Amount's default show instance hid important details, making eg test
failures hard to understand. Showing full detail required increasing
the debug level which was inconvenient.
Now it has a single show instance which shows more information, is
fairly compact, and is pretty-printable with pretty-show.
Ellipses (..) in the output indicate where fields are
- not shown in full detail, and/or
- shown in pseudo syntax (double quoted) to work with pretty-show.
ghci> usd 1
Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=1.00, ..}
Amount {acommodity = "$", aquantity = 1.00, aprice = NoPrice, astyle = AmountStyle "L False 2 Just '.' Nothing..", amultiplier = False}
MixedAmount's show instance is unchanged, but showMixedAmountDebug
is affected by this change:
ghci> putStrLn $ showMixedAmountDebug $ Mixed [usd 1]
Mixed [Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=1.00, aprice=, astyle=AmountStyle {ascommodityside = L, ascommodityspaced = False, asprecision = 2, asdecimalpoint = Just '.', asdigitgroups = Nothing}}]
Mixed [Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=1.00, aprice=, astyle=AmountStyle "L False 2 Just '.' Nothing.."}]
Same-line & next-line comments of transactions, postings, etc.
are now parsed a bit more precisely. Previously parsing no comment
gave the same result as an empty comment (a single newline); now
it gives an empty string.
Also, and perhaps as a consequence of the above, when there's no
same-line comment but there is a next-line comment, we'll insert an
empty first line, otherwise next-line comments would get moved up to
the same line when rendered.
Some doctests have been added.
Limiting to just the file(s) you're interested can make doctest start
much quicker. With a big caveat: you can limit the starting files,
but it will also test all other local files those import.
--slow turns off doctest's --fast flag, which skips reloading between
--verbose shows progress output as tests are run, if doctest 0.16.0+
is installed (and I believe will be harmless otherwise)
This removes transactionModifierToFunction's extra query parameter;
the rewrite command sets it in the TransactionModifier instead, which
I think is equivalent. I had to change one functional test, but it
seems correct now, so perhaps it wasn't working right before ?
This was added in 2012, I guess to prevent CPP breaking on some
needed and I don't want to do this everywhere; we'll just remember
to not put CPP-like content in quasi-quoted blocks.