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(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor:
Denis Merigoux <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Typing for the default calculus. Because of the error terms, we perform type
inference using the classical W algorithm with union-find unification. *)
2021-01-21 23:33:04 +03:00
open Utils
module A = Definitions
module Any =
type info = unit
let to_string _ = "any"
let format_info fmt () = Format.fprintf fmt "any"
let equal _ _ = true
let compare _ _ = 0
type unionfind_typ = naked_typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem
(** We do not reuse {!type: Shared_ast.typ} because we have to include a new
[TAny] variant. Indeed, error terms can have any type and this has to be
captured by the type sytem. *)
and naked_typ =
| TLit of A.typ_lit
| TArrow of unionfind_typ * unionfind_typ
| TTuple of unionfind_typ list
| TStruct of A.StructName.t
| TEnum of A.EnumName.t
| TOption of unionfind_typ
| TArray of unionfind_typ
| TAny of Any.t
let rec typ_to_ast (ty : unionfind_typ) : A.typ =
let ty, pos = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find ty) in
match ty with
| TLit l -> A.TLit l, pos
| TTuple ts -> A.TTuple ( typ_to_ast ts), pos
| TStruct s -> A.TStruct s, pos
| TEnum e -> A.TEnum e, pos
| TOption t -> A.TOption (typ_to_ast t), pos
| TArrow (t1, t2) -> A.TArrow (typ_to_ast t1, typ_to_ast t2), pos
| TArray t1 -> A.TArray (typ_to_ast t1), pos
| TAny _ ->
(* No polymorphism in Catala: type inference should return full types
without wildcards, and this function is used to recover the types after
typing. *)
assert false
let rec ast_to_typ (ty : A.typ) : unionfind_typ =
let ty' =
match Marked.unmark ty with
| A.TLit l -> TLit l
| A.TArrow (t1, t2) -> TArrow (ast_to_typ t1, ast_to_typ t2)
| A.TTuple ts -> TTuple ( ast_to_typ ts)
| A.TStruct s -> TStruct s
| A.TEnum e -> TEnum e
| A.TOption t -> TOption (ast_to_typ t)
| A.TArray t -> TArray (ast_to_typ t)
| A.TAny -> TAny (Any.fresh ())
UnionFind.make (Marked.same_mark_as ty' ty)
2020-12-14 20:09:38 +03:00
(** {1 Types and unification} *)
let typ_needs_parens (t : unionfind_typ) : bool =
2020-12-30 00:26:10 +03:00
let t = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t) in
match Marked.unmark t with TArrow _ | TArray _ -> true | _ -> false
2021-01-14 02:17:24 +03:00
let rec format_typ
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
2021-01-14 02:17:24 +03:00
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(naked_typ : unionfind_typ) : unit =
2021-01-14 02:17:24 +03:00
let format_typ = format_typ ctx in
let format_typ_with_parens (fmt : Format.formatter) (t : unionfind_typ) =
2020-12-30 00:26:10 +03:00
if typ_needs_parens t then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" format_typ t
else Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ t
let naked_typ = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find naked_typ) in
match Marked.unmark naked_typ with
| TLit l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Print.tlit l
| TTuple ts ->
2021-01-14 02:17:24 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(%a)]"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ *@ ")
(fun fmt t -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ t))
2020-12-03 22:11:41 +03:00
| TStruct s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" A.StructName.format_t s
| TEnum e -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" A.EnumName.format_t e
| TOption t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %s@]" format_typ_with_parens t "eoption"
2020-12-30 00:26:10 +03:00
| TArrow (t1, t2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a →@ %a@]" format_typ_with_parens t1
format_typ t2
| TArray t1 -> (
match Marked.unmark (UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t1)) with
| TAny _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "collection"
