be injected into frame. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd).
-`content`<[string]> Raw JavaScript content to be injected into frame.
-`type`<[string]> Script type. Use 'module' in order to load a Javascript ES6 module. See [script](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script) for more details.
- returns: <[Promise]<[ElementHandle]>> which resolves to the added tag when the script's onload fires or when the script content was injected into frame.
-`path`<[string]> Path to the CSS file to be injected into frame. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd).
-`content`<[string]> Raw CSS content to be injected into frame.
- returns: <[Promise]<[ElementHandle]>> which resolves to the added tag when the stylesheet's onload fires or when the CSS content was injected into frame.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to search for element to click. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be clicked.
-`button`<"left"|"right"|"middle"> Defaults to `left`.
-`clickCount`<[number]> defaults to 1. See [UIEvent.detail].
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully clicked. The Promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to click in the center of the element.
If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
Bear in mind that if `click()` triggers a navigation event and there's a separate `page.waitForNavigation()` promise to be resolved, you may end up with a race condition that yields unexpected results. The correct pattern for click and wait for navigation is the following:
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to search for element to double click. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be double clicked.
-`button`<"left"|"right"|"middle"> Defaults to `left`.
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to double click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, double clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the double click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully double clicked. The Promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to double click in the center of the element.
If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
Bear in mind that if the first click of the `dblclick()` triggers a navigation event, there will be an exception.
Shortcut for [page.mainFrame().dblclick(selector[, options])](#framedblclickselector-options).
#### page.emulateMedia(options)
-`media`<"screen"|"print"> Changes the CSS media type of the page. The only allowed values are `'screen'`, `'print'` and `null`. Passing `null` disables CSS media emulation.
-`colorScheme`<"dark"|"light"|"no-preference"> Emulates `'prefers-colors-scheme'` media feature, supported values are `'light'`, `'dark'`, `'no-preference'`.
If the function passed to the `page.evaluate` returns a non-[Serializable] value, then `page.evaluate` resolves to `undefined`. DevTools Protocol also supports transferring some additional values that are not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and bigint literals.
If the function passed to the `page.evaluateHandle` returns a [Promise], then `page.evaluateHandle` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
The function is invoked after the document was created but before any of its scripts were run. This is useful to amend the JavaScript environment, e.g. to seed `Math.random`.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query page for.
-`value`<[string]> Value to fill for the `<input>`, `<textarea>` or `[contenteditable]` element.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully filled. The promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully focused. The promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
- returns: <[Promise]<?[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect. If
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
- returns: <[Promise]<?[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect. If
-`url`<[string]> URL to navigate page to. The url should include scheme, e.g. `https://`.
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`referer`<[string]> Referer header value. If provided it will take preference over the referer header value set by [page.setExtraHTTPHeaders()](#pagesetextrahttpheadersheaders).
- returns: <[Promise]<?[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect.
`page.goto` will throw an error if:
- there's an SSL error (e.g. in case of self-signed certificates).
- target URL is invalid.
- the `timeout` is exceeded during navigation.
- the remote server does not respond or is unreachable.
- the main resource failed to load.
`page.goto` will not throw an error when any valid HTTP status code is returned by the remote server, including 404 "Not Found" and 500 "Internal Server Error". The status code for such responses can be retrieved by calling [response.status()](#responsestatus).
> **NOTE** `page.goto` either throws an error or returns a main resource response. The only exceptions are navigation to `about:blank` or navigation to the same URL with a different hash, which would succeed and return `null`.
> **NOTE** Headless mode doesn't support navigation to a PDF document. See the [upstream issue](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=761295).
Shortcut for [page.mainFrame().goto(url, options)](#framegotourl-options)
#### page.hover(selector[, options])
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to search for element to hover. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be hovered.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to hover relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, hovers over some visible point of the element.
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the hover, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully hovered. Promise gets rejected if there's no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to hover over the center of the element.
-`options`<[Object]> Options object which might have the following properties:
-`path`<[string]> The file path to save the PDF to. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). If no path is provided, the PDF won't be saved to the disk.
-`scale`<[number]> Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to `1`. Scale amount must be between 0.1 and 2.
-`displayHeaderFooter`<[boolean]> Display header and footer. Defaults to `false`.
-`headerTemplate`<[string]> HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following classes used to inject printing values into them:
-`'date'` formatted print date
-`'title'` document title
-`'url'` document location
-`'pageNumber'` current page number
-`'totalPages'` total pages in the document
-`footerTemplate`<[string]> HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the `headerTemplate`.
-`printBackground`<[boolean]> Print background graphics. Defaults to `false`.
-`landscape`<[boolean]> Paper orientation. Defaults to `false`.
-`pageRanges`<[string]> Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.
-`format`<[string]> Paper format. If set, takes priority over `width` or `height` options. Defaults to 'Letter'.
-`width`<[string]|[number]> Paper width, accepts values labeled with units.
-`height`<[string]|[number]> Paper height, accepts values labeled with units.
-`margin`<[Object]> Paper margins, defaults to none.
-`top`<[string]|[number]> Top margin, accepts values labeled with units.
