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(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor:
Denis Merigoux <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
2022-11-21 12:46:17 +03:00
open Catala_utils
open Definitions
let typ_needs_parens (ty : typ) : bool =
match Mark.remove ty with TArrow _ | TArray _ -> true | _ -> false
let uid_list (fmt : Format.formatter) (infos : list) :
unit =
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_char fmt '.')
(fun fmt info ->
2023-06-07 19:15:14 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt
(if String.begins_with_uppercase (Mark.remove info) then "@{<red>%s@}"
else "%s")
(Uid.MarkedString.to_string info))
fmt infos
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
let with_color f color fmt x =
(* equivalent to [Format.fprintf fmt "@{<color>%s@}" s] *)
Format.pp_open_stag fmt Ocolor_format.(Ocolor_style_tag (Fg (C4 color)));
f fmt x;
Format.pp_close_stag fmt ()
let pp_color_string = with_color Format.pp_print_string
let keyword (fmt : Format.formatter) (s : string) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
pp_color_string fmt s
let base_type (fmt : Format.formatter) (s : string) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
pp_color_string Ocolor_types.yellow fmt s
let punctuation (fmt : Format.formatter) (s : string) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
with_color (fun fmt -> Format.pp_print_as fmt 1) Ocolor_types.cyan fmt s
let op_style (fmt : Format.formatter) (s : string) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
pp_color_string fmt s
let lit_style (fmt : Format.formatter) (s : string) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
pp_color_string Ocolor_types.yellow fmt s
let tlit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : typ_lit) : unit =
base_type fmt
(match l with
| TUnit -> "unit"
| TBool -> "bool"
| TInt -> "integer"
| TRat -> "decimal"
| TMoney -> "money"
| TDuration -> "duration"
| TDate -> "date")
let location (type a) (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : a glocation) : unit =
match l with
| DesugaredScopeVar (v, _st) -> ScopeVar.format_t fmt (Mark.remove v)
| ScopelangScopeVar v -> ScopeVar.format_t fmt (Mark.remove v)
| SubScopeVar (_, subindex, subvar) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a.%a" SubScopeName.format_t (Mark.remove subindex)
ScopeVar.format_t (Mark.remove subvar)
| ToplevelVar v -> TopdefName.format_t fmt (Mark.remove v)
let enum_constructor (fmt : Format.formatter) (c : EnumConstructor.t) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@{<magenta>%a@}" EnumConstructor.format_t c
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
let struct_field (fmt : Format.formatter) (c : StructField.t) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@{<magenta>%a@}" StructField.format_t c
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
let rec typ
(ctx : decl_ctx option)
~(colors : Ocolor_types.color4 list)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(ty : typ) : unit =
let typ = typ ctx in
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
let typ_with_parens ~colors (fmt : Format.formatter) (t : typ) =
if typ_needs_parens t then (
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 1;
pp_color_string (List.hd colors) fmt "(";
typ ~colors:( colors) fmt t;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
pp_color_string (List.hd colors) fmt ")")
else typ ~colors fmt t
match Mark.remove ty with
| TLit l -> tlit fmt l
| TTuple ts ->
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 2;
pp_color_string (List.hd colors) fmt "(";
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt " %a@ " op_style "*")
(typ ~colors:( colors)))
fmt ts;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
pp_color_string (List.hd colors) fmt ")"
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
| TStruct s -> (
match ctx with
| None -> StructName.format_t fmt s
| Some ctx ->
let fields = StructName.Map.find s ctx.ctx_structs in
if StructField.Map.is_empty fields then StructName.format_t fmt s
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a %a@,%a@;<0 -2>%a@]" StructName.format_t s
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
(pp_color_string (List.hd colors))
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () ->
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
op_style fmt ";";
Format.pp_print_space fmt ())
(fun fmt (field_name, field_typ) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a%a@ %a@]" struct_field field_name
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
punctuation ":"
(typ ~colors:( colors))
(StructField.Map.bindings fields)
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
(pp_color_string (List.hd colors))
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
| TEnum e -> (
match ctx with
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@]" EnumName.format_t e
| Some ctx ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a%a@]" EnumName.format_t e punctuation
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ %a@ " punctuation "|")
(fun fmt (case, mty) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a@ %a" enum_constructor case punctuation ":"
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
(typ ~colors) mty))
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings (EnumName.Map.find e ctx.ctx_enums))
punctuation "]")
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
| TOption t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" base_type "eoption" (typ ~colors) t
| TArrow ([t1], t2) ->
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" (typ_with_parens ~colors) t1
op_style "" (typ ~colors) t2
| TArrow (t1, t2) ->
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@ %a@ %a@]"
(pp_color_string (List.hd colors))
2023-01-11 13:23:08 +03:00
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " op_style ",")
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
(typ_with_parens ~colors:( colors)))
(pp_color_string (List.hd colors))
")" op_style ""
(typ ~colors:( colors))
| TArray t1 ->
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" base_type "collection" (typ ~colors)
| TAny -> base_type fmt "any"
2023-06-15 12:11:56 +03:00
| TClosureEnv -> base_type fmt "closure_env"
let lit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : lit) : unit =
match l with
| LBool b -> lit_style fmt (string_of_bool b)
| LInt i -> lit_style fmt (Runtime.integer_to_string i)
| LUnit -> lit_style fmt "()"
| LRat i ->
lit_style fmt
(Runtime.decimal_to_string ~max_prec_digits:Cli.globals.max_prec_digits i)
| LMoney e ->
lit_style fmt (Format.asprintf "¤%s" (Runtime.money_to_string e))
| LDate d -> lit_style fmt (Runtime.date_to_string d)
| LDuration d -> lit_style fmt (Runtime.duration_to_string d)
let log_entry (fmt : Format.formatter) (entry : log_entry) : unit =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
match entry with
| VarDef _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "@{<blue>@<1>%s @}" ""
| BeginCall -> Format.fprintf fmt "@{<yellow>@<1>%s @}" ""
| EndCall -> Format.fprintf fmt "@{<yellow>@<1>%s @}" ""
| PosRecordIfTrueBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "@{<green>@<1>%s @}" ""
let operator_to_string : type a. a Op.t -> string =
let open Op in
| Not -> "~"
| Length -> "length"
| GetDay -> "get_day"
| GetMonth -> "get_month"
| GetYear -> "get_year"
| FirstDayOfMonth -> "first_day_of_month"
| LastDayOfMonth -> "last_day_of_month"
| ToRat -> "to_rat"
| ToRat_int -> "to_rat_int"
| ToRat_mon -> "to_rat_mon"
| ToMoney -> "to_mon"
| ToMoney_rat -> "to_mon_rat"
| Round -> "round"
| Round_rat -> "round_rat"
| Round_mon -> "round_mon"
| Log _ -> "Log"
| Minus -> "-"
| Minus_int -> "-!"
