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2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- * doc
-- Lines beginning "--- *" are collapsible orgstruct nodes. Emacs users,
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
-- (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
-- (lambda () (set-variable 'orgstruct-heading-prefix-regexp "--- " t))
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
-- 'orgstruct-mode)
-- and press TAB on nodes to expand/collapse.
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
2008-10-01 04:29:58 +04:00
2008-10-03 06:28:58 +04:00
A reader for hledger's journal file format
(<http://hledger.org/MANUAL.html#the-journal-file>). hledger's journal
format is a compatible subset of c++ ledger's
(<http://ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Journal-Format>), so this
reader should handle many ledger files as well. Example:
2008-10-01 05:40:32 +04:00
2012\/3\/24 gift
expenses:gifts $10
2008-10-01 05:40:32 +04:00
2008-10-01 04:29:58 +04:00
Journal format supports the include directive which can read files in
other formats, so the other file format readers need to be importable
here. Some low-level journal syntax parsers which those readers also
use are therefore defined separately in Hledger.Read.Common, avoiding
import cycles.
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- * module
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, NoMonoLocalBinds, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-}
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
2010-11-15 10:01:46 +03:00
module Hledger.Read.JournalReader (
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- * exports
-- * Reader
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
-- * Parsing utils
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
-- * Parsers used elsewhere
-- codep,
-- accountnamep,
2015-09-25 03:23:52 +03:00
2014-02-06 01:02:24 +04:00
-- amountp,
-- amountp',
-- mamountp',
-- numberp,
-- * Tests
2010-03-13 02:46:20 +03:00
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- * imports
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat hiding (readFile)
2012-03-30 01:19:35 +04:00
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), liftIO, runExceptT, throwError)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
lib: textification begins! account names The first of several conversions from String to (strict) Text, hopefully reducing space and time usage. This one shows a small improvement, with GHC 7.10.3 and text- hledger -f data/100x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 39471064 bytes, 77 GCs, 198421/275048 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.015 MUT (0.020 elapsed), 0.010 GC (0.014 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 39268024 bytes, 77 GCs, 197018/270840 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 0.016 MUT (0.022 elapsed), 0.009 GC (0.011 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/1000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 318555920 bytes, 617 GCs, 2178997/7134472 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.129 MUT (0.136 elapsed), 0.067 GC (0.077 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 314248496 bytes, 612 GCs, 2074045/6617960 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 0.137 MUT (0.145 elapsed), 0.067 GC (0.079 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/10000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 3114763608 bytes, 6026 GCs, 18858950/75552024 avg/max bytes residency (11 samples), 201M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 1.331 MUT (1.372 elapsed), 0.699 GC (0.812 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 3071468920 bytes, 5968 GCs, 14120344/62951360 avg/max bytes residency (9 samples), 124M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 1.272 MUT (1.349 elapsed), 0.513 GC (0.578 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/100000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 31186579432 bytes, 60278 GCs, 135332581/740228992 avg/max bytes residency (13 samples), 1697M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.008 elapsed), 14.677 MUT (15.508 elapsed), 7.081 GC (8.074 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 30753427672 bytes, 59763 GCs, 117595958/666457240 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1588M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.008 elapsed), 13.713 MUT (13.966 elapsed), 6.220 GC (7.108 elapsed) :ghc>>
2016-05-24 04:16:21 +03:00
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Safe
import Test.HUnit
#ifdef TESTS
import Test.Framework
import Text.Parsec.Error
import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Text.Printf
import System.FilePath
2010-11-15 10:18:35 +03:00
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Read.Common
import Hledger.Read.TimeclockReader (timeclockfilep)
import Hledger.Read.TimedotReader (timedotfilep)
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Hledger.Utils
2010-03-13 02:46:20 +03:00
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- * reader
2010-03-13 02:46:20 +03:00
reader :: Reader
reader = Reader format detect parse
format :: String
format = "journal"
-- | Does the given file path and data look like it might be hledger's journal format ?
detect :: FilePath -> String -> Bool
detect f s
| f /= "-" = takeExtension f `elem` ['.':format, ".j"] -- from a known file name: yes if the extension is this format's name or .j
| otherwise = regexMatches "(^|\n)[0-9]+.*\n[ \t]+" s -- from stdin: yes if we can see something that looks like a journal entry (digits in column 0 with the next line indented)
-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from hledger's journal file
-- format, or give an error.
parse :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> String -> ExceptT String IO Journal
2015-10-17 22:09:03 +03:00
parse _ = parseAndFinaliseJournal journalp
2010-03-13 02:46:20 +03:00
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- * parsers
--- ** journal
-- | A journal parser. Accumulates and returns a "ParsedJournal",
-- which should be finalised/validated before use.