-`right`<[string]|[number]> Right margin, accepts values labeled with units.
-`bottom`<[string]|[number]> Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units.
-`left`<[string]|[number]> Left margin, accepts values labeled with units.
-`preferCSSPageSize`<[boolean]> Give any CSS `@page` size declared in the page priority over what is declared in `width` and `height` or `format` options. Defaults to `false`, which will scale the content to fit the paper size.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Buffer]>> Promise which resolves with PDF buffer.
`page.pdf()` generates a pdf of the page with `print` css media. To generate a pdf with `screen` media, call [page.emulateMedia({ type: 'screen' })](#pageemulatemedia) before calling `page.pdf()`:
> **NOTE** By default, `page.pdf()` generates a pdf with modified colors for printing. Use the [`-webkit-print-color-adjust`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-print-color-adjust) property to force rendering of exact colors.
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
- returns: <[Promise]<[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect.
-`options`<[Object]> Options object which might have the following properties:
-`path`<[string]> The file path to save the image to. The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). If no path is provided, the image won't be saved to the disk.
-`type`<"png"|"jpeg"> Specify screenshot type, defaults to 'png'.
-`quality`<[number]> The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to `png` images.
-`fullPage`<[boolean]> When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Defaults to `false`.
-`clip`<[Object]> An object which specifies clipping region of the page. Should have the following fields:
-`x`<[number]> x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
-`y`<[number]> y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
-`width`<[number]> width of clipping area
-`height`<[number]> height of clipping area
-`omitBackground`<[boolean]> Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. Defaults to `false`.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Buffer]>> Promise which resolves to buffer with the captured screenshot.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query frame for.
-`value`<[string]|[ElementHandle]|[Array]<[string]>|[Object]|[Array]<[ElementHandle]>|[Array]<[Object]>> Options to select. If the `<select>` has the `multiple` attribute, all matching options are selected, otherwise only the first option matching one of the passed options is selected. String values are equivalent to `{value:'string'}`. Option is considered matching if all specified properties match.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`html`<[string]> HTML markup to assign to the page.
-`options`<[Object]> Parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum time in milliseconds for resources to load, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider setting markup succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, setting content is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider setting content to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider setting content to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider setting content to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider setting content to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
`page.setViewport` will resize the page. A lot of websites don't expect phones to change size, so you should set the viewport before navigating to the page.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to search for element to triple click. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be triple clicked.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to triple click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, triple clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the triple click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully triple clicked. The Promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to triple click in the center of the element.
If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector of an element to type into. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be used.
-`text`<[string]> A text to type into a focused element.
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between key presses in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]>
Sends a `keydown`, `keypress`/`input`, and `keyup` event for each character in the text.
To press a special key, like `Control` or `ArrowDown`, use [`keyboard.press`](#keyboardpresskey-options).
-`selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`<[string]|[number]|[function]> A [selector], predicate or timeout to wait for
-`options`<[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
-`visibility`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`). Defaults to `any`.
-`polling`<[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
-`'raf'` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
-`'mutation'` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
-`timeout`<[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves to a JSHandle of the success value
This method behaves differently with respect to the type of the first parameter:
- if `selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout` is a `string`, then the first argument is treated as a [selector] or [xpath], depending on whether or not it starts with '//', and the method is a shortcut for
- if `selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout` is a `function`, then the first argument is treated as a predicate to wait for and the method is a shortcut for [page.waitForFunction()](#pagewaitforfunctionpagefunction-options-args).
- if `selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout` is a `number`, then the first argument is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and the method returns a promise which resolves after the timeout
-`event`<[string]> Event name, same one would pass into `page.on(event)`.
-`optionsOrPredicate`<[Function]|[Object]> Either a predicate that receives an event or an options object.
-`predicate`<[Function]> receives the event data and resolves to truthy value when the waiting should resolve.
-`polling`<[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
-`'raf'` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
-`'mutation'` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
-`timeout`<[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]<[any]>> Promise which resolves to the event data value.
-`pageFunction`<[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in browser context
-`options`<[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
-`polling`<[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
-`'raf'` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
-`'mutation'` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
-`timeout`<[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves when the `pageFunction` returns a truthy value. It resolves to a JSHandle of the truthy value.
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the load state has been achieved.
This resolves when the page reaches a required load state, `load` by default. The navigation can be in progress when it is called.
If navigation is already at a required state, resolves immediately.
Shortcut for [page.mainFrame().waitForLoadState([options])](#framewaitforloadstateoptions).
#### page.waitForNavigation([options])
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`url`<[string]|[RegExp]|[Function]> URL string, URL regex pattern or predicate receiving [URL] to match while waiting for the navigation.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
- returns: <[Promise]<?[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect. In case of navigation to a different anchor or navigation due to History API usage, the navigation will resolve with `null`.
This resolves when the page navigates to a new URL or reloads. It is useful for when you run code
which will indirectly cause the page to navigate. Consider this example:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable the timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Request]>> Promise which resolves to the matched request.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable the timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the matched response.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector of an element to wait for
-`visibility`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`). Defaults to `any`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]<?[ElementHandle]>> Promise which resolves when element specified by selector string is added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for `hidden: true` and selector is not found in DOM.
