
431 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{- | Rendering & misc. helpers. -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
module Hledger.UI.UIUtils (
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Brick.Widgets.Dialog
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Brick.Widgets.List (List, listSelectedL, listNameL, listItemHeightL, listSelected, listMoveDown, listMoveUp, GenericList)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (Day, addDays)
import Graphics.Vty
(Event(..),Key(..),Modifier(..),Vty(..),Color,Attr,currentAttr,refresh, displayBounds
-- ,Output(displayBounds,mkDisplayContext),DisplayContext(..)
import Lens.Micro.Platform
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli (CliOpts)
import Hledger.Cli.DocFiles
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIState
-- | On posix platforms, send the system STOP signal to suspend the
-- current program. On windows, does nothing.
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
suspendSignal :: IO ()
suspendSignal = return ()
import System.Posix.Signals
import Data.Vector (Vector)
suspendSignal :: IO ()
suspendSignal = raiseSignal sigSTOP
-- Debug logging for UI state changes.
get' = do
x <- get
dlogUiTraceM $ "getting state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
return x
put' x = do
dlogUiTraceM $ "putting state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
put x
modify' f = do
x <- get
let x' = f x
dlogUiTraceM $ "modifying state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x')
modify f
-- | On posix platforms, suspend the program using the STOP signal,
-- like control-z in bash, returning to the original shell prompt,
-- and when resumed, continue where we left off.
-- On windows, does nothing.
suspend :: Ord a => s -> EventM a s ()
suspend st = suspendAndResume $ suspendSignal >> return st
2016-06-20 21:09:12 +03:00
-- | Tell vty to redraw the whole screen.
redraw :: EventM a s ()
redraw = getVtyHandle >>= liftIO . refresh
-- | Wrap a widget in the default hledger-ui screen layout.
defaultLayout :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel =
topBottomBorderWithLabels (str " "<+>toplabel<+>str " ") (str " "<+>bottomlabel<+>str " ") .
margin 1 0 Nothing
-- topBottomBorderWithLabel2 label .
-- padLeftRight 1 -- XXX should reduce inner widget's width by 2, but doesn't
-- "the layout adjusts... if you use the core combinators"
-- | Draw the help dialog, called when help mode is active.
helpDialog :: CliOpts -> Widget Name
helpDialog _copts =
Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
c <- getContext
render $
withDefAttr (attrName "help") $
renderDialog (dialog (Just "Help (LEFT/ESC/?/q to close help)") Nothing (c^.availWidthL)) $ -- (Just (0,[("ok",())]))
padTop (Pad 0) $ padLeft (Pad 1) $ padRight (Pad 1) $
2016-06-20 21:09:12 +03:00
vBox [
hBox [
padRight (Pad 1) $
2016-06-20 21:09:12 +03:00
vBox [
withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Navigation"
,renderKey ("UP/DOWN/PUP/PDN/HOME/END/k/j/C-p/C-n", "")
,str " move selection up/down"
,renderKey ("RIGHT/l/C-f", "show txns, or txn detail")
,renderKey ("LEFT/h/C-b ", "go back")
2020-07-18 22:30:37 +03:00
,renderKey ("ESC ", "cancel, or reset app state")
,str " "
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Accounts screen"
,renderKey ("1234567890-+ ", "set/adjust depth limit")
,renderKey ("t ", "toggle accounts tree/list mode")
,renderKey ("H ", "toggle historical balance/change")
,str " "
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Register screen"
,renderKey ("t ", "toggle subaccount txns\n(and accounts tree/list mode)")
,renderKey ("H ", "toggle historical/period total")
,str " "
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Help"
,renderKey ("? ", "toggle this help")
,renderKey ("p/m/i", "while help is open:\nshow manual in pager/man/info")
,str " "
,padLeft (Pad 1) $ padRight (Pad 0) $
2016-06-20 21:09:12 +03:00
vBox [
withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Filtering"
