Crate sim[−][src]
The sim crate runs a traffic simulation on top of the map_model. See also
The simulation is very roughly layered into two pieces: the low-level “mechanics” of simulating individual agents over time, and higher-level systems like TripManager and TransitSimState that glue together individual goals executed by the agents.
Helpful terminology:
- sov = single occupancy vehicle, a car with just a driver and no passengers. (Car passengers are not currently modelled)
analytics | |
cap | |
events | |
make | Everything needed to setup a simulation. for context. |
mechanics | |
pandemic | An experimental SEIR model by glued to the traffic simulation. Transmission may occur when people spend time in shared spaces like buildings, bus stops, and buses. |
recorder | |
render | Intermediate structures so that sim and game crates don’t have a cyclic dependency. |
router | For vehicles only, not pedestrians. Follows a Path from map_model, but can opportunistically lane-change to avoid a slow lane, can can handle re-planning to look for available parking. |
scheduler | |
sim | |
transit | |
trips |
AgentProperties | |
Analytics | As a simulation runs, different pieces emit Events. The Analytics object listens to these, organizing and storing some information from them. The UI queries Analytics to draw time-series and display statistics. |
BorderSpawnOverTime | |
CarID | |
CommutersVehiclesCounts | The number of active vehicles and commuters, broken into different categories. |
CreateCar | |
CreatePedestrian | |
DistanceInterval | |
DrawCarInput | |
DrawPedCrowdInput | |
DrawPedestrianInput | |
ExternalPerson | |
ExternalTrip | |
IndividTrip | |
MapBorders | Lists all border intersections of the map, broken down by mode and whether they support incoming or outgoing traffic. |
OrigPersonID | |
ParkedCar | |
PedestrianID | |
Person | |
PersonID | |
PersonSpec | |
Scenario | A Scenario describes all the input to a simulation. Usually a scenario covers one day. |
ScenarioGenerator | |
SidewalkSpot | |
Sim | The Sim ties together all the pieces of the simulation. Its main property is the current time. |
SimFlags | SimFlags specifies a simulation to setup. |
SimOptions | Options controlling the traffic simulation. |
SlidingWindow | A sliding window, used to count something over time |
SpawnOverTime | |
TimeInterval | |
TripID | |
TripInfo | |
TripPhase | |
UnzoomedAgent | |
Vehicle | |
VehicleSpec |
AgentID | |
AgentType | |
AlertHandler | |
AlertLocation | |
CarStatus | |
DelayCause | Why is an agent delayed? If there are multiple reasons, arbitrarily pick one – ie, somebody could be blocked by two conflicting turns. |
DrivingGoal | |
ExternalTripEndpoint | |
ParkingSpot | |
PedCrowdLocation | |
PersonState | |
Problem | |
ScenarioModifier | Transforms an existing Scenario before instantiating it. |
SidewalkPOI | Point of interest, that is |
TripEndpoint | Specifies where a trip begins or ends. |
TripMode | |
TripPhaseType | |
TripPurpose | Lifted from Seattle’s Soundcast model, but seems general enough to use anyhere. |
TripResult | |
VehicleType |
FOLLOWING_DISTANCE | At all speeds (including at rest), cars must be at least this far apart, measured from front of one car to the back of the other. |
SPAWN_DIST | When spawning at borders, start the front of the vehicle this far along and gradually appear. Getting too close to EPSILON_DIST can lead to get_draw_car having no geometry at all. |
SimCallback |
fork_rng | Need to explain this trick – basically keeps consistency between two different simulations when each one might make slightly different sequences of calls to the RNG. |