Wait for the `selector` to appear in page. If at the moment of calling
the method the `selector` already exists, the method will return
immediately. If the selector doesn't appear after the `timeout` milliseconds of waiting, the function will throw.
This method works across navigations:
const { chromium } = require('playwright'); // Or 'firefox' or 'webkit'.
(async () => {
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
let currentURL;
.then(() => console.log('First URL with image: ' + currentURL));
for (currentURL of ['https://example.com', 'https://google.com', 'https://bbc.com']) {
await page.goto(currentURL);
await browser.close();
Shortcut for [page.mainFrame().waitForSelector(selector[, options])](#framewaitforselectorselector-options).
#### page.workers()
- returns: <[Array]<[Worker]>>
This method returns all of the dedicated [WebWorkers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API) associated with the page.
> **NOTE** This does not contain ServiceWorkers
### class: Frame
At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the [page.mainFrame()](#pagemainframe) and [frame.childFrames()](#framechildframes) methods.
This method runs `document.querySelector` within the frame and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query page for
-`pageFunction`<[function]\([Element]\)> Function to be evaluated in browser context
-`options`<[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
-`polling`<[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
-`'raf'` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
-`'mutation'` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
-`timeout`<[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves to a JSHandle of the success value
This method runs `document.querySelector` within the frame and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
-`path`<[string]> Path to the JavaScript file to be injected into frame. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd).
-`content`<[string]> Raw JavaScript content to be injected into frame.
-`type`<[string]> Script type. Use 'module' in order to load a Javascript ES6 module. See [script](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/script) for more details.
- returns: <[Promise]<[ElementHandle]>> which resolves to the added tag when the script's onload fires or when the script content was injected into frame.
Adds a `<script>` tag into the page with the desired url or content.
-`path`<[string]> Path to the CSS file to be injected into frame. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd).
-`content`<[string]> Raw CSS content to be injected into frame.
- returns: <[Promise]<[ElementHandle]>> which resolves to the added tag when the stylesheet's onload fires or when the CSS content was injected into frame.
Adds a `<link rel="stylesheet">` tag into the page with the desired url or a `<style type="text/css">` tag with the content.
#### frame.childFrames()
- returns: <[Array]<[Frame]>>
#### frame.click(selector[, options])
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to search for element to click. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be clicked.
-`button`<"left"|"right"|"middle"> Defaults to `left`.
-`clickCount`<[number]> defaults to 1. See [UIEvent.detail].
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully clicked. The Promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to click in the center of the element.
If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
Bear in mind that if `click()` triggers a navigation event and there's a separate `page.waitForNavigation()` promise to be resolved, you may end up with a race condition that yields unexpected results. The correct pattern for click and wait for navigation is the following:
const [response] = await Promise.all([
frame.click(selector, clickOptions),
#### frame.content()
- returns: <[Promise]<[string]>>
Gets the full HTML contents of the frame, including the doctype.
#### frame.dblclick(selector[, options])
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to search for element to double click. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be double clicked.
-`button`<"left"|"right"|"middle"> Defaults to `left`.
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to double click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, double clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the double click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully double clicked. The Promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to double click in the center of the element.
If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
Bear in mind that if the first click of the `dblclick()` triggers a navigation event, there will be an exception.
> **NOTE** `frame.dblclick()` dispatches two `click` events and a single `dblclick` event.
#### frame.evaluate(pageFunction[, ...args])
-`pageFunction`<[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in browser context
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[Serializable]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction`
If the function passed to the `frame.evaluate` returns a [Promise], then `frame.evaluate` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
If the function passed to the `frame.evaluate` returns a non-[Serializable] value, then `frame.evaluate` resolves to `undefined`. DevTools Protocol also supports transferring some additional values that are not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and bigint literals.
const result = await frame.evaluate(() => {
return Promise.resolve(8 * 7);
console.log(result); // prints "56"
A string can also be passed in instead of a function.
console.log(await frame.evaluate('1 + 2')); // prints "3"
[ElementHandle] instances can be passed as arguments to the `frame.evaluate`:
const bodyHandle = await frame.$('body');
const html = await frame.evaluate(body => body.innerHTML, bodyHandle);
-`pageFunction`<[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in the page context
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction` as in-page object (JSHandle)
The only difference between `frame.evaluate` and `frame.evaluateHandle` is that `frame.evaluateHandle` returns in-page object (JSHandle).
If the function, passed to the `frame.evaluateHandle`, returns a [Promise], then `frame.evaluateHandle` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query page for.
-`value`<[string]> Value to fill for the `<input>`, `<textarea>` or `[contenteditable]` element.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully filled. The promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
This method focuses the element and triggers an `input` event after filling.
If there's no text `<input>`, `<textarea>` or `[contenteditable]` element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully focused. The promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
-`url`<[string]> URL to navigate frame to. The url should include scheme, e.g. `https://`.
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`referer`<[string]> Referer header value. If provided it will take preference over the referer header value set by [page.setExtraHTTPHeaders()](#pagesetextrahttpheadersheaders).