| _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[collection@ %a@]" format_typ t1)
| TAny _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<any>"
exception Type_error of A.any_expr * unionfind_typ * unionfind_typ
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
type mark = { pos : Pos.t; uf : unionfind_typ }
(** Raises an error if unification cannot be performed. The position annotation
of the second [unionfind_typ] argument is propagated (unless it is [TAny]). *)
2021-01-14 02:17:24 +03:00
let rec unify
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(e : ('a, 'm A.mark) A.gexpr) (* used for error context *)
(t1 : unionfind_typ)
(t2 : unionfind_typ) : unit =
2021-01-14 02:17:24 +03:00
let unify = unify ctx in
(* Cli.debug_format "Unifying %a and %a" (format_typ ctx) t1 (format_typ ctx)
t2; *)
let t1_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t1) in
let t2_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t2) in
let raise_type_error () = raise (Type_error (A.AnyExpr e, t1, t2)) in
let () =
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
match Marked.unmark t1_repr, Marked.unmark t2_repr with
| TLit tl1, TLit tl2 -> if tl1 <> tl2 then raise_type_error ()
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
| TArrow (t11, t12), TArrow (t21, t22) ->
2022-09-16 19:15:30 +03:00
unify e t12 t22;
unify e t11 t21
| TTuple ts1, TTuple ts2 ->
if List.length ts1 = List.length ts2 then List.iter2 (unify e) ts1 ts2
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
else raise_type_error ()
| TStruct s1, TStruct s2 ->
if not (A.StructName.equal s1 s2) then raise_type_error ()
| TEnum e1, TEnum e2 ->
if not (A.EnumName.equal e1 e2) then raise_type_error ()
| TOption t1, TOption t2 -> unify e t1 t2
| TArray t1', TArray t2' -> unify e t1' t2'
| TAny _, _ | _, TAny _ -> ()
| ( ( TLit _ | TArrow _ | TTuple _ | TStruct _ | TEnum _ | TOption _
| TArray _ ),
_ ) ->
raise_type_error ()
2020-12-30 03:02:04 +03:00
@@ UnionFind.merge
(fun t1 t2 -> match Marked.unmark t2 with TAny _ -> t1 | _ -> t2)
t1 t2
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
let handle_type_error ctx e t1 t2 =
(* TODO: if we get weird error messages, then it means that we should use the
persistent version of the union-find data structure. *)
let pos =
match e with
| A.AnyExpr e -> (
match Marked.get_mark e with Untyped { pos } | Typed { pos; _ } -> pos)
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
let t1_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t1) in
let t2_repr = UnionFind.get (UnionFind.find t2) in
let t1_pos = Marked.get_mark t1_repr in
let t2_pos = Marked.get_mark t2_repr in
let unformat_typ typ =
let buf = Buffer.create 59 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
(* set infinite width to disable line cuts *)
Format.pp_set_margin ppf max_int;
format_typ ctx ppf typ;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Buffer.contents buf
let t1_s fmt () =
Cli.format_with_style [ANSITerminal.yellow] fmt (unformat_typ t1)
let t2_s fmt () =
Cli.format_with_style [ANSITerminal.yellow] fmt (unformat_typ t2)
( Some
"Error coming from typechecking the following expression:"),
pos );
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
Some (Format.asprintf "Type %a coming from expression:" t1_s ()), t1_pos;
Some (Format.asprintf "Type %a coming from expression:" t2_s ()), t2_pos;
"Error during typechecking, incompatible types:\n%a %a\n%a %a"
(Cli.format_with_style [; ANSITerminal.Bold])
"-->" t1_s ()
(Cli.format_with_style [; ANSITerminal.Bold])
"-->" t2_s ()
let lit_type (type a) (lit : a A.glit) : naked_typ =
match lit with
| LBool _ -> TLit TBool
| LInt _ -> TLit TInt
| LRat _ -> TLit TRat
| LMoney _ -> TLit TMoney
| LDate _ -> TLit TDate
| LDuration _ -> TLit TDuration
| LUnit -> TLit TUnit
| LEmptyError -> TAny (Any.fresh ())
2020-12-14 20:09:38 +03:00
(** Operators have a single type, instead of being polymorphic with constraints.