| Minus_rat -> "-."
| Minus_mon -> "-$"
| Minus_dur -> "-^"
| And -> "&&"
| Or -> "||"
| Xor -> "xor"
| Eq -> "="
| Map -> "map"
2022-12-12 18:02:07 +03:00
| Reduce -> "reduce"
| Concat -> "++"
| Filter -> "filter"
| Add -> "+"
| Add_int_int -> "+!"
| Add_rat_rat -> "+."
| Add_mon_mon -> "+$"
2023-01-20 20:18:53 +03:00
| Add_dat_dur AbortOnRound -> "+@"
| Add_dat_dur RoundUp -> "+@u"
| Add_dat_dur RoundDown -> "+@d"
| Add_dur_dur -> "+^"
| Sub -> "-"
| Sub_int_int -> "-!"
| Sub_rat_rat -> "-."
| Sub_mon_mon -> "-$"
| Sub_dat_dat -> "-@"
| Sub_dat_dur -> "-@^"
| Sub_dur_dur -> "-^"
| Mult -> "*"
| Mult_int_int -> "*!"
| Mult_rat_rat -> "*."
| Mult_mon_rat -> "*$"
| Mult_dur_int -> "*^"
| Div -> "/"
| Div_int_int -> "/!"
| Div_rat_rat -> "/."
| Div_mon_mon -> "/$"
| Div_mon_rat -> "/$."
| Div_dur_dur -> "/^"
| Lt -> "<"
| Lt_int_int -> "<!"
| Lt_rat_rat -> "<."
| Lt_mon_mon -> "<$"
| Lt_dur_dur -> "<^"
| Lt_dat_dat -> "<@"
| Lte -> "<="
| Lte_int_int -> "<=!"
| Lte_rat_rat -> "<=."
| Lte_mon_mon -> "<=$"
| Lte_dur_dur -> "<=^"
| Lte_dat_dat -> "<=@"
| Gt -> ">"
| Gt_int_int -> ">!"
| Gt_rat_rat -> ">."
| Gt_mon_mon -> ">$"
| Gt_dur_dur -> ">^"
| Gt_dat_dat -> ">@"
| Gte -> ">="
| Gte_int_int -> ">=!"
| Gte_rat_rat -> ">=."
| Gte_mon_mon -> ">=$"
| Gte_dur_dur -> ">=^"
| Gte_dat_dat -> ">=@"
| Eq_int_int -> "=!"
| Eq_rat_rat -> "=."