- returns: <[Promise]<?[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect.
`frame.goto` will not throw an error when any valid HTTP status code is returned by the remote server, including 404 "Not Found" and 500 "Internal Server Error". The status code for such responses can be retrieved by calling [response.status()](#responsestatus).
> **NOTE** `frame.goto` either throws an error or returns a main resource response. The only exceptions are navigation to `about:blank` or navigation to the same URL with a different hash, which would succeed and return `null`.
> **NOTE** Headless mode doesn't support navigation to a PDF document. See the [upstream issue](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=761295).
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to hover relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, hovers over some visible point of the element.
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the hover, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully hovered. Promise gets rejected if there's no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to hover over the center of the element.
Returns frame's name attribute as specified in the tag.
If the name is empty, returns the id attribute instead.
> **NOTE** This value is calculated once when the frame is created, and will not update if the attribute is changed later.
#### frame.parentFrame()
- returns: <?[Frame]> Parent frame, if any. Detached frames and main frames return `null`.
#### frame.select(selector, value, options)
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query frame for.
-`value`<[string]|[ElementHandle]|[Array]<[string]>|[Object]|[Array]<[ElementHandle]>|[Array]<[Object]>> Options to select. If the `<select>` has the `multiple` attribute, all matching options are selected, otherwise only the first option matching one of the passed options is selected. String values are equivalent to `{value:'string'}`. Option is considered matching if all specified properties match.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Array]<[string]>>> An array of option values that have been successfully selected.
-`html`<[string]> HTML markup to assign to the page.
-`options`<[Object]> Parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum time in milliseconds for resources to load, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider setting markup succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, setting content is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider setting content to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider setting content to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider setting content to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider setting content to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
- returns: <[Promise]<[string]>> The page's title.
#### frame.tripleclick(selector[, options])
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to search for element to triple click. If there are multiple elements satisfying the selector, the first will be triple clicked.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to triple click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, triple clicks to some visible point of the element.
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the triple click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element matching `selector` is successfully triple clicked. The Promise will be rejected if there is no element matching `selector`.
This method fetches an element with `selector`, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses [page.mouse](#pagemouse) to triple click in the center of the element.
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between key presses in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`waitFor`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"|"nowait"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`) or do not wait at all (`nowait`). Defaults to `visible`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`<[string]|[number]|[function]> A [selector], predicate or timeout to wait for
-`options`<[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
-`visibility`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`). Defaults to `any`.
-`polling`<[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
-`'raf'` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
-`'mutation'` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
-`timeout`<[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves to a JSHandle of the success value
This method behaves differently with respect to the type of the first parameter:
- if `selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout` is a `string`, then the first argument is treated as a [selector] or [xpath], depending on whether or not it starts with '//', and the method is a shortcut for
- if `selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout` is a `function`, then the first argument is treated as a predicate to wait for and the method is a shortcut for [frame.waitForFunction()](#framewaitforfunctionpagefunction-options-args).
- if `selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout` is a `number`, then the first argument is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and the method returns a promise which resolves after the timeout
-`pageFunction`<[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in browser context
-`options`<[Object]> Optional waiting parameters
-`polling`<[number]|"raf"|"mutation"> An interval at which the `pageFunction` is executed, defaults to `raf`. If `polling` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If `polling` is a string, then it can be one of the following values:
-`'raf'` - to constantly execute `pageFunction` in `requestAnimationFrame` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.
-`'mutation'` - to execute `pageFunction` on every DOM mutation.
-`timeout`<[number]> maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves when the `pageFunction` returns a truthy value. It resolves to a JSHandle of the truthy value.
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the load state has been achieved.
-`options`<[Object]> Navigation parameters which might have the following properties:
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaultnavigationtimeouttimeout) or [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) methods.
-`url`<[string]|[RegExp]|[Function]> URL string, URL regex pattern or predicate receiving [URL] to match while waiting for the navigation.
-`waitUntil`<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|[Array]<"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2">> When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to `load`. Given an array of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either:
-`'load'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `load` event is fired.
-`'domcontentloaded'` - consider navigation to be finished when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
-`'networkidle0'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least `500` ms.
-`'networkidle2'` - consider navigation to be finished when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least `500` ms.
- returns: <[Promise]<?[Response]>> Promise which resolves to the main resource response. In case of multiple redirects, the navigation will resolve with the response of the last redirect. In case of navigation to a different anchor or navigation due to History API usage, the navigation will resolve with `null`.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector of an element to wait for
-`visibility`<"visible"|"hidden"|"any"> Wait for element to become visible (`visible`), hidden (`hidden`), present in dom (`any`). Defaults to `any`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass `0` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the [page.setDefaultTimeout(timeout)](#pagesetdefaulttimeouttimeout) method.
- returns: <[Promise]<?[ElementHandle]>> Promise which resolves when element specified by selector string is added to DOM. Resolves to `null` if waiting for `hidden: true` and selector is not found in DOM.