This allows us to have a simpler type system, while we argue the syntactic
burden of operator annotations helps the programmer visualize the type flow
in the code. *)
let op_type (op : A.operator Marked.pos) : unionfind_typ =
let pos = Marked.get_mark op in
2020-12-09 16:51:22 +03:00
let bt = UnionFind.make (TLit TBool, pos) in
let it = UnionFind.make (TLit TInt, pos) in
let rt = UnionFind.make (TLit TRat, pos) in
let mt = UnionFind.make (TLit TMoney, pos) in
2020-12-10 13:35:56 +03:00
let dut = UnionFind.make (TLit TDuration, pos) in
let dat = UnionFind.make (TLit TDate, pos) in
2020-12-30 00:26:10 +03:00
let any = UnionFind.make (TAny (Any.fresh ()), pos) in
2020-12-28 01:53:02 +03:00
let array_any = UnionFind.make (TArray any, pos) in
2020-12-30 00:26:10 +03:00
let any2 = UnionFind.make (TAny (Any.fresh ()), pos) in
2021-01-10 20:11:46 +03:00
let array_any2 = UnionFind.make (TArray any2, pos) in
let arr x y = UnionFind.make (TArrow (x, y), pos) in
match Marked.unmark op with
2020-12-30 00:26:10 +03:00
| A.Ternop A.Fold ->
arr (arr any2 (arr any any2)) (arr any2 (arr array_any any2))
2021-03-16 20:34:59 +03:00
| A.Binop (A.And | A.Or | A.Xor) -> arr bt (arr bt bt)
2020-12-09 16:51:22 +03:00
| A.Binop (A.Add KInt | A.Sub KInt | A.Mult KInt | A.Div KInt) ->
arr it (arr it it)
| A.Binop (A.Add KRat | A.Sub KRat | A.Mult KRat | A.Div KRat) ->
arr rt (arr rt rt)
| A.Binop (A.Add KMoney | A.Sub KMoney) -> arr mt (arr mt mt)
2020-12-10 13:35:56 +03:00
| A.Binop (A.Add KDuration | A.Sub KDuration) -> arr dut (arr dut dut)
| A.Binop (A.Sub KDate) -> arr dat (arr dat dut)
| A.Binop (A.Add KDate) -> arr dat (arr dut dat)
| A.Binop (A.Mult KDuration) -> arr dut (arr it dut)
| A.Binop (A.Div KMoney) -> arr mt (arr mt rt)
| A.Binop (A.Mult KMoney) -> arr mt (arr rt mt)
2020-12-09 16:51:22 +03:00
| A.Binop (A.Lt KInt | A.Lte KInt | A.Gt KInt | A.Gte KInt) ->
arr it (arr it bt)
| A.Binop (A.Lt KRat | A.Lte KRat | A.Gt KRat | A.Gte KRat) ->
arr rt (arr rt bt)
| A.Binop (A.Lt KMoney | A.Lte KMoney | A.Gt KMoney | A.Gte KMoney) ->
arr mt (arr mt bt)
2020-12-10 13:35:56 +03:00
| A.Binop (A.Lt KDate | A.Lte KDate | A.Gt KDate | A.Gte KDate) ->
arr dat (arr dat bt)
| A.Binop (A.Lt KDuration | A.Lte KDuration | A.Gt KDuration | A.Gte KDuration)
arr dut (arr dut bt)
| A.Binop (A.Eq | A.Neq) -> arr any (arr any bt)
2021-01-10 20:11:46 +03:00
| A.Binop A.Map -> arr (arr any any2) (arr array_any array_any2)
| A.Binop A.Filter -> arr (arr any bt) (arr array_any array_any)
| A.Binop A.Concat -> arr array_any (arr array_any array_any)
2020-12-09 16:51:22 +03:00
| A.Unop (A.Minus KInt) -> arr it it
| A.Unop (A.Minus KRat) -> arr rt rt
| A.Unop (A.Minus KMoney) -> arr mt mt
2020-12-10 13:35:56 +03:00
| A.Unop (A.Minus KDuration) -> arr dut dut
| A.Unop A.Not -> arr bt bt
| A.Unop (A.Log (A.PosRecordIfTrueBool, _)) -> arr bt bt
2020-12-11 12:51:46 +03:00
| A.Unop (A.Log _) -> arr any any
2020-12-28 01:53:02 +03:00
| A.Unop A.Length -> arr array_any it
| A.Unop A.GetDay -> arr dat it
| A.Unop A.GetMonth -> arr dat it
| A.Unop A.GetYear -> arr dat it
| A.Unop A.FirstDayOfMonth -> arr dat dat
| A.Unop A.LastDayOfMonth -> arr dat dat
2022-03-17 14:30:14 +03:00
| A.Unop A.RoundMoney -> arr mt mt
2022-04-29 22:18:15 +03:00
| A.Unop A.RoundDecimal -> arr rt rt
| A.Unop A.IntToRat -> arr it rt
| A.Unop A.MoneyToRat -> arr mt rt
| A.Unop A.RatToMoney -> arr rt mt
2022-08-30 16:06:45 +03:00
| Binop (Mult KDate) | Binop (Div (KDate | KDuration)) | Unop (Minus KDate) ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos "This operator is not available!"