| Eq_mon_mon -> "=$"
| Eq_dur_dur -> "=^"
| Eq_dat_dat -> "=@"
| Fold -> "fold"
2023-04-07 17:32:43 +03:00
| HandleDefault -> "handle_default"
| HandleDefaultOpt -> "handle_default_opt"
| ToClosureEnv -> "to_closure_env"
| FromClosureEnv -> "from_closure_env"
let operator_to_shorter_string : type a. a Op.t -> string =
let open Op in
| Not -> "~"
| Length -> "length"
| GetDay -> "get_day"
| GetMonth -> "get_month"
| GetYear -> "get_year"
| FirstDayOfMonth -> "first_day_of_month"
| LastDayOfMonth -> "last_day_of_month"
| ToRat_int | ToRat_mon | ToRat -> "to_rat"
| ToMoney_rat | ToMoney -> "to_mon"
| Round_rat | Round_mon | Round -> "round"
| Log _ -> "Log"
| Minus_int | Minus_rat | Minus_mon | Minus_dur | Minus -> "-"
| And -> "&&"
| Or -> "||"
| Xor -> "xor"
| Eq_int_int | Eq_rat_rat | Eq_mon_mon | Eq_dur_dur | Eq_dat_dat | Eq -> "="
| Map -> "map"
| Reduce -> "reduce"
| Concat -> "++"
| Filter -> "filter"
| Add_int_int | Add_rat_rat | Add_mon_mon | Add_dat_dur _ | Add_dur_dur | Add
| Sub_int_int | Sub_rat_rat | Sub_mon_mon | Sub_dat_dat | Sub_dat_dur
| Sub_dur_dur | Sub ->
| Mult_int_int | Mult_rat_rat | Mult_mon_rat | Mult_dur_int | Mult -> "*"
| Div_int_int | Div_rat_rat | Div_mon_mon | Div_mon_rat | Div_dur_dur | Div ->
| Lt_int_int | Lt_rat_rat | Lt_mon_mon | Lt_dur_dur | Lt_dat_dat | Lt -> "<"
| Lte_int_int | Lte_rat_rat | Lte_mon_mon | Lte_dur_dur | Lte_dat_dat | Lte ->
| Gt_int_int | Gt_rat_rat | Gt_mon_mon | Gt_dur_dur | Gt_dat_dat | Gt -> ">"
| Gte_int_int | Gte_rat_rat | Gte_mon_mon | Gte_dur_dur | Gte_dat_dat | Gte ->
| Fold -> "fold"
| HandleDefault -> "handle_default"
| HandleDefaultOpt -> "handle_default_opt"
| ToClosureEnv -> "to_closure_env"
| FromClosureEnv -> "from_closure_env"
let operator : type a. ?debug:bool -> Format.formatter -> a operator -> unit =
fun ?(debug = true) fmt op ->
let open Op in
match op with
| Log (entry, infos) ->
2023-06-07 19:15:14 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@{<blue>#{@}%a%a@{<blue>}@}" log_entry entry
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> punctuation fmt ".")
2023-06-07 19:15:14 +03:00
(fun fmt info ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@{<blue>%s@}" (Uid.MarkedString.to_string info)))
| op ->
op_style fmt
(if debug then operator_to_string op else operator_to_shorter_string op)
let except (fmt : Format.formatter) (exn : except) : unit =
op_style fmt
(match exn with
| EmptyError -> "EmptyError"
| ConflictError -> "ConflictError"
| Crash -> "Crash"
| NoValueProvided -> "NoValueProvided")
let var_debug fmt v =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s_%d" (Bindlib.name_of v) (Bindlib.uid_of v)
let var fmt v = Format.pp_print_string fmt (Bindlib.name_of v)
(* Define precedence levels for auto parentheses *)
module Precedence = struct
type op = Xor | And | Or | Comp | Mul | Div | Add | Sub
type t =
| Contained
(* No parens needed, the term has unambiguous beginning and end *)
| Op of op
| App (* Function application, right-associative *)
| Abs (* lambda, *)
| Dot (* *)
let expr : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> t =
fun e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit _ -> Contained (* Todo: unop if < 0 *)
| EApp { f = EOp { op; _ }, _; _ } -> (
match op with
| Not | GetDay | GetMonth | GetYear | FirstDayOfMonth | LastDayOfMonth
| Length | Log _ | Minus | Minus_int | Minus_rat | Minus_mon | Minus_dur
| ToRat | ToRat_int | ToRat_mon | ToMoney | ToMoney_rat | Round
| Round_rat | Round_mon ->
| And -> Op And
| Or -> Op Or
| Xor -> Op Xor
| Eq | Eq_int_int | Eq_rat_rat | Eq_mon_mon | Eq_dur_dur | Eq_dat_dat ->
Op Comp
| Lt | Lt_int_int | Lt_rat_rat | Lt_mon_mon | Lt_dat_dat | Lt_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Lte | Lte_int_int | Lte_rat_rat | Lte_mon_mon | Lte_dat_dat
| Lte_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Gt | Gt_int_int | Gt_rat_rat | Gt_mon_mon | Gt_dat_dat | Gt_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Gte | Gte_int_int | Gte_rat_rat | Gte_mon_mon | Gte_dat_dat
| Gte_dur_dur ->
Op Comp
| Add | Add_int_int | Add_rat_rat | Add_mon_mon | Add_dat_dur _
| Add_dur_dur ->
Op Add
| Sub | Sub_int_int | Sub_rat_rat | Sub_mon_mon | Sub_dat_dat
| Sub_dat_dur | Sub_dur_dur ->
Op Sub
| Mult | Mult_int_int | Mult_rat_rat | Mult_mon_rat | Mult_dur_int ->
Op Mul
| Div | Div_int_int | Div_rat_rat | Div_mon_rat | Div_mon_mon
| Div_dur_dur ->
Op Div
| HandleDefault | HandleDefaultOpt | Map | Concat | Filter | Reduce | Fold
| ToClosureEnv | FromClosureEnv ->
| EApp _ -> App
| EOp _ -> Contained
| EArray _ -> Contained
| EVar _ -> Contained
| EExternal _ -> Contained
| EAbs _ -> Abs
| EIfThenElse _ -> Contained
| EStruct _ -> Contained
| EInj _ -> App
| EMatch _ -> App
| ETuple _ -> Contained
| ETupleAccess _ -> Dot
| ELocation _ -> Contained
| EScopeCall _ -> App
| EDStructAccess _ | EStructAccess _ -> Dot
| EAssert _ -> App
| EDefault _ -> Contained
| EEmptyError -> Contained
| EErrorOnEmpty _ -> App
| ERaise _ -> App
| ECatch _ -> App
| ECustom _ -> Contained
let needs_parens ~context ?(rhs = false) e =
match expr context, expr e with
| _, Contained -> false
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
| Dot, Dot -> rhs
| _, Dot -> false
| Dot, _ -> true
| App, App -> not rhs
| App, Op _ -> true
| App, Abs -> true
| Abs, _ -> false
| Op a, Op b -> (
match a, b with
| _, Xor -> true
| And, And | Or, Or -> false
| And, Or | Or, And -> true
| (And | Or | Xor), _ -> false
| _, (And | Or | Comp) -> true
| Comp, _ -> false
| Add, (Add | Sub) -> false
| Sub, (Add | Sub) -> rhs
| (Add | Sub), (Mul | Div) -> false
| (Mul | Div), (Add | Sub) -> true
| Mul, (Mul | Div) -> false
| Div, (Mul | Div) -> rhs)
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
| Op _, App -> not rhs
| Op _, _ -> true
| Contained, _ -> false
let rec expr_aux :
type a.