,renderKey ("/ ", "set a filter query")
,renderKey ("F ", "show future & periodic txns")
,renderKey ("R ", "show real/all postings")
,renderKey ("z ", "show nonzero/all amounts")
2020-07-19 00:26:07 +03:00
,renderKey ("U/P/C ", "show unmarked/pending/cleared")
,renderKey ("S-DOWN /S-UP ", "shrink/grow period")
,renderKey ("S-RIGHT/S-LEFT", "next/previous period")
,renderKey ("T ", "set period to today")
2020-07-18 22:30:37 +03:00
,renderKey ("DEL ", "reset filters")
,str " "
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Other"
,renderKey ("a ", "add transaction (hledger add)")
,renderKey ("A ", "add transaction (hledger-iadd)")
2020-07-19 00:26:07 +03:00
,renderKey ("B ", "show amounts/costs")
,renderKey ("E ", "open editor")
,renderKey ("I ", "toggle balance assertions")
2020-07-19 00:26:07 +03:00
,renderKey ("V ", "show amounts/market values")
,renderKey ("g ", "reload data")
,renderKey ("C-l ", "redraw & recenter")
,renderKey ("C-z ", "suspend")
,renderKey ("q ", "quit")
2016-06-20 21:09:12 +03:00
-- ,vBox [
-- str " "
-- ,hCenter $ padLeftRight 1 $
-- hCenter (str "MANUAL")
-- <=>
-- hCenter (hBox [
-- renderKey ("t", "text")
-- ,str " "
-- ,renderKey ("m", "man page")
-- ,str " "
-- ,renderKey ("i", "info")
-- ])
-- ]
2016-06-20 21:09:12 +03:00
renderKey (key,desc) = withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "key") (str key) <+> str " " <+> str desc
-- | Event handler used when help mode is active.
-- May invoke $PAGER, less, man or info, which is likely to fail on MS Windows, TODO.
helpHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
helpHandle ev = do
ui <- get
let ui' = setMode Normal ui
case ev of
VtyEvent e | e `elem` closeHelpEvents -> put' ui'
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'p') []) -> suspendAndResume (runPagerForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing >> return ui')
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'm') []) -> suspendAndResume (runManForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing >> return ui')
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'i') []) -> suspendAndResume (runInfoForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing >> return ui')
_ -> return ()
closeHelpEvents = moveLeftEvents ++ [EvKey KEsc [], EvKey (KChar '?') [], EvKey (KChar 'q') []]
-- | Draw the minibuffer with the given label.
minibuffer :: T.Text -> Editor String Name -> Widget Name
minibuffer string ed =
forceAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "minibuffer") $
hBox [txt $ string <> ": ", renderEditor (str . unlines) True ed]
2016-07-25 04:06:49 +03:00
borderQueryStr :: String -> Widget Name
borderQueryStr "" = str ""
borderQueryStr qry = str " matching " <+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str qry)
2016-07-25 04:06:49 +03:00
borderDepthStr :: Maybe Int -> Widget Name
borderDepthStr Nothing = str ""
borderDepthStr (Just d) = str " to depth " <+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str $ show d)
borderPeriodStr :: String -> Period -> Widget Name
borderPeriodStr _ PeriodAll = str ""
borderPeriodStr preposition p = str (" "++preposition++" ") <+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str . T.unpack $ showPeriod p)
2016-07-25 04:06:49 +03:00
borderKeysStr :: [(String,String)] -> Widget Name
borderKeysStr = borderKeysStr' . map (second str)
borderKeysStr' :: [(String,Widget Name)] -> Widget Name
borderKeysStr' keydescs =
hBox $
intersperse sep $
[withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "key") (str keys) <+> str ":" <+> desc | (keys, desc) <- keydescs]
-- sep = str " | "
sep = str " "
-- | Show both states of a toggle ("aaa/bbb"), highlighting the active one.
renderToggle :: Bool -> String -> String -> Widget Name
renderToggle isright l r =
let bold = withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "selected") in
if isright
then str (l++"/") <+> bold (str r)
else bold (str l) <+> str ("/"++r)
-- | Show a toggle's label, highlighted (bold) when the toggle is active.