2020-12-14 20:09:38 +03:00
(** {1 Double-directed typing} *)
module Env = struct
type 'e t = {
vars : ('e, unionfind_typ) Var.Map.t;
scope_vars : A.typ A.ScopeVarMap.t;
scopes : A.typ A.ScopeVarMap.t A.ScopeMap.t;
2020-11-23 12:44:06 +03:00
let empty =
vars = Var.Map.empty;
scope_vars = A.ScopeVarMap.empty;
scopes = A.ScopeMap.empty;
let get t v = Var.Map.find_opt v t.vars
let get_scope_var t sv = A.ScopeVarMap.find_opt sv t.scope_vars
let get_subscope_var t scope var =
Option.bind (A.ScopeMap.find_opt scope t.scopes) (fun vmap ->
A.ScopeVarMap.find_opt var vmap)
let add v tau t = { t with vars = Var.Map.add v tau t.vars }
let add_var v typ t = add v (ast_to_typ typ) t
let add_scope_var v typ t =
{ t with scope_vars = A.ScopeVarMap.add v typ t.scope_vars }
let add_scope scope_name vmap t =
{ t with scopes = A.ScopeMap.add scope_name vmap t.scopes }
let add_pos e ty = Marked.mark (Expr.pos e) ty
let ty (_, { uf; _ }) = uf
2020-12-14 20:09:38 +03:00
(** Infers the most permissive type from an expression *)
let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up :
type a m.
A.decl_ctx ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr Env.t ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
(a, mark) A.boxed_gexpr =
fun ctx env e ->
2022-10-07 16:59:10 +03:00
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env
(UnionFind.make (add_pos e (TAny (Any.fresh ()))))
2021-01-13 14:04:14 +03:00
(** Checks whether the expression can be typed with the provided type *)
and typecheck_expr_top_down :
type a m.
A.decl_ctx ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr Env.t ->
unionfind_typ ->
(a, m A.mark) A.gexpr ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
(a, mark) A.boxed_gexpr =
fun ctx env tau e ->
(* Cli.debug_format "Propagating type %a for naked_expr %a" (format_typ ctx)
tau (Expr.format ctx) e; *)
let pos_e = Expr.pos e in
let () =
(* If there already is a type annotation on the given expr, ensure it
matches *)
match Marked.get_mark e with
| A.Untyped _ | A.Typed { A.ty = A.TAny, _; _ } -> ()
| A.Typed { A.ty; _ } -> unify ctx e tau (ast_to_typ ty)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let context_mark = { uf = tau; pos = pos_e } in
let uf_mark uf =
(* Unify with the supplied type first, and return the mark *)
unify ctx e uf tau;
{ uf; pos = pos_e }
2022-07-11 12:34:01 +03:00
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let unionfind ?(pos = e) t = UnionFind.make (add_pos pos t) in
let ty_mark ty = uf_mark (unionfind ty) in
match Marked.unmark e with
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
| A.ELocation loc ->
let ty_opt =
match loc with
| DesugaredScopeVar (v, _) | ScopelangScopeVar v ->
Env.get_scope_var env (Marked.unmark v)
| SubScopeVar (scope, _, v) ->
Env.get_subscope_var env scope (Marked.unmark v)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let ty =
match ty_opt with
| Some ty -> ty
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos_e "Reference to %a not found"
(Expr.format ctx) e
Expr.elocation loc (uf_mark (ast_to_typ ty))
| A.EStruct (s_name, fmap) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark = ty_mark (TStruct s_name) in
let str = A.StructMap.find s_name ctx.A.ctx_structs in
let fmap' =
(* This assumes that the fields in fmap and the struct type are already
ensured to be the same *)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
(fun f_name f_e ->
let f_ty = List.assoc f_name str in
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (ast_to_typ f_ty) f_e)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.estruct s_name fmap' mark
| A.EStructAccess (e_struct, f_name, s_name) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark =
(List.assoc f_name (A.StructMap.find s_name ctx.A.ctx_structs)))
let e_struct' =
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (unionfind (TStruct s_name)) e_struct
Expr.estructaccess e_struct' f_name s_name mark
| A.EEnumInj (e_enum, c_name, e_name) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark = uf_mark (unionfind (TEnum e_name)) in
let e_enum' =
2022-09-26 19:19:39 +03:00
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env
(ast_to_typ (List.assoc c_name (A.EnumMap.find e_name ctx.A.ctx_enums)))
