1.8 KiB
Fixed and changed TermsQuery (This caused the major bump)
Removed benchmarks from travis.yml
Added doctests, examples for Database.Bloodhound.Client. Haddocks should be much nicer.
Various fixes, reformatting
- Term and date aggregation - thanks to Christopher Guiney! (@chrisguiney)
Following three thanks to Liam Atkins (@latkins)
omitNulls changed to exclude empty lists and null values
BoolQuery must/mustNot/Should changed from Maybe (Query|[Query]) to [Query] thanks to @latkins
Added vector dependency so we can check for V.null/V.empty on JSON arrays
Highlighting, thanks to @latkins! See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-highlighting.html and http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/highlighting-intro.html for more
Added 1.4.0 support and CI integration
Can generate individual bulk operations, https://github.com/bitemyapp/bloodhound/issues/17, bulk requests should be more efficient now too - Vector instead of List.
Status "ok" changed from Bool to Maybe Bool thanks to @borisyukd
Elasticsearch 1.3.x compatibility fixed with changes to geo bounding boxes - thanks to Curtis Carter! (@ccarter)
CI coverage expanded to 1.0.x -> 1.3.x
Killed off maybeJson/mField/catMaybes in favor of omitNulls
Experimenting with RecordWildcards
Merged Types and Instances module into Types to prevent possibility of orphans and cull orphan instance warnings.
Added note about current supported Elasticsearch version.
Added TermFilter
Renamed createMapping to putMapping
Fixed and rebuilt documentation
RegexpFlags changed to a sum type instead of Text, thanks to @MichaelXavier!