-- >>> rejp (journalp <* eof) "2015/1/1\n a 0\n"
-- Right Journal with 1 transactions, 1 accounts
journalp :: ErroringJournalParser ParsedJournal
journalp = do
many addJournalItemP
-- | A side-effecting parser; parses any kind of journal item
-- and updates the parse state accordingly.
addJournalItemP :: ErroringJournalParser ()
addJournalItemP = do
-- all journal line types can be distinguished by the first
-- character, can use choice without backtracking
choice [
, transactionp >>= modifyState . addTransaction
, modifiertransactionp >>= modifyState . addModifierTransaction
, periodictransactionp >>= modifyState . addPeriodicTransaction
, marketpricedirectivep >>= modifyState . addMarketPrice
, void emptyorcommentlinep
, void multilinecommentp
] <?> "transaction or directive"
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- ** directives
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
-- | Parse any journal directive and update the parse state accordingly.
-- Cf http://hledger.org/manual.html#directives,
-- http://ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Command-Directives
directivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
directivep = do
optional $ char '!'
choice' [
<?> "directive"
2010-03-13 02:46:20 +03:00
includedirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
includedirectivep = do
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
string "include"
2010-09-23 01:52:04 +04:00
many1 spacenonewline
filename <- restofline
parentpos <- getPosition
parentj <- getState
let childj = newJournalWithParseStateFrom parentj
2016-05-23 11:02:19 +03:00
(ej :: Either String ParsedJournal) <-
liftIO $ runExceptT $ do
let curdir = takeDirectory (sourceName parentpos)
filepath <- expandPath curdir filename `orRethrowIOError` (show parentpos ++ " locating " ++ filename)
txt <- readFile' filepath `orRethrowIOError` (show parentpos ++ " reading " ++ filepath)
2016-05-23 11:02:19 +03:00
(ej1::Either ParseError ParsedJournal) <-
(choice' [journalp
-- can't include a csv file yet, that reader is special
childj filepath txt
. ((show parentpos ++ " in included file " ++ show filename ++ ":\n") ++)
. show)
lib: textification: saved journal source Slightly worse on small files, better on large ones. hledger -f data/100x100x10.journal stats <<ghc: 39305392 bytes, 77 GCs, 196354/268584 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.007 elapsed), 0.014 MUT (0.027 elapsed), 0.011 GC (0.111 elapsed) :ghc>> <<ghc: 39307728 bytes, 77 GCs, 196909/270248 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.010 elapsed), 0.015 MUT (0.028 elapsed), 0.012 GC (0.116 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/1000x1000x10.journal stats <<ghc: 314285912 bytes, 612 GCs, 2064811/6597608 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 0.126 MUT (0.134 elapsed), 0.059 GC (0.069 elapsed) :ghc>> <<ghc: 314271368 bytes, 612 GCs, 2070227/6628024 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 0.137 MUT (0.143 elapsed), 0.059 GC (0.068 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/10000x1000x10.journal stats <<ghc: 3070033264 bytes, 5965 GCs, 12699294/62962464 avg/max bytes residency (10 samples), 124M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 1.245 MUT (1.300 elapsed), 0.498 GC (0.558 elapsed) :ghc>> <<ghc: 3070006752 bytes, 5973 GCs, 12687314/62848920 avg/max bytes residency (10 samples), 124M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 1.257 MUT (1.281 elapsed), 0.496 GC (0.554 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/100000x1000x10.journal stats <<ghc: 30753465088 bytes, 59763 GCs, 117723618/666643528 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1589M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 12.536 MUT (12.793 elapsed), 5.978 GC (7.155 elapsed) :ghc>> <<ghc: 30753367256 bytes, 59811 GCs, 117723236/666627528 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1590M in use, 0.001 INIT (0.012 elapsed), 12.923 MUT (13.169 elapsed), 5.981 GC (6.860 elapsed) :ghc>>
2016-05-24 05:24:39 +03:00
(return . journalAddFile (filepath, T.pack txt))
2016-05-23 11:02:19 +03:00
case ej of
Left e -> throwError e
2016-05-23 11:02:19 +03:00
Right childj -> modifyState (\parentj -> childj <> parentj)
-- discard child's parse info, prepend its (reversed) list data, combine other fields
newJournalWithParseStateFrom :: Journal -> Journal
newJournalWithParseStateFrom j = mempty{
jparsedefaultyear = jparsedefaultyear j
,jparsedefaultcommodity = jparsedefaultcommodity j
,jparseparentaccounts = jparseparentaccounts j
,jparsealiases = jparsealiases j
,jparsetransactioncount = jparsetransactioncount j
,jparsetimeclockentries = jparsetimeclockentries j
-- | Lift an IO action into the exception monad, rethrowing any IO
-- error with the given message prepended.
