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#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
bench.hs (see usage string below).
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
For simple benchmarking. Based on my darcs-benchmark/bench.hs script.
Simon Michael 2008
$ cat - >bench.tests
-f sample.ledger -s balance
-f ~/.ledger -s balance
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
$ bench.hs -v hledger "ledger --no-cache" ledger
Using bench.tests
Running 2 tests 2 times in . with 3 executables at 2008-11-26 18:52:15.776357 UTC:
1: hledger -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.02s]
2: hledger -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.01s]
1: ledger --no-cache -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.02s]
2: ledger --no-cache -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.02s]
1: ledger -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.02s]
2: ledger -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.02s]
1: hledger -f ~/.ledger -s balance [3.56s]
2: hledger -f ~/.ledger -s balance [3.56s]
1: ledger --no-cache -f ~/.ledger -s balance [0.10s]
2: ledger --no-cache -f ~/.ledger -s balance [0.10s]
1: ledger -f ~/.ledger -s balance [0.10s]
2: ledger -f ~/.ledger -s balance [0.10s]
Summary (best iteration):
|| hledger | ledger --no-cache | ledger
-f sample.ledger -s balance || 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.02
-f ~/.ledger -s balance || 3.56 | 0.10 | 0.10
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Numeric
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Cmd
import System.IO
import Text.Tabular
import qualified Text.Tabular.AsciiArt as TA
import qualified Text.Tabular.Html as TH
import Text.Html ((+++), renderHtml)
import System.Exit
import Text.Printf
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
2009-06-04 03:44:01 +04:00
import Locale
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
import System.Console.GetOpt
usagehdr = "bench [-f testsfile] [-n iterations] [-p precision] executable1 [executable2 ...]\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Run some functional tests with each of the specified executables,\n" ++
"where a test is \"zero or more arguments supported by all executables\",\n" ++
"and report the best execution times.\n"
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
options = [
Option ['f'] ["testsfile"] (ReqArg File "testsfile") "file containing tests, one per line, default: bench.tests"
,Option ['n'] ["iterations"] (ReqArg Num "iterations") "number of test iterations to run, default: 2"
,Option ['p'] ["precision"] (ReqArg Prec "precision") "show times with this precision, default: 2"
,Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "show intermediate results"
,Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show this help"
usageftr = "\n" ++
"Tips:\n" ++
"- executables may have arguments if enclosed in quotes\n" ++
"- tests can be commented out with #\n" ++
"- results are saved in benchresults.{html,txt}\n"
usage = usageInfo usagehdr options ++ usageftr
-- an option value
data Opt = File {value::String}
| Num {value::String}
| Prec {value::String}
-- I don't know how optValuesForConstructor etc. can have that
-- type signature with these, but it works..
-- | Some Int
| Verbose
| Help
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- option value getters.
fileopt :: [Opt] -> String
2009-09-22 19:56:59 +04:00
fileopt = optValueWithDefault File "bench.tests"
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
precisionopt :: [Opt] -> Int
2009-09-22 19:56:59 +04:00
precisionopt = read . optValueWithDefault Prec "2"
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
numopt :: [Opt] -> Int
2009-09-22 19:56:59 +04:00
numopt = read . optValueWithDefault Num "2"
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
verboseopt :: [Opt] -> Bool
2009-09-22 19:56:59 +04:00
verboseopt = (Verbose `elem`)
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
-- options utilities
parseargs :: [String] -> ([Opt],[String])
parseargs as =
case (getOpt Permute options as) of
(opts,args,[]) -> (opts,args)
(_,_,errs) -> error (concat errs ++ usage)
optValueWithDefault :: (String -> Opt) -> String -> [Opt] -> String
optValueWithDefault optcons def opts =
2009-09-23 13:22:53 +04:00
last $ def : optValuesForConstructor optcons opts
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
optValuesForConstructor :: (String -> Opt) -> [Opt] -> [String]
optValuesForConstructor optcons opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if optcons v == o then [v] else [] where v = value o
main = do
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
args <- getArgs
let (opts,exes) = parseargs args
when (null exes) $ error $ "at least one executable needed\n" ++ usage
let (file, num) = (fileopt opts, numopt opts)
tests <- readFile file >>= return . filter istest . lines
now <- getCurrentTime
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
putStrLn $ printf "Using %s" file
putStrLn $ printf "Running %d tests %d times with %d executables at %s:"
(length tests) num (length exes) (show now)
let doexe t e = sequence $ map (doiteration opts t e) [1..num]
let dotest t = sequence $ map (doexe t) exes
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
results <- mapM dotest tests
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
summarise opts tests exes results
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
istest s = not (null s' || ("#" `isPrefixOf` s')) where s' = clean s
clean = unwords . words
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
doiteration :: [Opt] -> String -> String -> Int -> IO Float
doiteration opts test exe iteration = do
let cmd = unwords [exe,clean test]
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
when (verboseopt opts) $ putStr $ show iteration ++ ": " ++ cmd
hFlush stdout
t <- time cmd
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
when (verboseopt opts) $ printf "\t[%ss]\n" (showtime opts t)
return t
time :: String -> IO Float
time cmd = do
t1 <- getCurrentTime
ret <- system $ cmd ++ " >/dev/null 2>&1"
case ret of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure f -> putStr $ printf " (error %d)" f
t2 <- getCurrentTime
return $ realToFrac $ diffUTCTime t2 t1
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
summarise :: [Opt] -> [String] -> [String] -> [[[Float]]] -> IO ()
summarise opts tests exes results = do
putStrLn "\nSummary (best iteration):\n"
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
let t = maketable opts tests exes results
putStrLn $ TA.render id t
let outname = "benchresults"
writeFile (outname <.> "txt") $ TA.render id t
writeFile (outname <.> "html") $ renderHtml $ TH.css TH.defaultCss +++ TH.render id t
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
maketable :: [Opt] -> [String] -> [String] -> [[[Float]]] -> Table String
maketable opts rownames colnames results = Table rowhdrs colhdrs rows
rowhdrs = Group NoLine $ map Header $ padright rownames
colhdrs = Group SingleLine $ map Header colnames
2009-09-22 20:51:27 +04:00
rows = map (map (showtime opts . minimum)) results
padright ss = map (printf (printf "%%-%ds" w)) ss
where w = maximum $ map length ss
2008-12-10 23:45:09 +03:00
showtime :: [Opt] -> (Float -> String)
2009-09-22 15:55:11 +04:00
showtime opts = printf $ "%." ++ show (precisionopt opts) ++ "f"
strace a = trace (show a) a