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.eenuminj e_enum' c_name e_name mark
| A.EMatchS (e1, e_name, cases) ->
let cases_ty = A.EnumMap.find e_name ctx.A.ctx_enums in
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let t_ret = unionfind ~pos:e1 (TAny (Any.fresh ())) in
let mark = uf_mark t_ret in
let e1' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (unionfind (TEnum e_name)) e1 in
let cases' =
(fun c_name e ->
let c_ty = List.assoc c_name cases_ty in
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let e_ty = unionfind ~pos:e (TArrow (ast_to_typ c_ty, t_ret)) in
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env e_ty e)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.ematchs e1' e_name cases' mark
| A.ERaise ex -> Expr.eraise ex context_mark
| A.ECatch (e1, ex, e2) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let e1' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env tau e1 in
let e2' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env tau e2 in
Expr.ecatch e1' ex e2' context_mark
| A.EVar v ->
let tau' =
match Env.get env v with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos_e
"Variable %s not found in the current context" (Bindlib.name_of v)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.evar (Var.translate v) (uf_mark tau')
| A.ELit lit -> Expr.elit lit (ty_mark (lit_type lit))
| A.ETuple (es, None) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let tys = (fun _ -> unionfind (TAny (Any.fresh ()))) es in
let mark = uf_mark (unionfind (TTuple tys)) in
let es' = List.map2 (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env) tys es in
Expr.etuple es' None mark
| A.ETuple (es, Some s_name) ->
let tys =
(fun (_, ty) -> ast_to_typ ty)
(A.StructMap.find s_name ctx.A.ctx_structs)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark = uf_mark (unionfind (TStruct s_name)) in
let es' = List.map2 (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env) tys es in
Expr.etuple es' (Some s_name) mark
| A.ETupleAccess (e1, n, s, typs) ->
2022-06-23 15:04:51 +03:00
let typs' = ast_to_typ typs in
let tuple_ty = match s with None -> TTuple typs' | Some s -> TStruct s in
let t1n =
try List.nth typs' n
with Not_found ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e1)
"Expression should have a tuple type with at least %d elements but \
only has %d"
n (List.length typs)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark = uf_mark t1n in
let e1' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (unionfind tuple_ty) e1 in
Expr.etupleaccess e1' n s typs mark
| A.EInj (e1, n, e_name, ts) ->
2022-06-23 15:04:51 +03:00
let ts' = ast_to_typ ts in
let ts_n =
try List.nth ts' n
with Not_found ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"Expression should have a sum type with at least %d cases but only \
2022-07-11 12:34:01 +03:00
has %d"
n (List.length ts)
2022-07-11 12:34:01 +03:00
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark = uf_mark (unionfind (TEnum e_name)) in
let e1' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env ts_n e1 in
Expr.einj e1' n e_name ts mark
| A.EMatch (e1, es, e_name) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let es' =
(fun es' (_, c_ty) ->
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
(unionfind ~pos:es' (TArrow (ast_to_typ c_ty, tau)))
2022-07-11 12:34:01 +03:00
(A.EnumMap.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums)
2022-07-11 12:34:01 +03:00
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let e1' =
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (unionfind ~pos:e1 (TEnum e_name)) e1
Expr.ematch e1' es' e_name context_mark
| A.EAbs (binder, t_args) ->
2022-06-23 15:04:51 +03:00
if Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder <> List.length t_args then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"function has %d variables but was supplied %d types"
2022-06-23 15:04:51 +03:00
(Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder)
(List.length t_args)
let tau_args = ast_to_typ t_args in
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let t_ret = unionfind (TAny (Any.fresh ())) in
let t_func =
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