renderToggle1 :: Bool -> String -> Widget Name
renderToggle1 isactive l =
let bold = withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "selected") in
if isactive
then bold (str l)
else str l
-- temporary shenanigans:
-- | Convert the special account name "*" (from balance report with depth limit 0) to something clearer.
replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith :: AccountName -> AccountName -> AccountName
replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith anew a | a == hiddenAccountsName = anew
| a == "*" = anew
| otherwise = a
hiddenAccountsName = "..." -- for now
-- generic
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
--topBottomBorderWithLabel :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
--topBottomBorderWithLabel label = \wrapped ->
-- Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
-- c <- getContext
-- let (_w,h) = (c^.availWidthL, c^.availHeightL)
-- h' = h - 2
-- wrapped' = vLimit (h') wrapped
-- debugmsg =
-- ""
-- -- " debug: "++show (_w,h')
-- render $
-- hBorderWithLabel (label <+> str debugmsg)
-- <=>
-- wrapped'
-- <=>
-- hBorder
2016-07-25 04:06:49 +03:00
topBottomBorderWithLabels :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
topBottomBorderWithLabels toplabel bottomlabel body =
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
let (_w,h) = (c^.availWidthL, c^.availHeightL)
h' = h - 2
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
body' = vLimit (h') body
debugmsg =
-- " debug: "++show (_w,h')
render $
hBorderWithLabel (withAttr (attrName "border") $ toplabel <+> str debugmsg)
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
hBorderWithLabel (withAttr (attrName "border") bottomlabel)
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
---- XXX should be equivalent to the above, but isn't (page down goes offscreen)
--_topBottomBorderWithLabel2 :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
--_topBottomBorderWithLabel2 label = \wrapped ->
-- let debugmsg = ""
-- in hBorderWithLabel (label <+> str debugmsg)
-- <=>
-- wrapped
-- <=>
-- hBorder
2015-08-25 02:22:09 +03:00
-- XXX superseded by pad, in theory
-- | Wrap a widget in a margin with the given horizontal and vertical
-- thickness, using the current background colour or the specified
2015-08-25 02:22:09 +03:00
-- colour.
-- XXX May disrupt border style of inner widgets.
-- XXX Should reduce the available size visible to inner widget, but doesn't seem to (cf rsDraw2).
2016-07-25 04:06:49 +03:00
margin :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Color -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
margin h v mcolour w = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
let w' = vLimit (c^.availHeightL - v*2) $ hLimit (c^.availWidthL - h*2) w
attr = maybe currentAttr (\c -> c `on` c) mcolour
render $
withBorderAttr attr $
withBorderStyle (borderStyleFromChar ' ') $
applyN v (hBorder <=>) $
applyN h (vBorder <+>) $
applyN v (<=> hBorder) $
applyN h (<+> vBorder) $
-- withBorderAttr attr .
-- withBorderStyle (borderStyleFromChar ' ') .
-- applyN n border
2016-07-25 04:06:49 +03:00
withBorderAttr :: Attr -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
withBorderAttr attr = updateAttrMap (applyAttrMappings [(attrName "border", attr)])
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
---- | Like brick's continue, but first run some action to modify brick's state.
---- This action does not affect the app state, but might eg adjust a widget's scroll position.
--continueWith :: EventM n () -> ui -> EventM n (Next ui)
--continueWith brickaction ui = brickaction >> continue ui
2018-10-23 14:56:29 +03:00
---- | Scroll a list's viewport so that the selected item is at the top
---- of the display area.