ElementHandle prevents DOM element from garbage collection unless the handle is [disposed](#elementhandledispose). ElementHandles are auto-disposed when their origin frame gets navigated.
ElementHandle instances can be used as arguments in [`page.$eval()`](#pageevalselector-pagefunction-args) and [`page.evaluate()`](#pageevaluatepagefunction-args) methods.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query page for
-`pageFunction`<[function]\([Array]<[Element]>\)> Function to be evaluated in browser context
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[Serializable]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction`
This method runs `document.querySelectorAll` within the element and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
If `pageFunction` returns a [Promise], then `frame.$$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
-`selector`<[string]> A selector to query page for
-`pageFunction`<[function]\([Element]\)> Function to be evaluated in browser context
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[Serializable]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction`
This method runs `document.querySelector` within the element and passes it as the first argument to `pageFunction`. If there's no element matching `selector`, the method throws an error.
If `pageFunction` returns a [Promise], then `frame.$eval` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
- x <[number]> the x coordinate of the element in pixels.
- y <[number]> the y coordinate of the element in pixels.
- width <[number]> the width of the element in pixels.
- height <[number]> the height of the element in pixels.
This method returns the bounding box of the element (relative to the main frame), or `null` if the element is not visible.
#### elementHandle.click([options])
-`button`<"left"|"right"|"middle"> Defaults to `left`.
-`clickCount`<[number]> defaults to 1. See [UIEvent.detail].
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element is successfully clicked. Promise gets rejected if the element is detached from DOM.
-`button`<"left"|"right"|"middle"> Defaults to `left`.
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to double click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, double clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the double click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element is successfully double clicked. Promise gets rejected if the element is detached from DOM.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to hover relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, hovers over some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the hover, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift` are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also be generated. The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated.
-`path`<[string]> The file path to save the image to. The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension. If `path` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). If no path is provided, the image won't be saved to the disk.
-`type`<"png"|"jpeg"> Specify screenshot type, defaults to 'png'.
-`quality`<[number]> The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to `png` images.
-`omitBackground`<[boolean]> Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. Defaults to `false`.
- returns: <[Promise]<|[Buffer]>> Promise which resolves to buffer with the captured screenshot.
This method tries to scroll element into view, unless it is completely visible as defined by [IntersectionObserver](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API)'s ```ratio```. See also [elementHandle.visibleRatio()](#elementhandlevisibleratio).
Throws when ```elementHandle``` does not point to an element [connected](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/isConnected) to a Document or a ShadowRoot.
-`...values`<...[string]|[ElementHandle]|[Object]> Options to select. If the `<select>` has the `multiple` attribute, all matching options are selected, otherwise only the first option matching one of the passed options is selected. String values are equivalent to `{value:'string'}`. Option is considered matching if all specified properties match.
-`value`<[string]> Matches by `option.value`.
-`label`<[string]> Matches by `option.label`.
-`index`<[number]> Matches by the index.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Array]<[string]>>> An array of option values that have been successfully selected.
-`...files`<...[string]|[Object]> Sets the value of the file input to these file paths or files. If some of the `filePaths` are relative paths, then they are resolved relative to the [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd).
-`button`<"left"|"right"|"middle"> Defaults to `left`.
-`delay`<[number]> Time to wait between `mousedown` and `mouseup` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> A point to triple click relative to the top-left corner of element padding box. If not specified, triple clicks to some visible point of the element.
- x <[number]>
- y <[number]>
-`modifiers`<[Array]<"Alt"|"Control"|"Meta"|"Shift">> Modifier keys to press. Ensures that only these modifiers are pressed during the triple click, and then restores current modifiers back. If not specified, currently pressed modifiers are used.
- returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the element is successfully triple clicked. Promise gets rejected if the element is detached from DOM.
- returns: <[Promise]<[number]>> Returns the visible ratio as defined by [IntersectionObserver](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API).
Positive ratio means that some part of the element is visible in the current viewport. Ratio equal to one means that element is completely visible.
### class: JSHandle
JSHandle represents an in-page JavaScript object. JSHandles can be created with the [page.evaluateHandle](#pageevaluatehandlepagefunction-args) method.
JSHandle prevents the referenced JavaScript object being garbage collected unless the handle is [disposed](#jshandledispose). JSHandles are auto-disposed when their origin frame gets navigated or the parent context gets destroyed.
JSHandle instances can be used as arguments in [`page.$eval()`](#pageevalselector-pagefunction-args), [`page.evaluate()`](#pageevaluatepagefunction-args) and [`page.evaluateHandle`](#pageevaluatehandlepagefunction-args) methods.
If the function passed to the `jsHandle.evaluateHandle` returns a [Promise], then `jsHandle.evaluateHandle` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
> **NOTE** The method will return an empty JSON object if the referenced object is not stringifiable. It will throw an error if the object has circular references.
### class: ConsoleMessage
[ConsoleMessage] objects are dispatched by page via the ['console'](#event-console) event.
Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard. The high level api is [`keyboard.type`](#keyboardtypetext-options), which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page.