orRethrowIOError :: IO a -> String -> ExceptT String IO a
orRethrowIOError io msg =
ExceptT $
(Right <$> io)
`C.catch` \(e::C.IOException) -> return $ Left $ printf "%s:\n%s" msg (show e)
accountdirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
accountdirectivep = do
string "account"
many1 spacenonewline
acct <- accountnamep
_ <- many indentedlinep
modifyState (\j -> j{jaccounts = acct : jaccounts j})
indentedlinep = many1 spacenonewline >> (rstrip <$> restofline)
-- | Parse a one-line or multi-line commodity directive.
-- >>> Right _ <- rejp commoditydirectivep "commodity $1.00"
-- >>> Right _ <- rejp commoditydirectivep "commodity $\n format $1.00"
-- >>> Right _ <- rejp commoditydirectivep "commodity $\n\n" -- a commodity with no format
-- >>> Right _ <- rejp commoditydirectivep "commodity $1.00\n format $1.00" -- both, what happens ?
commoditydirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
commoditydirectivep = try commoditydirectiveonelinep <|> commoditydirectivemultilinep
-- | Parse a one-line commodity directive.
-- >>> Right _ <- rejp commoditydirectiveonelinep "commodity $1.00"
-- >>> Right _ <- rejp commoditydirectiveonelinep "commodity $1.00 ; blah\n"
commoditydirectiveonelinep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
commoditydirectiveonelinep = do
string "commodity"
many1 spacenonewline
Amount{acommodity,astyle} <- amountp
many spacenonewline
_ <- followingcommentp <|> (eolof >> return "")
let comm = Commodity{csymbol=acommodity, cformat=Just astyle}
modifyState (\j -> j{jcommodities=M.insert acommodity comm $ jcommodities j})
-- | Parse a multi-line commodity directive, containing 0 or more format subdirectives.
-- >>> Right _ <- rejp commoditydirectivemultilinep "commodity $ ; blah \n format $1.00 ; blah"
commoditydirectivemultilinep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
commoditydirectivemultilinep = do
string "commodity"
many1 spacenonewline
sym <- commoditysymbolp
_ <- followingcommentp <|> (eolof >> return "")
mformat <- lastMay <$> many (indented $ formatdirectivep sym)
let comm = Commodity{csymbol=sym, cformat=mformat}
modifyState (\j -> j{jcommodities=M.insert sym comm $ jcommodities j})
indented = (many1 spacenonewline >>)
-- | Parse a format (sub)directive, throwing a parse error if its
-- symbol does not match the one given.