hide_function_body:bool ->
debug:bool ->
Bindlib.ctxt ->
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
Ocolor_types.color4 list ->
Format.formatter ->
(a, 't) gexpr ->
unit =
fun ~hide_function_body ~debug bnd_ctx colors fmt e ->
let exprb bnd_ctx colors e =
expr_aux ~hide_function_body ~debug bnd_ctx colors e
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
let exprc colors e = exprb bnd_ctx colors e in
let expr e = exprc colors e in
let var = if debug then var_debug else var in
let rec skip_log : type a. (a, 't) gexpr -> (a, 't) gexpr = function
| EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _; _ }, _; args = [e] }, _ when not debug ->
skip_log e
| e -> e
let e = skip_log e in
let paren ~rhs ?(colors = colors) expr fmt e1 =
if Precedence.needs_parens ~rhs ~context:e (skip_log e1) then (
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 1;
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
pp_color_string (List.hd colors) fmt "(";
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
expr ( colors) fmt e1;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
pp_color_string (List.hd colors) fmt ")")
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
else expr colors fmt e1
2023-06-07 19:15:14 +03:00
let default_punct = with_color (fun fmt -> Format.pp_print_as fmt 1) in
let lhs ?(colors = colors) ex = paren ~colors ~rhs:false ex in
let rhs ex = paren ~rhs:true ex in
match Mark.remove e with
| EVar v -> var fmt v
| EExternal eref -> Qident.format fmt eref
| ETuple es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]"
(pp_color_string (List.hd colors))
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " (pp_color_string (List.hd colors)) ",")
(fun fmt e -> lhs ~colors:( colors) exprc fmt e))
(pp_color_string (List.hd colors))
| EArray es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a@] %a" punctuation "["
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ";@ ")
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
(fun fmt e -> lhs exprc fmt e))
es punctuation "]"
| ETupleAccess { e; index; _ } ->
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
lhs exprc fmt e;
punctuation fmt ".";
Format.pp_print_int fmt index
| ELit l -> lit fmt l
2023-04-18 11:09:58 +03:00
| EApp { f = EAbs _, _; _ } ->
let rec pr bnd_ctx colors fmt = function
| EApp { f = EAbs { binder; tys }, _; args }, _ ->
let xs, body, bnd_ctx = Bindlib.unmbind_in bnd_ctx binder in
let xs_tau = List.mapi (fun i tau -> xs.(i), tau) tys in
let xs_tau_arg =
List.map2 (fun (x, tau) arg -> x, tau, arg) xs_tau args
(fun fmt (x, tau, arg) ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv 2>@[<hov 4>%a %a %a@ %a@ %a@]@ %a@;<1 -2>%a@]" keyword
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
"let" var x punctuation ":" (typ None ~colors) tau punctuation "="
2023-04-18 11:09:58 +03:00
(exprc colors) arg keyword "in")
fmt xs_tau_arg;
Format.pp_print_cut fmt ();
rhs (pr bnd_ctx) fmt body
| e -> rhs (exprb bnd_ctx) fmt e
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
pr bnd_ctx colors fmt e;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
if hide_function_body then Format.fprintf fmt "%a" op_style "<function>"
let xs, body, bnd_ctx = Bindlib.unmbind_in bnd_ctx binder in
let expr = exprb bnd_ctx in
let xs_tau = List.mapi (fun i tau -> xs.(i), tau) tys in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>%a @[<hv 2>%a@]@ @]%a@ %a" punctuation "λ"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun fmt (x, tau) ->
punctuation fmt "(";
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 2;
var fmt x;
punctuation fmt ":";
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
typ None ~colors fmt tau;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
punctuation fmt ")"))
xs_tau punctuation "" (rhs expr) body
| EApp { f = EOp { op = (Map | Filter) as op; _ }, _; args = [arg1; arg2] } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a %a@ %a@]" (operator ~debug) op (lhs exprc)
arg1 (rhs exprc) arg2
| EApp { f = EOp { op = Log _ as op; _ }, _; args = [arg1] } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>%a@ %a@]" (operator ~debug) op (rhs exprc) arg1
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
| EApp { f = EOp { op = op0; _ }, _; args = [_; _] } ->
let prec = Precedence.expr e in
let rec pr colors fmt = function
(* Flatten sequences of the same associative op *)
| EApp { f = EOp { op; _ }, _; args = [arg1; arg2] }, _ when op = op0 -> (
(match prec with
| Op (And | Or | Mul | Add | Div | Sub) -> lhs pr fmt arg1
| _ -> lhs exprc fmt arg1);
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
(operator ~debug) fmt op;
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
Format.pp_print_char fmt ' ';
match prec with
| Op (And | Or | Mul | Add) -> rhs pr fmt arg2
| _ -> rhs exprc fmt arg2)
| e -> exprc colors fmt e
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0;
pr colors fmt e;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
| EApp { f = EOp { op; _ }, _; args = [arg1] } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]" (operator ~debug) op (rhs exprc) arg1
| EApp { f; args } ->
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]" (lhs exprc) f
2023-06-12 16:21:06 +03:00
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ ")
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
(rhs exprc))
2023-04-17 13:23:54 +03:00
| EIfThenElse _ ->
let rec pr els fmt = function
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse }, _ ->
2023-07-07 15:50:32 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@;<1 -2>%a@]@ %a@]@ %a"
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
(if els then "else if" else "if")
expr cond keyword "then" expr etrue (pr true) efalse
| e -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]" keyword "else" (rhs exprc) e
2023-04-17 13:23:54 +03:00