(fun t_arg acc -> unionfind (TArrow (t_arg, acc)))
tau_args t_ret
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark = uf_mark t_func in
2022-06-23 15:04:51 +03:00
let xs, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let xs' = Var.translate xs in
2022-06-23 15:04:51 +03:00
let env =
(fun env x tau_arg -> Env.add x tau_arg env)
env (Array.to_list xs) tau_args
let body' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env t_ret body in
let binder' = Bindlib.bind_mvar xs' (Expr.Box.lift body') in
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.eabs binder' t_args mark
| A.EApp (e1, args) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let t_args = (fun _ -> unionfind (TAny (Any.fresh ()))) args in
2021-01-13 14:04:14 +03:00
let t_func =
2020-12-30 00:26:10 +03:00
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
(fun t_arg acc -> unionfind (TArrow (t_arg, acc)))
t_args tau
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let e1' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env t_func e1 in
let args' = List.map2 (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env) t_args args in
Expr.eapp e1' args' context_mark
| A.EOp op -> Expr.eop op (uf_mark (op_type (Marked.mark pos_e op)))
| A.EDefault (excepts, just, cons) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let cons' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env tau cons in
let just' =
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (unionfind ~pos:just (TLit TBool)) just
let excepts' = (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env tau) excepts in
Expr.edefault excepts' just' cons' context_mark
| A.EIfThenElse (cond, et, ef) ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let et' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env tau et in
let ef' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env tau ef in
let cond' =
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (unionfind ~pos:cond (TLit TBool)) cond
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.eifthenelse cond' et' ef' context_mark
| A.EAssert e1 ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let mark = uf_mark (unionfind (TLit TUnit)) in
let e1' =
typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (unionfind ~pos:e1 (TLit TBool)) e1
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.eassert e1' mark
| A.ErrorOnEmpty e1 ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let e1' = typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env tau e1 in
Expr.eerroronempty e1' context_mark
| A.EArray es ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let cell_type = unionfind (TAny (Any.fresh ())) in
let mark = uf_mark (unionfind (TArray cell_type)) in
let es' = (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env cell_type) es in
Expr.earray es' mark
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
let wrap ctx f e =
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
try f e
2022-07-11 12:32:23 +03:00
with Type_error (e, ty1, ty2) -> (
let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
try handle_type_error ctx e ty1 ty2
with e -> Printexc.raise_with_backtrace e bt)
2020-11-23 12:44:06 +03:00
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let wrap_expr ctx f e =
(* We need to unbox here, because the typing may otherwise be stored in
Bindlib closures and not yet applied, and would escape the `try..with` *)
wrap ctx (fun e -> Expr.unbox (f e)) e
2020-12-14 20:09:38 +03:00
(** {1 API} *)
let get_ty_mark { uf; pos } = A.Typed { ty = typ_to_ast uf; pos }
2020-12-14 20:09:38 +03:00
(* Infer the type of an expression *)
let expr
(type a)
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
?(env = Env.empty)
?(typ : A.typ option)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
(e : (a, 'm) A.gexpr) : (a, A.typed A.mark) A.boxed_gexpr =
let fty =
match typ with
| None -> typecheck_expr_bottom_up ctx env
| Some typ -> typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env (ast_to_typ typ)
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
Expr.map_marks ~f:get_ty_mark (wrap_expr ctx fty e)
let rec scope_body_expr ctx env ty_out body_expr =
match body_expr with