formatdirectivep :: CommoditySymbol -> ErroringJournalParser AmountStyle
formatdirectivep expectedsym = do
string "format"
many1 spacenonewline
pos <- getPosition
Amount{acommodity,astyle} <- amountp
_ <- followingcommentp <|> (eolof >> return "")
if acommodity==expectedsym
then return astyle
else parserErrorAt pos $
printf "commodity directive symbol \"%s\" and format directive symbol \"%s\" should be the same" expectedsym acommodity
applyaccountdirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
applyaccountdirectivep = do
string "apply" >> many1 spacenonewline >> string "account"
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
many1 spacenonewline
parent <- accountnamep
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
pushParentAccount parent
2010-03-13 02:46:20 +03:00
endapplyaccountdirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
endapplyaccountdirectivep = do
string "end" >> many1 spacenonewline >> string "apply" >> many1 spacenonewline >> string "account"
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
2010-03-13 02:46:20 +03:00
aliasdirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
aliasdirectivep = do
string "alias"
many1 spacenonewline
alias <- accountaliasp
addAccountAlias alias
accountaliasp :: Monad m => StringParser u m AccountAlias
accountaliasp = regexaliasp <|> basicaliasp
basicaliasp :: Monad m => StringParser u m AccountAlias
basicaliasp = do
-- pdbg 0 "basicaliasp"
old <- rstrip <$> many1 (noneOf "=")
char '='
many spacenonewline
new <- rstrip <$> anyChar `manyTill` eolof -- don't require a final newline, good for cli options
lib: textification begins! account names The first of several conversions from String to (strict) Text, hopefully reducing space and time usage. This one shows a small improvement, with GHC 7.10.3 and text- hledger -f data/100x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 39471064 bytes, 77 GCs, 198421/275048 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.015 MUT (0.020 elapsed), 0.010 GC (0.014 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 39268024 bytes, 77 GCs, 197018/270840 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 0.016 MUT (0.022 elapsed), 0.009 GC (0.011 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/1000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 318555920 bytes, 617 GCs, 2178997/7134472 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.129 MUT (0.136 elapsed), 0.067 GC (0.077 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 314248496 bytes, 612 GCs, 2074045/6617960 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 0.137 MUT (0.145 elapsed), 0.067 GC (0.079 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/10000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 3114763608 bytes, 6026 GCs, 18858950/75552024 avg/max bytes residency (11 samples), 201M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 1.331 MUT (1.372 elapsed), 0.699 GC (0.812 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 3071468920 bytes, 5968 GCs, 14120344/62951360 avg/max bytes residency (9 samples), 124M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 1.272 MUT (1.349 elapsed), 0.513 GC (0.578 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/100000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 31186579432 bytes, 60278 GCs, 135332581/740228992 avg/max bytes residency (13 samples), 1697M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.008 elapsed), 14.677 MUT (15.508 elapsed), 7.081 GC (8.074 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 30753427672 bytes, 59763 GCs, 117595958/666457240 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1588M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.008 elapsed), 13.713 MUT (13.966 elapsed), 6.220 GC (7.108 elapsed) :ghc>>
2016-05-24 04:16:21 +03:00
return $ BasicAlias (T.pack old) (T.pack new)
regexaliasp :: Monad m => StringParser u m AccountAlias
regexaliasp = do
-- pdbg 0 "regexaliasp"
char '/'
re <- many1 $ noneOf "/\n\r" -- paranoid: don't try to read past line end
char '/'
many spacenonewline
char '='
many spacenonewline
repl <- rstrip <$> anyChar `manyTill` eolof
return $ RegexAlias re repl
endaliasesdirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
endaliasesdirectivep = do
string "end aliases"
tagdirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
tagdirectivep = do
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
string "tag" <?> "tag directive"
many1 spacenonewline
_ <- many1 nonspace
return ()
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
endtagdirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
endtagdirectivep = do
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
(string "end tag" <|> string "pop") <?> "end tag or pop directive"
return ()
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
defaultyeardirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
defaultyeardirectivep = do
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
char 'Y' <?> "default year"
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
many spacenonewline
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
y <- many1 digit
let y' = read y
failIfInvalidYear y
setYear y'
defaultcommoditydirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
defaultcommoditydirectivep = do
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
char 'D' <?> "default commodity"
many1 spacenonewline
Amount{..} <- amountp
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
setDefaultCommodityAndStyle (acommodity, astyle)
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
marketpricedirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser MarketPrice
marketpricedirectivep = do
char 'P' <?> "market price"
many spacenonewline
date <- try (do {LocalTime d _ <- datetimep; return d}) <|> datep -- a time is ignored
many1 spacenonewline
symbol <- commoditysymbolp
many spacenonewline
price <- amountp
return $ MarketPrice date symbol price
ignoredpricecommoditydirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
ignoredpricecommoditydirectivep = do
char 'N' <?> "ignored-price commodity"
many1 spacenonewline
return ()
commodityconversiondirectivep :: ErroringJournalParser ()
commodityconversiondirectivep = do
char 'C' <?> "commodity conversion"
many1 spacenonewline
many spacenonewline
char '='
many spacenonewline
return ()
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- ** transactions
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
modifiertransactionp :: ErroringJournalParser ModifierTransaction
modifiertransactionp = do
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
char '=' <?> "modifier transaction"
many spacenonewline
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
valueexpr <- restofline
postings <- postingsp Nothing
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
return $ ModifierTransaction valueexpr postings
periodictransactionp :: ErroringJournalParser PeriodicTransaction
periodictransactionp = do
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
char '~' <?> "periodic transaction"
many spacenonewline
periodexpr <- restofline
postings <- postingsp Nothing
2011-08-04 11:49:10 +04:00
return $ PeriodicTransaction periodexpr postings
-- | Parse a (possibly unbalanced) transaction.