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0;
2023-04-17 13:23:54 +03:00
pr false fmt e;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
| EOp { op; _ } -> operator ~debug fmt op
| EDefault { excepts; just; cons } ->
if List.length excepts = 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 1>%a%a@ %a %a%a@]"
(default_punct (List.hd colors))
(exprc ( colors))
(default_punct (List.hd colors))
(exprc ( colors))
(default_punct (List.hd colors))
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv 0>@[<hov 2>%a %a@]@ @[<hov 2>%a %a@ %a %a@] %a@]"
(default_punct (List.hd colors))
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " (default_punct (List.hd colors)) ",")
(lhs ~colors:( colors) exprc))
(default_punct (List.hd colors))
(exprc ( colors))
(default_punct (List.hd colors))
(exprc ( colors))
(default_punct (List.hd colors))
| EEmptyError -> lit_style fmt ""
| EErrorOnEmpty e' ->
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" op_style "error_empty" (rhs exprc) e'
| EAssert e' ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" keyword "assert" punctuation "("
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
(rhs exprc) e' punctuation ")"
| ECatch { body; exn; handler } ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]@ @[<hov 2>%a@ %a ->@ %a@]@]"
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
keyword "try" expr body keyword "with" except exn (rhs exprc) handler
| ERaise exn ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" keyword "raise" except exn
| ELocation loc -> location fmt loc
| EDStructAccess { e; field; _ } ->
2023-04-15 16:43:03 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a%a@,%a%a%a@]" (lhs exprc) e punctuation "."
2023-04-18 15:39:38 +03:00
punctuation "\"" Ident.format_t field punctuation "\""
| EStruct { name; fields } ->
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
if StructField.Map.is_empty fields then (
punctuation fmt "{";
StructName.format_t fmt name;
punctuation fmt "}")
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a %a@ %a@;<1 -2>%a@]" punctuation "{"
StructName.format_t name
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space
(fun fmt (field_name, field_expr) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a %a@ %a%a@]" struct_field field_name
punctuation "=" (lhs exprc) field_expr punctuation ";"))
(StructField.Map.bindings fields)
punctuation "}"
| EStructAccess { e; field; _ } ->
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a%a@,%a@]" (lhs exprc) e punctuation "."
struct_field field
| EInj { e; cons; _ } ->
2023-04-15 16:43:03 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]" EnumConstructor.format_t cons
(rhs exprc) e
| EMatch { e; cases; _ } ->
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]@ %a@]" keyword "match"
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
(lhs exprc) e keyword "with"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
(fun fmt (cons_name, case_expr) ->
2023-04-17 16:10:47 +03:00
match case_expr with
| EAbs { binder; _ }, _ ->
let xs, body, bnd_ctx = Bindlib.unmbind_in bnd_ctx binder in
let expr = exprb bnd_ctx in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]" punctuation "|"
enum_constructor cons_name
(Format.pp_print_seq ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space var)
(Array.to_seq xs) punctuation "" (rhs expr) body
| e ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a@ %a@ %a@]" punctuation "|"
enum_constructor cons_name punctuation "" (rhs exprc) e))
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings cases)
| EScopeCall { scope; args } ->
Make scopes directly callable Quite a few changes are included here, some of which have some extra implications visible in the language: - adds the `Scope of { -- input_v: value; ... }` construct in the language - handle it down the pipeline: * `ScopeCall` in the surface AST * `EScopeCall` in desugared and scopelang * expressions are now traversed to detect dependencies between scopes * transformed into a normal function call in dcalc - defining a scope now implicitely defines a structure with the same name, with the output variables of the scope defined as fields. This allows us to type the return value from a scope call and access its fields easily. * the implications are mostly in surface/ code-wise * the `Scope_out` struct that was defined in scope_to_dcalc is no longer needed/used and the fields are no longer renamed (changes some outputs; the explicit suffix for variables with multiple states is ignored as well) * one benefit is that disambiguation works just like for structures when there are conflicts on field names * however, it's now a conflict if a scope and a structure have the same name (side-note: issues with conflicting enum / struct names or scope variables / subscope names were silent and are now properly reported) - you can consequently use scope names as types for variables as well. Writing literals is not allowed though, they can only be obtained by calling the scope. Remaining TODOs: - context variables are not handled properly at the moment - error handling on invalid calls - tests show a small error message regression; lots of examples will need tweaking to avoid scope/struct name or struct fields / output variable conflicts - add a `->` syntax to make struct field access distinct from scope output var access, enforced with typing. This is expected to reduce confusion of users and add a little typing precision. - document the new syntax & implications (tutorial, cheat-sheet) - a consequence of the changes is that subscope variables also can now be typed. A possible future evolution / simplification would be to rewrite subscopes as explicit scope calls early in the pipeline. That could also allow to manipulate them as expressions (bind them in let-ins, return them...)