For finer control, you can use [`keyboard.down`](#keyboarddownkey-options), [`keyboard.up`](#keyboardupkey), and [`keyboard.sendCharacters`](#keyboardsendcharacterstext) to manually fire events as if they were generated from a real keyboard.
If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift` are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also generated. The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated.
If `key` is a modifier key, `Shift`, `Meta`, `Control`, or `Alt`, subsequent key presses will be sent with that modifier active. To release the modifier key, use [`keyboard.up`](#keyboardupkey).
After the key is pressed once, subsequent calls to [`keyboard.down`](#keyboarddownkey-options) will have [repeat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/repeat) set to true. To release the key, use [`keyboard.up`](#keyboardupkey).
If `key` is a single character and no modifier keys besides `Shift` are being held down, a `keypress`/`input` event will also generated. The `text` option can be specified to force an input event to be generated.
-`relativePoint`<[Object]> Optional relative point
-`x`<[number]> x coordinate
-`y`<[number]> y coordinate
- returns: <[Promise]>
Shortcut for [`mouse.move`](#mousemovex-y-options), [`mouse.down`](#mousedownoptions), [`mouse.up`](#mouseupoptions), [`mouse.down`](#mousedownoptions) and [`mouse.up`](#mouseupoptions).
Shortcut for [`mouse.move`](#mousemovex-y-options), [`mouse.down`](#mousedownoptions), [`mouse.up`](#mouseupoptions), [`mouse.down`](#mousedownoptions), [`mouse.up`](#mouseupoptions), [`mouse.down`](#mousedownoptions) and [`mouse.up`](#mouseupoptions).
If request fails at some point, then instead of `'requestfinished'` event (and possibly instead of 'response' event), the [`'requestfailed'`](#event-requestfailed) event is emitted.
> **NOTE** HTTP Error responses, such as 404 or 503, are still successful responses from HTTP standpoint, so request will complete with `'requestfinished'` event.
If request gets a 'redirect' response, the request is successfully finished with the 'requestfinished' event, and a new request is issued to a redirected url.
-`errorCode`<[string]> Optional error code. Defaults to `failed`, could be
one of the following:
-`aborted` - An operation was aborted (due to user action)
-`accessdenied` - Permission to access a resource, other than the network, was denied
-`addressunreachable` - The IP address is unreachable. This usually means
that there is no route to the specified host or network.
-`blockedbyclient` - The client chose to block the request.
-`blockedbyresponse` - The request failed because the response was delivered along with requirements which are not met ('X-Frame-Options' and 'Content-Security-Policy' ancestor checks, for instance).
-`connectionaborted` - A connection timed out as a result of not receiving an ACK for data sent.
-`connectionclosed` - A connection was closed (corresponding to a TCP FIN).
-`connectionfailed` - A connection attempt failed.
-`connectionrefused` - A connection attempt was refused.
-`connectionreset` - A connection was reset (corresponding to a TCP RST).
-`internetdisconnected` - The Internet connection has been lost.
-`namenotresolved` - The host name could not be resolved.
-`timedout` - An operation timed out.
-`failed` - A generic failure occurred.
- returns: <[Promise]>
Aborts request. To use this, request interception should be enabled with `page.setRequestInterception`.
Exception is immediately thrown if the request interception is not enabled.
#### request.continue([overrides])
-`overrides`<[Object]> Optional request overwrites, which can be one of the following:
Contains the request's resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine.
ResourceType will be one of the following: `document`, `stylesheet`, `image`, `media`, `font`, `script`, `texttrack`, `xhr`, `fetch`, `eventsource`, `websocket`, `manifest`, `other`.
TimeoutError is emitted whenever certain operations are terminated due to timeout, e.g. [page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])](#pagewaitforselectorselector-options) or [browserType.launch([options])](#browsertypelaunchoptions).
The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access).
Blink - Chromium's rendering engine - has a concept of "accessibility tree", which is then translated into different platform-specific APIs. Accessibility namespace gives users
Most of the accessibility tree gets filtered out when converting from Blink AX Tree to Platform-specific AX-Tree or by assistive technologies themselves. By default, Playwright tries to approximate this filtering, exposing only the "interesting" nodes of the tree.
> **NOTE** Anonymous scripts are ones that don't have an associated url. These are scripts that are dynamically created on the page using `eval` or `new Function`. If `reportAnonymousScripts` is set to `true`, anonymous scripts will have `__playwright_evaluation_script__` as their URL.
-`pageFunction`<[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in the worker context
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[Serializable]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction`
If the function passed to the `worker.evaluate` returns a [Promise], then `worker.evaluate` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
If the function passed to the `worker.evaluate` returns a non-[Serializable] value, then `worker.evaluate` resolves to `undefined`. DevTools Protocol also supports transferring some additional values that are not serializable by `JSON`: `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and bigint literals.
-`pageFunction`<[function]|[string]> Function to be evaluated in the page context
-`...args`<...[Serializable]|[JSHandle]> Arguments to pass to `pageFunction`
- returns: <[Promise]<[JSHandle]>> Promise which resolves to the return value of `pageFunction` as in-page object (JSHandle)
The only difference between `worker.evaluate` and `worker.evaluateHandle` is that `worker.evaluateHandle` returns in-page object (JSHandle).