transactionp :: ErroringJournalParser Transaction
transactionp = do
-- ptrace "transactionp"
sourcepos <- genericSourcePos <$> getPosition
date <- datep <?> "transaction"
edate <- optionMaybe (secondarydatep date) <?> "secondary date"
lookAhead (spacenonewline <|> newline) <?> "whitespace or newline"
status <- statusp <?> "cleared status"
code <- codep <?> "transaction code"
description <- strip <$> descriptionp
comment <- try followingcommentp <|> (newline >> return "")
let tags = commentTags comment
postings <- postingsp (Just date)
n <- incrementTransactionCount
return $ txnTieKnot $ Transaction n sourcepos date edate status code description comment tags postings ""
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
#ifdef TESTS
test_transactionp = do
let s `gives` t = do
let p = parseWithState mempty transactionp s
assertBool $ isRight p
let Right t2 = p
-- same f = assertEqual (f t) (f t2)
assertEqual (tdate t) (tdate t2)
assertEqual (tdate2 t) (tdate2 t2)
assertEqual (tstatus t) (tstatus t2)
assertEqual (tcode t) (tcode t2)
assertEqual (tdescription t) (tdescription t2)
assertEqual (tcomment t) (tcomment t2)
assertEqual (ttags t) (ttags t2)
assertEqual (tpreceding_comment_lines t) (tpreceding_comment_lines t2)
assertEqual (show $ tpostings t) (show $ tpostings t2)
-- "0000/01/01\n\n" `gives` nulltransaction
unlines [
"2012/05/14=2012/05/15 (code) desc ; tcomment1",
" ; tcomment2",
" ; ttag1: val1",
" * a $1.00 ; pcomment1",
" ; pcomment2",
" ; ptag1: val1",
" ; ptag2: val2"
tdate=parsedate "2012/05/14",
tdate2=Just $ parsedate "2012/05/15",
tcomment=" tcomment1\n tcomment2\n ttag1: val1\n",
2012-05-28 02:59:06 +04:00
pamount=Mixed [usd 1],
pcomment=" pcomment1\n pcomment2\n ptag1: val1\n ptag2: val2\n",
2012-05-28 02:59:06 +04:00
unlines [
tdate=parsedate "2015/01/01",
assertRight $ parseWithState mempty transactionp $ unlines
["2007/01/28 coopportunity"
," expenses:food:groceries $47.18"
," assets:checking $-47.18"
-- transactionp should not parse just a date
assertLeft $ parseWithState mempty transactionp "2009/1/1\n"
-- transactionp should not parse just a date and description
assertLeft $ parseWithState mempty transactionp "2009/1/1 a\n"
-- transactionp should not parse a following comment as part of the description
let p = parseWithState mempty transactionp "2009/1/1 a ;comment\n b 1\n"
assertRight p
assertEqual "a" (let Right p' = p in tdescription p')
-- parse transaction with following whitespace line
assertRight $ parseWithState mempty transactionp $ unlines
," a 1"
," b"
," "
let p = parseWithState mempty transactionp $ unlines
["2009/1/1 x ; transaction comment"
," a 1 ; posting 1 comment"
," ; posting 1 comment 2"
," b"
," ; posting 2 comment"
assertRight p
assertEqual 2 (let Right t = p in length $ tpostings t)
2016-04-23 21:27:39 +03:00
--- ** postings
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
-- Parse the following whitespace-beginning lines as postings, posting
-- tags, and/or comments (inferring year, if needed, from the given date).