2022-10-21 16:47:17 +03:00
Format.pp_open_hovbox fmt 2;
ScopeName.format_t fmt scope;
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
keyword fmt "of";
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 2;
punctuation fmt "{";
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " punctuation ";")
(fun fmt (field_name, field_expr) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a@ %a" punctuation "\"" ScopeVar.format_t
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
field_name punctuation "\"" punctuation "=" (rhs exprc) field_expr)
Make scopes directly callable Quite a few changes are included here, some of which have some extra implications visible in the language: - adds the `Scope of { -- input_v: value; ... }` construct in the language - handle it down the pipeline: * `ScopeCall` in the surface AST * `EScopeCall` in desugared and scopelang * expressions are now traversed to detect dependencies between scopes * transformed into a normal function call in dcalc - defining a scope now implicitely defines a structure with the same name, with the output variables of the scope defined as fields. This allows us to type the return value from a scope call and access its fields easily. * the implications are mostly in surface/ code-wise * the `Scope_out` struct that was defined in scope_to_dcalc is no longer needed/used and the fields are no longer renamed (changes some outputs; the explicit suffix for variables with multiple states is ignored as well) * one benefit is that disambiguation works just like for structures when there are conflicts on field names * however, it's now a conflict if a scope and a structure have the same name (side-note: issues with conflicting enum / struct names or scope variables / subscope names were silent and are now properly reported) - you can consequently use scope names as types for variables as well. Writing literals is not allowed though, they can only be obtained by calling the scope. Remaining TODOs: - context variables are not handled properly at the moment - error handling on invalid calls - tests show a small error message regression; lots of examples will need tweaking to avoid scope/struct name or struct fields / output variable conflicts - add a `->` syntax to make struct field access distinct from scope output var access, enforced with typing. This is expected to reduce confusion of users and add a little typing precision. - document the new syntax & implications (tutorial, cheat-sheet) - a consequence of the changes is that subscope variables also can now be typed. A possible future evolution / simplification would be to rewrite subscopes as explicit scope calls early in the pipeline. That could also allow to manipulate them as expressions (bind them in let-ins, return them...)
2022-10-21 16:47:17 +03:00
(ScopeVar.Map.bindings args);
Make scopes directly callable Quite a few changes are included here, some of which have some extra implications visible in the language: - adds the `Scope of { -- input_v: value; ... }` construct in the language - handle it down the pipeline: * `ScopeCall` in the surface AST * `EScopeCall` in desugared and scopelang * expressions are now traversed to detect dependencies between scopes * transformed into a normal function call in dcalc - defining a scope now implicitely defines a structure with the same name, with the output variables of the scope defined as fields. This allows us to type the return value from a scope call and access its fields easily. * the implications are mostly in surface/ code-wise * the `Scope_out` struct that was defined in scope_to_dcalc is no longer needed/used and the fields are no longer renamed (changes some outputs; the explicit suffix for variables with multiple states is ignored as well) * one benefit is that disambiguation works just like for structures when there are conflicts on field names * however, it's now a conflict if a scope and a structure have the same name (side-note: issues with conflicting enum / struct names or scope variables / subscope names were silent and are now properly reported) - you can consequently use scope names as types for variables as well. Writing literals is not allowed though, they can only be obtained by calling the scope. Remaining TODOs: - context variables are not handled properly at the moment - error handling on invalid calls - tests show a small error message regression; lots of examples will need tweaking to avoid scope/struct name or struct fields / output variable conflicts - add a `->` syntax to make struct field access distinct from scope output var access, enforced with typing. This is expected to reduce confusion of users and add a little typing precision. - document the new syntax & implications (tutorial, cheat-sheet) - a consequence of the changes is that subscope variables also can now be typed. A possible future evolution / simplification would be to rewrite subscopes as explicit scope calls early in the pipeline. That could also allow to manipulate them as expressions (bind them in let-ins, return them...)