--scrollToTop :: List Name e -> EventM Name ()
--scrollToTop list = do
-- let vpname = list^.listNameL
-- setTop (viewportScroll vpname) 0
-- | Scroll a list's viewport so that the selected item is centered in the
-- middle of the display area.
scrollSelectionToMiddle :: List Name item -> EventM Name UIState ()
scrollSelectionToMiddle list = do
case list^.listSelectedL of
Nothing -> return ()
Just selectedrow -> do
Vty{outputIface} <- getVtyHandle
pageheight <- dbg4 "pageheight" . snd <$> liftIO (displayBounds outputIface)
itemheight = dbg4 "itemheight" $ list^.listItemHeightL
itemsperpage = dbg4 "itemsperpage" $ pageheight `div` itemheight
toprow = dbg4 "toprow" $ max 0 (selectedrow - (itemsperpage `div` 2)) -- assuming ViewportScroll's row offset is measured in list items not screen rows
setTop (viewportScroll $ list^.listNameL) toprow
2017-06-30 19:18:54 +03:00
-- arrow keys vi keys emacs keys
moveUpEvents = [EvKey KUp [] , EvKey (KChar 'k') [], EvKey (KChar 'p') [MCtrl]]
moveDownEvents = [EvKey KDown [] , EvKey (KChar 'j') [], EvKey (KChar 'n') [MCtrl]]
moveLeftEvents = [EvKey KLeft [] , EvKey (KChar 'h') [], EvKey (KChar 'b') [MCtrl]]
moveRightEvents = [EvKey KRight [], EvKey (KChar 'l') [], EvKey (KChar 'f') [MCtrl]]
normaliseMovementKeys ev
| ev `elem` moveUpEvents = EvKey KUp []
| ev `elem` moveDownEvents = EvKey KDown []
| ev `elem` moveLeftEvents = EvKey KLeft []
| ev `elem` moveRightEvents = EvKey KRight []
| otherwise = ev
-- | Update the ReportSpec's query to exclude future transactions (later than the given day)
-- and forecast transactions (generated by --forecast), if the given forecast DateSpan is Nothing,
-- and include them otherwise.
reportSpecSetFutureAndForecast :: Day -> Maybe DateSpan -> ReportSpec -> ReportSpec
reportSpecSetFutureAndForecast d forecast rspec =
rspec{_rsQuery=simplifyQuery $ And [_rsQuery rspec, periodq, excludeforecastq forecast]}
periodq = Date . periodAsDateSpan . period_ $ _rsReportOpts rspec
-- Except in forecast mode, exclude future/forecast transactions.
excludeforecastq (Just _) = Any
excludeforecastq Nothing = -- not:date:tomorrow- not:tag:generated-transaction
And [
Not (Date $ DateSpan (Just $ addDays 1 d) Nothing)
,Not generatedTransactionTag
-- Vertically scroll the named list's viewport with the given number of non-empty items
-- by the given positive or negative number of items (usually 1 or -1).
-- The selection will be moved when necessary to keep it visible and allow the scroll.
listScrollPushingSelection :: Name -> Int -> Int -> EventM Name (List Name item) (GenericList Name Vector item)
listScrollPushingSelection name listheight scrollamt = do
list <- get
viewportScroll name `vScrollBy` scrollamt
mvp <- lookupViewport name
case mvp of
Just VP{_vpTop, _vpSize=(_,vpheight)} -> do
let mselidx = listSelected list
case mselidx of
Just selidx -> return $ pushsel list
| scrollamt > 0, selidx <= _vpTop && selidx < (listheight-1) = listMoveDown
| scrollamt < 0, selidx >= _vpTop + vpheight - 1 && selidx > 0 = listMoveUp
| otherwise = id
_ -> return list
_ -> return list
-- | Log a string to ./debug.log before returning the second argument,
-- if the global debug level is at or above a standard hledger-ui debug level.
-- Uses unsafePerformIO.
dlogUiTrace :: String -> a -> a
dlogUiTrace = dlogTraceAt uiDebugLevel
-- | Like dlogUiTrace, but within the hledger-ui brick event handler monad.
dlogUiTraceM :: String -> EventM Name UIState ()
dlogUiTraceM s = dlogUiTrace s $ return ()
-- | Log hledger-ui events at this debug level.
uiDebugLevel :: Int
uiDebugLevel = 2
-- | How many blank items to add to lists to fill the full window height.
uiNumBlankItems :: Int
-- | debugLevel >= uiDebugLevel = 0 -- suppress to improve debug output.
-- | otherwise
= 100 -- 100 ought to be enough for anyone