postingsp :: Maybe Day -> ErroringJournalParser [Posting]
postingsp mdate = many (try $ postingp mdate) <?> "postings"
-- linebeginningwithspaces :: Monad m => JournalParser m String
-- linebeginningwithspaces = do
-- sp <- many1 spacenonewline
-- c <- nonspace
-- cs <- restofline
-- return $ sp ++ (c:cs) ++ "\n"
2007-02-09 04:23:12 +03:00
postingp :: Maybe Day -> ErroringJournalParser Posting
postingp mtdate = do
-- pdbg 0 "postingp"
many1 spacenonewline
status <- statusp
many spacenonewline
2015-09-25 03:23:52 +03:00
account <- modifiedaccountnamep
lib: textification begins! account names The first of several conversions from String to (strict) Text, hopefully reducing space and time usage. This one shows a small improvement, with GHC 7.10.3 and text- hledger -f data/100x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 39471064 bytes, 77 GCs, 198421/275048 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.015 MUT (0.020 elapsed), 0.010 GC (0.014 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 39268024 bytes, 77 GCs, 197018/270840 avg/max bytes residency (3 samples), 2M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.002 elapsed), 0.016 MUT (0.022 elapsed), 0.009 GC (0.011 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/1000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 318555920 bytes, 617 GCs, 2178997/7134472 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.001 elapsed), 0.129 MUT (0.136 elapsed), 0.067 GC (0.077 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 314248496 bytes, 612 GCs, 2074045/6617960 avg/max bytes residency (7 samples), 16M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 0.137 MUT (0.145 elapsed), 0.067 GC (0.079 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/10000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 3114763608 bytes, 6026 GCs, 18858950/75552024 avg/max bytes residency (11 samples), 201M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 1.331 MUT (1.372 elapsed), 0.699 GC (0.812 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 3071468920 bytes, 5968 GCs, 14120344/62951360 avg/max bytes residency (9 samples), 124M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.003 elapsed), 1.272 MUT (1.349 elapsed), 0.513 GC (0.578 elapsed) :ghc>> hledger -f data/100000x100x10.journal stats string: <<ghc: 31186579432 bytes, 60278 GCs, 135332581/740228992 avg/max bytes residency (13 samples), 1697M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.008 elapsed), 14.677 MUT (15.508 elapsed), 7.081 GC (8.074 elapsed) :ghc>> text: <<ghc: 30753427672 bytes, 59763 GCs, 117595958/666457240 avg/max bytes residency (14 samples), 1588M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.008 elapsed), 13.713 MUT (13.966 elapsed), 6.220 GC (7.108 elapsed) :ghc>>
2016-05-24 04:16:21 +03:00
let (ptype, account') = (accountNamePostingType account, textUnbracket account)
amount <- spaceandamountormissingp
massertion <- partialbalanceassertionp
_ <- fixedlotpricep
many spacenonewline
(comment,tags,mdate,mdate2) <-
try (followingcommentandtagsp mtdate) <|> (newline >> return ("",[],Nothing,Nothing))
return posting
{ pdate=mdate
, pdate2=mdate2
, pstatus=status
, paccount=account'
, pamount=amount
, pcomment=comment
, ptype=ptype
, ptags=tags
, pbalanceassertion=massertion
#ifdef TESTS
test_postingp = do
let s `gives` ep = do
let parse = parseWithState mempty (postingp Nothing) s
assertBool -- "postingp parser"
$ isRight parse
let Right ap = parse
same f = assertEqual (f ep) (f ap)
same pdate
same pstatus
same paccount
same pamount
same pcomment
same ptype
2012-05-28 02:59:06 +04:00
same ptags
same ptransaction
" expenses:food:dining $10.00 ; a: a a \n ; b: b b \n" `gives`
posting{paccount="expenses:food:dining", pamount=Mixed [usd 10], pcomment=" a: a a \n b: b b \n", ptags=[("a","a a"), ("b","b b")]}
" a 1 ; [2012/11/28]\n" `gives`
("a" `post` num 1){pcomment=" [2012/11/28]\n"
,pdate=parsedateM "2012/11/28"}
" a 1 ; a:a, [=2012/11/28]\n" `gives`
("a" `post` num 1){pcomment=" a:a, [=2012/11/28]\n"
,ptags=[("a","a"), ("date2","2012/11/28")]
" a 1 ; a:a\n ; [2012/11/28=2012/11/29],b:b\n" `gives`
("a" `post` num 1){pcomment=" a:a\n [2012/11/28=2012/11/29],b:b\n"
,ptags=[("a","a"), ("date","2012/11/28"), ("date2","2012/11/29"), ("b","b")]
,pdate=parsedateM "2012/11/28"}
assertBool -- "postingp parses a quoted commodity with numbers"