2022-10-21 16:47:17 +03:00
Format.pp_close_box fmt ();
punctuation fmt "}";
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
| ECustom _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<obj>"
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
let rec colors =
2023-06-07 19:10:50 +03:00
let open Ocolor_types in
2023-06-07 19:15:14 +03:00
blue :: cyan :: green :: yellow :: red :: magenta :: colors
2023-04-24 15:35:34 +03:00
2023-06-13 09:59:33 +03:00
let typ_debug = typ None ~colors
let typ ctx = typ (Some ctx) ~colors
let expr ?(hide_function_body = false) ?(debug = Cli.globals.debug) () ppf e =
expr_aux ~hide_function_body ~debug Bindlib.empty_ctxt colors ppf e
let scope_let_kind ?debug:(_debug = true) _ctx fmt k =
match k with
| DestructuringInputStruct -> keyword fmt "get"
| ScopeVarDefinition -> keyword fmt "set"
| SubScopeVarDefinition -> keyword fmt "sub_set"
| CallingSubScope -> keyword fmt "call"
| DestructuringSubScopeResults -> keyword fmt "sub_get"
| Assertion -> keyword fmt "assert"
let[@ocamlformat "disable"] rec
scope_body_expr ?(debug = false) ctx fmt b : unit =
match b with
| Result e -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a %a" keyword "return" (expr ~debug ()) e
| ScopeLet
scope_let_kind = kind;
} ->
let x, next = Bindlib.unbind scope_let_next in
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hv 2>@[<hov 4>%a %a %a %a@ %a@ %a@]@ %a@;<1 -2>%a@]@,%a"
keyword "let"
(scope_let_kind ~debug ctx) kind
(if debug then var_debug else var) x
punctuation ":"
(typ ctx) scope_let_typ
punctuation "="
(expr ~debug ()) scope_let_expr
keyword "in"
(scope_body_expr ~debug ctx) next
let scope_body ?(debug = false) ctx fmt (n, l) : unit =
let {
scope_body_expr = body;
} =
let input_typ = TStruct scope_body_input_struct, Pos.no_pos in
let output_typ = TStruct scope_body_output_struct, Pos.no_pos in
let x, body = Bindlib.unbind body in
let () =
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 2;
let () =
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 2;
let () =
Format.pp_open_hovbox fmt 4;
keyword fmt "let scope";
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
ScopeName.format_t fmt n;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
punctuation fmt "(";
let () =
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 2;
(if debug then var_debug else var) fmt x;
punctuation fmt ":";
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
(if debug then typ_debug else typ ctx) fmt input_typ;
punctuation fmt ")";
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
Format.pp_print_cut fmt ();
punctuation fmt ":";
Format.pp_print_string fmt " ";
let () =
Format.pp_open_hvbox fmt 2;
(if debug then typ_debug else typ ctx) fmt output_typ;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
Format.pp_print_space fmt ();
punctuation fmt "=";
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
Format.pp_print_cut fmt ();
scope_body_expr ~debug ctx fmt body;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
let enum
?(debug = false)
((n, c) : EnumName.t * typ EnumConstructor.Map.t) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h 0>%a %a %a@;%a@]" keyword "type" EnumName.format_t n
punctuation "="
(fun fmt b ->
ListLabels.iter b ~f:(fun (n, ty) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov2> %a %a %a %a@]@;" punctuation "|"
EnumConstructor.format_t n keyword "of"
(if debug then typ_debug else typ decl_ctx)
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings c)
let struct_
?(debug = false)
((n, c) : StructName.t * typ StructField.Map.t) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 0>@[<hv 2>@[<h>%a %a %a@;%a@]@;%a@]%a@]@;" keyword
"type" StructName.format_t n punctuation "=" punctuation "{"
(fun fmt b ->
ListLabels.iter b ~f:(fun (n, ty) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h 2>%a%a %a%a@]@ " StructField.format_t n
keyword ":"
(if debug then typ_debug else typ decl_ctx)
ty punctuation ";"))
(StructField.Map.bindings c)
punctuation "}"
let decl_ctx ?(debug = false) decl_ctx (fmt : Format.formatter) (ctx : decl_ctx)
: unit =
let { ctx_enums; ctx_structs; _ } = ctx in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a@;@;%a@] @;"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_cut (enum ~debug decl_ctx))
(EnumName.Map.bindings ctx_enums)
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_cut (struct_ ~debug decl_ctx))
(StructName.Map.bindings ctx_structs)
let scope
?(debug : bool = false)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
((n, s) : ScopeName.t * 'm scope_body) : unit =
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
scope_body ~debug ctx fmt (n, s);
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
let code_item ?(debug = false) decl_ctx fmt c =
match c with
| ScopeDef (n, b) -> scope ~debug decl_ctx fmt (n, b)
| Topdef (n, ty, e) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]@ %a@]" keyword
"let topval" TopdefName.format_t n op_style ":" (typ decl_ctx) ty op_style
"=" (expr ~debug ()) e
let rec code_item_list ?(debug = false) decl_ctx fmt c =
match c with
| Nil -> ()
| Cons (c, b) ->
let _x, cl = Bindlib.unbind b in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a @.%a"
(code_item ~debug decl_ctx)
(code_item_list ~debug decl_ctx)
let program ?(debug = false) fmt p =
decl_ctx ~debug p.decl_ctx fmt p.decl_ctx;
code_item_list ~debug p.decl_ctx fmt p.code_items
(* - User-facing value printer - *)
module UserFacing = struct
(* Refs: *)
let bigsep (lang : Cli.backend_lang) =
match lang with En -> ",", 3 | Fr -> " ", 3 | Pl -> ",", 3
let decsep (lang : Cli.backend_lang) =
match lang with En -> "." | Fr -> "," | Pl -> "."