| A.Result e ->
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let e' = wrap_expr ctx (typecheck_expr_top_down ctx env ty_out) e in
let e' = Expr.map_marks ~f:get_ty_mark e' in
Bindlib.box_apply (fun e -> A.Result e) (Expr.Box.lift e')
| A.ScopeLet
scope_let_expr = e0;
} ->
let ty_e = ast_to_typ scope_let_typ in
Swap boxing and annotations in expressions This was the only reasonable solution I found to the issue raised [here]( This was a pretty tedious rewrite, but it should now ensure we are doing things correctly. As a bonus, the "smart" expression constructors are now used everywhere to build expressions (so another refactoring like this one should be much easier) and this makes the code overall feel more straightforward (`Bindlib.box_apply` or `let+` no longer need to be visible!) --- Basically, we were using values of type `gexpr box = naked_gexpr marked box` throughout when (re-)building expressions. This was done 99% of the time by using `Bindlib.box_apply add_mark naked_e` right after building `naked_e`. In lots of places, we needed to recover the annotation of this expression later on, typically to build its parent term (to inherit the position, or build the type). Since it wasn't always possible to wrap these uses within `box_apply` (esp. as bindlib boxes aren't a monad), here and there we had to call `Bindlib.unbox`, just to recover the position or type. This had the very unpleasant effect of forcing the resolution of the whole box (including applying any stored closures) to reach the top-level annotation which isn't even dependant on specific variable bindings. Then, generally, throwing away the result. Therefore, the change proposed here transforms - `naked_gexpr marked` into - `naked_gexpr marked` (aliased to `boxed_gexpr` or `gexpr boxed` for convenience) This means only 1. not fitting the mark into the box right away when building, and 2. accessing the top-level mark directly without unboxing The functions for building terms from module `Shared_ast.Expr` could be changed easily. But then they needed to be consistently used throughout, without manually building terms through `Bindlib.apply_box` -- which covers most of the changes in this patch. `Expr.Box.inj` is provided to swap back to a box, before binding for example. Additionally, this gives a 40% speedup on `make -C examples pass_all_tests`, which hints at the amount of unnecessary work we were doing --'
2022-10-06 20:13:45 +03:00
let e = wrap_expr ctx (typecheck_expr_bottom_up ctx env) e0 in
wrap ctx (fun t -> unify ctx e0 (ty e) t) ty_e;
(* We could use [typecheck_expr_top_down] rather than this manual
unification, but we get better messages with this order of the [unify]
parameters, which keeps location of the type as defined instead of as
inferred. *)
let var, next = Bindlib.unbind scope_let_next in
let env = Env.add var ty_e env in
let next = scope_body_expr ctx env ty_out next in
let scope_let_next = Bindlib.bind_var (Var.translate var) next in
(fun scope_let_expr scope_let_next ->
(Expr.Box.lift (Expr.map_marks ~f:get_ty_mark e))
let scope_body ctx env body =
let get_pos struct_name =
Marked.get_mark (A.StructName.get_info struct_name)
let struct_ty struct_name =
UnionFind.make (Marked.mark (get_pos struct_name) (TStruct struct_name))
let ty_in = struct_ty body.A.scope_body_input_struct in
let ty_out = struct_ty body.A.scope_body_output_struct in
let var, e = Bindlib.unbind body.A.scope_body_expr in
let env = Env.add var ty_in env in
let e' = scope_body_expr ctx env ty_out e in
( Bindlib.bind_var (Var.translate var) e',
(get_pos body.A.scope_body_output_struct)
(TArrow (ty_in, ty_out))) )
let rec scopes ctx env = function
| A.Nil -> A.Nil
| A.ScopeDef def ->
let body_e, ty_scope = scope_body ctx env def.scope_body in
let scope_next =
let scope_var, next = Bindlib.unbind def.scope_next in
let env = Env.add scope_var ty_scope env in
let next' = scopes ctx env next in
Bindlib.bind_var (Var.translate scope_var) next'
(fun scope_body_expr scope_next ->
def with
scope_body = { def.scope_body with scope_body_expr };
body_e scope_next
let program prg =
let scopes = Bindlib.unbox (scopes prg.A.decl_ctx Env.empty prg.A.scopes) in
{ prg with scopes }