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2009-01-20 07:31:11 +03:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
Command-line options for the application.
module Options
2007-02-10 20:36:50 +03:00
import System
2007-01-30 12:07:12 +03:00
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import Text.Printf
2009-04-02 05:28:36 +04:00
import Text.RegexPR (gsubRegexPRBy)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Ledger.IO (IOArgs,
import Ledger.Parse
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Dates
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
progname = "hledger"
timeprogname = "hours"
2009-01-25 11:44:14 +03:00
usagehdr = printf (
"Usage: one of\n" ++
2009-01-25 11:44:14 +03:00
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
"\n" ++
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
"COMMAND is one of (may be abbreviated):\n" ++
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
" balance - show account balances\n" ++
" print - show formatted ledger transactions\n" ++
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
" register - show register transactions\n" ++
2009-01-20 07:31:11 +03:00
#ifdef VTY
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
" ui - run a simple curses-based text ui\n" ++
2009-01-20 07:31:34 +03:00
#ifdef HAPPS
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
" web - run a simple web ui\n" ++
2009-01-20 07:31:11 +03:00
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
" test - run self-tests\n" ++
"\n" ++
"PATTERNS are regular expressions which filter by account name.\n" ++
"Or, prefix with desc: to filter by entry description.\n" ++
"Or, prefix with not: to negate a pattern. (When using both, not: comes last.)\n" ++
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
"\n" ++
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
"Dates can be y/m/d or ledger-style smart dates like \"last month\".\n" ++
"\n" ++
2009-01-25 11:44:14 +03:00
) progname timeprogname
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
2009-01-25 11:44:14 +03:00
usageftr = printf (
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
2008-11-26 08:21:44 +03:00
usage = usageInfo usagehdr options ++ usageftr
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
-- | Command-line options we accept.
options :: [OptDescr Opt]
options = [
Option ['f'] ["file"] (ReqArg File "FILE") filehelp
,Option ['b'] ["begin"] (ReqArg Begin "DATE") "report on transactions on or after this date"
,Option ['e'] ["end"] (ReqArg End "DATE") "report on transactions prior to this date"
,Option ['p'] ["period"] (ReqArg Period "EXPR") ("report on transactions during the specified period\n" ++
"and/or with the specified reporting interval\n")
,Option ['C'] ["cleared"] (NoArg Cleared) "report only on cleared transactions"
2009-04-03 15:45:56 +04:00
,Option ['U'] ["uncleared"] (NoArg UnCleared) "report only on uncleared transactions"
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
,Option ['B'] ["cost","basis"] (NoArg CostBasis) "report cost of commodities"
,Option [] ["depth"] (ReqArg Depth "N") "hide accounts/transactions deeper than this"
,Option ['d'] ["display"] (ReqArg Display "EXPR") ("show only transactions matching simple EXPR\n" ++
"(where EXPR is 'dOP[DATE]', OP is <, <=, =, >=, >)")
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
,Option ['E'] ["empty"] (NoArg Empty) "show empty/zero things which are normally elided"
,Option ['R'] ["real"] (NoArg Real) "report only on real (non-virtual) transactions"
,Option [] ["no-total"] (NoArg NoTotal) "balance report: hide the final total"
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
-- ,Option ['s'] ["subtotal"] (NoArg SubTotal) "balance report: show subaccounts"
,Option ['W'] ["weekly"] (NoArg WeeklyOpt) "register report: show weekly summary"
,Option ['M'] ["monthly"] (NoArg MonthlyOpt) "register report: show monthly summary"
,Option ['Y'] ["yearly"] (NoArg YearlyOpt) "register report: show yearly summary"
,Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show this help"
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
,Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version information"
,Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "show verbose test output"
,Option [] ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "show some debug output"
,Option [] ["debug-no-ui"] (NoArg DebugNoUI) "run ui commands with no output"
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
2008-11-24 03:14:28 +03:00
2009-04-02 11:22:04 +04:00
filehelp = printf (intercalate "\n"
["ledger file; default is the %s env. variable's"
,"value, or %s. - means use standard input."
]) ledgerenvvar ledgerdefaultpath
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
-- | An option value from a command-line flag.
data Opt =
File {value::String} |
Begin {value::String} |
End {value::String} |
Period {value::String} |
Cleared |
2009-04-03 15:45:56 +04:00
UnCleared |
CostBasis |
Depth {value::String} |
Display {value::String} |
2008-11-22 12:39:58 +03:00
Empty |
2008-10-16 13:50:16 +04:00
Real |
NoTotal |
SubTotal |
WeeklyOpt |
MonthlyOpt |
YearlyOpt |
2007-05-01 09:55:35 +04:00
Help |
Verbose |
| Debug
| DebugNoUI
deriving (Show,Eq)
2007-02-16 15:24:13 +03:00
2009-04-03 15:45:56 +04:00
-- these make me nervous
optsWithConstructor f opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if f v == o then [o] else [] where v = value o
2009-04-03 15:45:56 +04:00
optsWithConstructors fs opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if any (\f -> f == o) fs then [o] else []
optValuesForConstructor f opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if f v == o then [v] else [] where v = value o
2008-10-10 05:36:21 +04:00
optValuesForConstructors fs opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if any (\f -> f v == o) fs then [v] else [] where v = value o
-- | Parse the command-line arguments into options, command name, and
-- command arguments. Any dates in the options are converted to full
-- YYYY/MM/DD format, while we are in the IO monad and can get the current
-- time. Arguments are parsed differently if the program was invoked as
2009-01-25 11:09:26 +03:00
-- \"hours\".
2008-10-08 21:24:59 +04:00
parseArguments :: IO ([Opt], String, [String])
parseArguments = do
args <- getArgs
istimequery <- usingTimeProgramName
let (os,as,es) = getOpt Permute options args
os' <- fixOptDates os
case istimequery of
False ->
case (os,as,es) of
(opts,cmd:args,[]) -> return (os',cmd,args)
(opts,[],[]) -> return (os',"",[])
(opts,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage))
True ->
case (os,as,es) of
(opts,p:cmd:args,[]) -> return (os' ++ [Period p],cmd,args)
(opts,p:args,[]) -> return ([Period p,SubTotal] ++ os',"balance",args)
(opts,[],[]) -> return ([Period "today",SubTotal] ++ os',"balance",[])
(opts,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage))
2008-11-27 02:21:24 +03:00
-- | Convert any fuzzy dates within these option values to explicit ones,
-- based on today's date.
fixOptDates :: [Opt] -> IO [Opt]
fixOptDates opts = do
d <- getCurrentDay
return $ map (fixopt d) opts
fixopt d (Begin s) = Begin $ fixSmartDateStr d s
fixopt d (End s) = End $ fixSmartDateStr d s
fixopt d (Display s) = -- hacky
2008-11-27 02:21:24 +03:00
Display $ gsubRegexPRBy "\\[.+?\\]" fixbracketeddatestr s
where fixbracketeddatestr s = "[" ++ (fixSmartDateStr d $ init $ tail s) ++ "]"
fixopt _ o = o
-- | Figure out the overall date span we should report on, based on any
-- begin/end/period options provided. If there is a period option, the
-- others are ignored.
dateSpanFromOpts :: Day -> [Opt] -> DateSpan
dateSpanFromOpts refdate opts
| not $ null popts = snd $ parsePeriodExpr refdate $ last popts
| otherwise = DateSpan lastb laste
popts = optValuesForConstructor Period opts
bopts = optValuesForConstructor Begin opts
eopts = optValuesForConstructor End opts
lastb = listtomaybeday bopts
laste = listtomaybeday eopts
listtomaybeday vs = if null vs then Nothing else Just $ parse $ last vs
where parse = parsedate . fixSmartDateStr refdate
-- | Figure out the reporting interval, if any, specified by the options.
-- If there is a period option, the others are ignored.
intervalFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Interval
intervalFromOpts opts
| not $ null popts = fst $ parsePeriodExpr refdate $ last popts
| null otheropts = NoInterval
| otherwise = case last otheropts of
WeeklyOpt -> Weekly
MonthlyOpt -> Monthly
YearlyOpt -> Yearly
popts = optValuesForConstructor Period opts
otheropts = filter (`elem` [WeeklyOpt,MonthlyOpt,YearlyOpt]) opts
-- doesn't affect the interval, but parsePeriodExpr needs something
refdate = parsedate "0001/01/01"
2009-03-15 14:09:49 +03:00
-- | Get the value of the (last) depth option, if any, otherwise a large number.
depthFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Int
depthFromOpts opts = fromMaybe 9999 $ listtomaybeint $ optValuesForConstructor Depth opts
2008-11-27 09:48:46 +03:00
listtomaybeint [] = Nothing
listtomaybeint vs = Just $ read $ last vs
-- | Get the value of the (last) display option, if any.
displayFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Maybe String
2008-11-27 09:48:46 +03:00
displayFromOpts opts = listtomaybe $ optValuesForConstructor Display opts
2008-11-27 09:48:46 +03:00
listtomaybe [] = Nothing
listtomaybe vs = Just $ last vs
-- | Get a maybe boolean representing the last cleared/uncleared option if any.
clearedValueFromOpts opts | null os = Nothing
| last os == Cleared = Just True
| otherwise = Just False
where os = optsWithConstructors [Cleared,UnCleared] opts
-- | Was the program invoked via the \"hours\" alias ?
usingTimeProgramName :: IO Bool
usingTimeProgramName = do
progname <- getProgName
return $ map toLower progname == timeprogname
-- | Get the ledger file path from options, an environment variable, or a default
ledgerFilePathFromOpts :: [Opt] -> IO String
ledgerFilePathFromOpts opts = do
istimequery <- usingTimeProgramName
f <- if istimequery then myTimelogPath else myLedgerPath
return $ last $ f:(optValuesForConstructor File opts)
-- | Gather any pattern arguments into a list of account patterns and a
-- list of description patterns. For now we interpret pattern arguments as
-- follows: those prefixed with "desc:" are description patterns, all
-- others are account patterns. Also patterns prefixed with "not:" are
-- negated. not: should come after desc: if both are used.
-- This is different from ledger 2 and 3.
parseAccountDescriptionArgs :: [Opt] -> [String] -> ([String],[String])
parseAccountDescriptionArgs opts args = (as, ds')
descprefix = "desc:"
(ds, as) = partition (descprefix `isPrefixOf`) args
ds' = map (drop (length descprefix)) ds
-- | Convert application options to more generic types for the library.
optsToIOArgs :: [Opt] -> [String] -> LocalTime -> IOArgs
optsToIOArgs opts args t = (dateSpanFromOpts (localDay t) opts
,clearedValueFromOpts opts
,Real `elem` opts
,CostBasis `elem` opts
) where (apats,dpats) = parseAccountDescriptionArgs [] args