let unit (_lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf () = Format.pp_print_string ppf "()"
let bool (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf b =
let s =
match lang, b with
| En, true -> "true"
| En, false -> "false"
| Fr, true -> "vrai"
| Fr, false -> "faux"
| Pl, true -> "prawda"
| Pl, false -> "falsz"
Format.pp_print_string ppf s
let integer (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf n =
let sep, nsep = bigsep lang in
let nsep = Z.pow (Z.of_int 10) nsep in
if Z.sign n < 0 then Format.pp_print_char ppf '-';
let rec aux n =
let a, b = Z.div_rem n nsep in
if Z.equal a then Z.pp_print ppf b
else (
aux a;
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%03d" sep (Z.to_int b))
aux (Z.abs n)
let money (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf n =
(match lang with En -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "$" | Fr | Pl -> ());
let units, cents = Z.div_rem n (Z.of_int 100) in
integer lang ppf units;
Format.pp_print_string ppf (decsep lang);
Format.fprintf ppf "%02d" (Z.to_int (Z.abs cents));
match lang with
| En -> ()
| Fr -> Format.pp_print_string ppf ""
| Pl -> Format.pp_print_string ppf " PLN"
let decimal (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf r =
let den = Q.den r in
let int_part, rem = Z.div_rem (Q.num r) den in
let rem = Z.abs rem in
(* Printing the integer part *)
integer lang ppf int_part;
(* Printing the decimals *)
let bigsep, nsep = bigsep lang in
let rec aux ndigit rem_digits rem =
let n, rem = Z.div_rem (Z.mul rem (Z.of_int 10)) den in
let rem_digits, stop =
match rem_digits with
| None ->
if Z.equal n then None, false
let r = Cli.globals.max_prec_digits in
Some (r - 1), r <= 1
| Some r -> Some (r - 1), r <= 1
if ndigit mod nsep = 0 then
Format.pp_print_string ppf (if ndigit = 0 then decsep lang else bigsep);
Format.pp_print_int ppf (Z.to_int n);
if rem then
if stop then Format.pp_print_as ppf 1 ""
else aux (ndigit + 1) rem_digits rem
let rec ndigits n =
if Z.equal n then 0 else 1 + ndigits (Z.div n (Z.of_int 10))
aux 0
(if Z.equal int_part then None
else Some (Cli.globals.max_prec_digits - ndigits int_part))
(* It would be nice to print ratios as % but that's impossible to guess.
Trying would lead to inconsistencies where some comparable numbers are in %
and some others not, adding confusion. *)
let date (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf d =
let y, m, d = Dates_calc.Dates.date_to_ymd d in
match lang with
| En | Pl -> Format.fprintf ppf "%04d-%02d-%02d" y m d
| Fr -> Format.fprintf ppf "%02d/%02d/%04d" d m y
let duration (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf dr =
let y, m, d = Dates_calc.Dates.period_to_ymds dr in
let rec filter0 = function
| (0, _) :: (_ :: _ as r) -> filter0 r
| x :: r -> x :: List.filter (fun (n, _) -> n <> 0) r
| [] -> []
let splur n s = if abs n > 1 then n, s ^ "s" else n, s in
Format.pp_print_char ppf '[';
(match lang with
| En -> [splur y "year"; splur m "month"; splur d "day"]
| Fr -> [splur y "an"; m, "mois"; splur d "jour"]
| Pl -> [y, "rok"; m, "miesiac"; d, "dzien"])
|> filter0
|> Format.pp_print_list
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.pp_print_string ppf ", ")
(fun ppf (n, s) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%d %s" n s)
Format.pp_print_char ppf ']'
let lit_raw (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf lit : unit =
match lit with
| LUnit -> unit lang ppf ()
| LBool b -> bool lang ppf b
| LInt i -> integer lang ppf i
| LRat r -> decimal lang ppf r
| LMoney e -> money lang ppf e
| LDate d -> date lang ppf d
| LDuration dr -> duration lang ppf dr
let lit_to_string (lang : Cli.backend_lang) lit =
let buf = Buffer.create 32 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
lit_raw lang ppf lit;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Buffer.contents buf
let lit (lang : Cli.backend_lang) ppf lit : unit =
with_color (lit_raw lang) Ocolor_types.yellow ppf lit
let rec value :
type a b.
Cli.backend_lang ->
Format.formatter ->
((a, b) dcalc_lcalc, _) gexpr ->
unit =
fun lang ppf e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit l -> lit lang ppf l
| EArray l | ETuple l ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 1>[@;<0 1>%a@;<0 -1>]@]"
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ";@ ")
(value lang))
| EStruct { name; fields } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%a {@ %a@;<1 -2>}@]" StructName.format_t name
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf (fld, e) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "-- %a: %a" StructField.format_t fld
(value lang) e))
(StructField.Map.bindings fields)
| EInj { name = _; cons; e } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a %a" EnumConstructor.format_t cons (value lang) e
| EEmptyError -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "ø"
| EAbs _ -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "<function>"
| EExternal _ -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "<external>"
| EApp _ | EOp _ | EVar _ | EIfThenElse _ | EMatch _ | ETupleAccess _
| EStructAccess _ | EAssert _ | EDefault _ | EErrorOnEmpty _ | ERaise _
| ECatch _ | ELocation _ ->
invalid_arg "UserPrint.value: not a value"