(isRight $ parseWithState mempty (postingp Nothing) " a 1 \"DE123\"\n")
-- ,"postingp parses balance assertions and fixed lot prices" ~: do
assertBool (isRight $ parseWithState mempty (postingp Nothing) " a 1 \"DE123\" =$1 { =2.2 EUR} \n")
-- let parse = parseWithState mempty postingp " a\n ;next-line comment\n"
-- assertRight parse
-- let Right p = parse
-- assertEqual "next-line comment\n" (pcomment p)
-- assertEqual (Just nullmixedamt) (pbalanceassertion p)
--- * more tests
2016-04-23 03:43:16 +03:00
tests_Hledger_Read_JournalReader = TestList $ concat [
-- test_numberp
{- old hunit tests
tests_Hledger_Read_JournalReader = TestList $ concat [
"modifiertransactionp" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty modifiertransactionp "= (some value expr)\n some:postings 1\n")
,"periodictransactionp" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty periodictransactionp "~ (some period expr)\n some:postings 1\n")
,"directivep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty directivep "!include /some/file.x\n")
assertParse (parseWithState mempty directivep "account some:account\n")
assertParse (parseWithState mempty (directivep >> directivep) "!account a\nend\n")
,"comment" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty comment "; some comment \n")
assertParse (parseWithState mempty comment " \t; x\n")
assertParse (parseWithState mempty comment "#x")
,"datep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty datep "2011/1/1")
assertParseFailure (parseWithState mempty datep "1/1")
assertParse (parseWithState mempty{jpsYear=Just 2011} datep "1/1")
,"datetimep" ~: do
let p = do {t <- datetimep; eof; return t}
bad = assertParseFailure . parseWithState mempty p
good = assertParse . parseWithState mempty p
bad "2011/1/1"
bad "2011/1/1 24:00:00"
bad "2011/1/1 00:60:00"
bad "2011/1/1 00:00:60"
good "2011/1/1 00:00"
good "2011/1/1 23:59:59"
good "2011/1/1 3:5:7"
-- timezone is parsed but ignored
let startofday = LocalTime (fromGregorian 2011 1 1) (TimeOfDay 0 0 (fromIntegral 0))
assertParseEqual (parseWithState mempty p "2011/1/1 00:00-0800") startofday
assertParseEqual (parseWithState mempty p "2011/1/1 00:00+1234") startofday
,"defaultyeardirectivep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty defaultyeardirectivep "Y 2010\n")
assertParse (parseWithState mempty defaultyeardirectivep "Y 10001\n")
,"marketpricedirectivep" ~:
assertParseEqual (parseWithState mempty marketpricedirectivep "P 2004/05/01 XYZ $55.00\n") (MarketPrice (parsedate "2004/05/01") "XYZ" $ usd 55)
,"ignoredpricecommoditydirectivep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty ignoredpricecommoditydirectivep "N $\n")
,"defaultcommoditydirectivep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty defaultcommoditydirectivep "D $1,000.0\n")
,"commodityconversiondirectivep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty commodityconversiondirectivep "C 1h = $50.00\n")
,"tagdirectivep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty tagdirectivep "tag foo \n")
,"endtagdirectivep" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithState mempty endtagdirectivep "end tag \n")
assertParse (parseWithState mempty endtagdirectivep "pop \n")
,"accountnamep" ~: do
assertBool "accountnamep parses a normal account name" (isRight $ parsewith accountnamep "a:b:c")
assertBool "accountnamep rejects an empty inner component" (isLeft $ parsewith accountnamep "a::c")
assertBool "accountnamep rejects an empty leading component" (isLeft $ parsewith accountnamep ":b:c")
assertBool "accountnamep rejects an empty trailing component" (isLeft $ parsewith accountnamep "a:b:")
2010-03-11 20:16:03 +03:00
,"leftsymbolamountp" ~: do
assertParseEqual (parseWithState mempty leftsymbolamountp "$1") (usd 1 `withPrecision` 0)
assertParseEqual (parseWithState mempty leftsymbolamountp "$-1") (usd (-1) `withPrecision` 0)
assertParseEqual (parseWithState mempty leftsymbolamountp "-$1") (usd (-1) `withPrecision` 0)
,"amount" ~: do
let -- | compare a parse result with an expected amount, showing the debug representation for clarity
assertAmountParse parseresult amount =
(either (const "parse error") showAmountDebug parseresult) ~?= (showAmountDebug amount)
assertAmountParse (parseWithState mempty amountp "1 @ $2")
(num 1 `withPrecision` 0 `at` (usd 2 `withPrecision` 0))
2012-05-09 19:34:05 +04:00