If the function passed to the `worker.evaluateHandle` returns a [Promise], then `worker.evaluateHandle` would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.
Browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to [browserType.connect(options)] to establish connection to the browser. Requires browser app to be launched with `browserType.launchBrowserApp({ webSocket: true, ... })`.
-`browserWSEndpoint`<?[string]> A browser websocket endpoint to connect to.
-`slowMo`<[number]> Slows down Playwright operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on.
-`browserURL`<?[string]> **Chromium-only** A browser url to connect to, in format `http://${host}:${port}`. Use interchangeably with `browserWSEndpoint` to let Playwright fetch it from [metadata endpoint](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/#how-do-i-access-the-browser-target).
-`transport`<[ConnectionTransport]> **Experimental** Specify a custom transport object for Playwright to use.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Browser]>>
This methods attaches Playwright to an existing browser instance.
#### browserType.defaultArgs([options])
-`options`<[Object]> Set of configurable options to set on the browser. Can have the following fields:
-`headless`<[boolean]> Whether to run browser in headless mode. More details for [Chromium](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome) and [Firefox](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Headless_mode). Defaults to `true` unless the `devtools` option is `true`.
-`args`<[Array]<[string]>> Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance. The list of Chromium flags can be found [here](http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/).
-`userDataDir`<[string]> Path to a [User Data Directory](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/user_data_dir.md).
-`devtools`<[boolean]> **Chromium-only** Whether to auto-open a Developer Tools panel for each tab. If this option is `true`, the `headless` option will be set `false`.
- returns: <[Array]<[string]>>
The default flags that browser will be launched with.
#### browserType.devices
- returns: <[Object]>
Returns a list of devices to be used with [`browser.newContext(options)`](#browsernewcontextoptions). Actual list of
devices can be found in [src/deviceDescriptors.ts](https://github.com/Microsoft/playwright/blob/master/src/deviceDescriptors.ts).
-`TimeoutError`<[function]> A class of [TimeoutError].
Playwright methods might throw errors if they are unable to fulfill a request. For example, [page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])](#pagewaitforselectorselector-options)
might fail if the selector doesn't match any nodes during the given timeframe.
For certain types of errors Playwright uses specific error classes.
These classes are available via [`browserType.errors`](#browsertypeerrors) or [`playwright.errors`](#playwrighterrors).
An example of handling a timeout error:
const { webkit } = require('playwright'); // Or 'chromium' or 'firefox'.
try {
await page.waitForSelector('.foo');
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof webkit.errors.TimeoutError) {
// Do something if this is a timeout.
#### browserType.executablePath()
- returns: <[string]> A path where Playwright expects to find a bundled browser.
#### browserType.launch([options])
-`options`<[Object]> Set of configurable options to set on the browser. Can have the following fields:
-`headless`<[boolean]> Whether to run browser in headless mode. More details for [Chromium](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome) and [Firefox](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Headless_mode). Defaults to `true` unless the `devtools` option is `true`.
-`executablePath`<[string]> Path to a browser executable to run instead of the bundled one. If `executablePath` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). **BEWARE**: Playwright is only [guaranteed to work](https://github.com/Microsoft/playwright/#q-why-doesnt-playwright-vxxx-work-with-chromium-vyyy) with the bundled Chromium, Firefox or WebKit, use at your own risk.
-`slowMo`<[number]> Slows down Playwright operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on.
-`args`<[Array]<[string]>> Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance. The list of Chromium flags can be found [here](http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/).
-`ignoreDefaultArgs`<[boolean]|[Array]<[string]>> If `true`, then do not use [`browserType.defaultArgs()`](#browsertypedefaultargsoptions). If an array is given, then filter out the given default arguments. Dangerous option; use with care. Defaults to `false`.
-`handleSIGINT`<[boolean]> Close the browser process on Ctrl-C. Defaults to `true`.
-`handleSIGTERM`<[boolean]> Close the browser process on SIGTERM. Defaults to `true`.
-`handleSIGHUP`<[boolean]> Close the browser process on SIGHUP. Defaults to `true`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the browser instance to start. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout.
-`dumpio`<[boolean]> Whether to pipe the browser process stdout and stderr into `process.stdout` and `process.stderr`. Defaults to `false`.
-`userDataDir`<[string]> Path to a User Data Directory, which stores browser session data like cookies and local storage. More details for [Chromium](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/user_data_dir.md) and [Firefox](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Command_Line_Options#User_Profile).
-`env`<[Object]> Specify environment variables that will be visible to the browser. Defaults to `process.env`.
-`webSocket`<[boolean]> Connects to the browser over a WebSocket instead of a pipe. Defaults to `false`.
-`devtools`<[boolean]> **Chromium-only** Whether to auto-open a Developer Tools panel for each tab. If this option is `true`, the `headless` option will be set `false`.
- returns: <[Promise]<[Browser]>> Promise which resolves to browser instance.
You can use `ignoreDefaultArgs` to filter out `--mute-audio` from default arguments:
const browser = await chromium.launch({ // Or 'firefox' or 'webkit'.
ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--mute-audio']
> **Chromium-only** Playwright can also be used to control the Chrome browser, but it works best with the version of Chromium it is bundled with. There is no guarantee it will work with any other version. Use `executablePath` option with extreme caution.
> If Google Chrome (rather than Chromium) is preferred, a [Chrome Canary](https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html) or [Dev Channel](https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel) build is suggested.
> In [browserType.launch([options])](#browsertypelaunchoptions) above, any mention of Chromium also applies to Chrome.
> See [`this article`](https://www.howtogeek.com/202825/what%E2%80%99s-the-difference-between-chromium-and-chrome/) for a description of the differences between Chromium and Chrome. [`This article`](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/lkgr/docs/chromium_browser_vs_google_chrome.md) describes some differences for Linux users.
#### browserType.launchBrowserApp([options])
-`options`<[Object]> Set of configurable options to set on the browser. Can have the following fields:
-`headless`<[boolean]> Whether to run browser in headless mode. More details for [Chromium](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome) and [Firefox](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Headless_mode). Defaults to `true` unless the `devtools` option is `true`.
-`executablePath`<[string]> Path to a browser executable to run instead of the bundled one. If `executablePath` is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to [current working directory](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_cwd). **BEWARE**: Playwright is only [guaranteed to work](https://github.com/Microsoft/playwright/#q-why-doesnt-playwright-vxxx-work-with-chromium-vyyy) with the bundled Chromium, Firefox or WebKit, use at your own risk.
-`slowMo`<[number]> Slows down Playwright operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. Useful so that you can see what is going on.
-`args`<[Array]<[string]>> Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance. The list of Chromium flags can be found [here](http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/).
-`ignoreDefaultArgs`<[boolean]|[Array]<[string]>> If `true`, then do not use [`browserType.defaultArgs()`](#browsertypedefaultargsoptions). If an array is given, then filter out the given default arguments. Dangerous option; use with care. Defaults to `false`.
-`handleSIGINT`<[boolean]> Close the browser process on Ctrl-C. Defaults to `true`.
-`handleSIGTERM`<[boolean]> Close the browser process on SIGTERM. Defaults to `true`.
-`handleSIGHUP`<[boolean]> Close the browser process on SIGHUP. Defaults to `true`.
-`timeout`<[number]> Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the browser instance to start. Defaults to `30000` (30 seconds). Pass `0` to disable timeout.
-`dumpio`<[boolean]> Whether to pipe the browser process stdout and stderr into `process.stdout` and `process.stderr`. Defaults to `false`.
-`userDataDir`<[string]> Path to a User Data Directory, which stores browser session data like cookies and local storage. More details for [Chromium](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/user_data_dir.md) and [Firefox](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Command_Line_Options#User_Profile).
-`env`<[Object]> Specify environment variables that will be visible to the browser. Defaults to `process.env`.
-`webSocket`<[boolean]> Connects to the browser over a WebSocket instead of a pipe. Defaults to `false`.
-`devtools`<[boolean]> **Chromium-only** Whether to auto-open a Developer Tools panel for each tab. If this option is `true`, the `headless` option will be set `false`.
- returns: <[Promise]<[BrowserApp]>> Promise which resolves to the browser app instance.
Chromium-specific features including Tracing, service worker support, etc.
You can use [`chromiumBrowser.startTracing`](#chromiumbrowserstarttracingpage-options) and [`chromiumBrowser.stopTracing`](#chromiumbrowserstoptracing) to create a trace file which can be opened in Chrome DevTools or [timeline viewer](https://chromedevtools.github.io/timeline-viewer/).
> **NOTE** This includes target changes in incognito browser contexts.
#### event: 'targetcreated'
Emitted when a target is created, for example when a new page is opened by [`window.open`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open) or [`browserContext.newPage`](#browsercontextnewpage).
> **NOTE** This includes target creations in incognito browser contexts.
#### event: 'targetdestroyed'
Emitted when a target is destroyed, for example when a page is closed.
> **NOTE** This includes target destructions in incognito browser contexts.
#### chromiumBrowser.browserTarget()
- returns: <[Target]>
Returns browser target.
#### chromiumBrowser.pageTarget(page)
-`page`<[Page]> Page to return target for.
- returns: <[Target]> a target given page was created from.
#### chromiumBrowser.serviceWorker(target)
-`target`<[ChromiumTarget]> Target to treat as a service worker
Identifies what kind of target this is. Can be `"page"`, [`"background_page"`](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages), `"service_worker"`, `"shared_worker"`, `"browser"` or `"other"`.
Selector describes an element in the page. It can be used to obtain `ElementHandle` (see [page.$()](#pageselector) for example) or shortcut element operations to avoid intermediate handle (see [page.click()](#pageclickselector-options) for example).
Selector has the following format: `engine=body [>> engine=body]*`. Here `engine` is one of the supported selector engines (currently, either `css` or `xpath`), and `body` is a selector body in the format of the particular engine. When multiple `engine=body` clauses are present (separated by `>>`), next one is queried relative to the previous one's result.
The following is code for getting a handle to the [background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) of an extension whose source is located in `./my-extension`: