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{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{- Generate some input bytes and delays between blocks of input bytes. Verify the events produced
- are as expected.
2013-08-30 04:00:07 +04:00
module Main where
2013-08-30 04:00:07 +04:00
2013-12-20 10:24:56 +04:00
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Output
2013-10-13 14:01:53 +04:00
import Graphics.Vty hiding (resize)
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Loop
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Terminfo
2013-08-30 04:00:07 +04:00
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
2014-01-31 13:13:24 +04:00
import Control.Lens ((^.))
2013-08-30 04:00:07 +04:00
import Control.Monad
2014-01-31 13:13:24 +04:00
import Data.Default
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (intersperse, reverse, nubBy)
import System.Console.Terminfo
import System.Posix.IO
2014-01-31 13:13:24 +04:00
import System.Posix.Terminal (openPseudoTerminal)
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Timeout
2013-08-30 04:00:07 +04:00
import Test.Framework.Providers.SmallCheck
import Test.Framework
import Test.SmallCheck
import Test.SmallCheck.Series
import Text.Printf
-- processing a block of 16 chars is the largest I can do without taking too long to run the test.
maxBlockSize :: Int
maxBlockSize = 16
maxTableSize :: Int
maxTableSize = 28
forEachOf :: (Show a, Testable m b) => [a] -> (a -> b) -> Property m
forEachOf l = over (generate (\n -> take n l))
data InputEvent
= Bytes String -- | input sequence encoded as a string. Regardless, the input is read a byte at a time.
| Delay Int -- | microsecond delay
deriving Show
type InputSpec = [InputEvent]
type ExpectedSpec = [Event]
synthesizeInput :: InputSpec -> Fd -> IO ()
synthesizeInput input outHandle = forM_ input f >> (void $ fdWrite outHandle "\xFFFD")
f (Bytes str) = void $ fdWrite outHandle str
f (Delay t) = threadDelay t
minDetectableDelay :: Int
minDetectableDelay = 4000
minTimout :: Int
minTimout = 4000000
testKeyDelay :: Int
testKeyDelay = minDetectableDelay * 4
testEscSampleDelay :: Int
testEscSampleDelay = minDetectableDelay * 2
genEventsUsingIoActions :: Int -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
genEventsUsingIoActions maxDuration inputAction outputAction = do
let maxDuration' = max minTimout maxDuration
readComplete <- newEmptyMVar
writeComplete <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkOS $ inputAction `finally` putMVar writeComplete ()
_ <- forkOS $ outputAction `finally` putMVar readComplete ()
Just () <- timeout maxDuration' $ takeMVar writeComplete
Just () <- timeout maxDuration' $ takeMVar readComplete
return ()
compareEvents :: (Show a1, Show a, Eq a1) => a -> [a1] -> [a1] -> IO Bool
compareEvents inputSpec expectedEvents outEvents = compareEvents' expectedEvents outEvents
compareEvents' [] [] = return True
compareEvents' [] outEvents' = do
printf "extra events %s\n" (show outEvents') :: IO ()
return False
compareEvents' expectedEvents' [] = do
printf "events %s were not produced for input %s\n" (show expectedEvents') (show inputSpec) :: IO ()
printf "expected events %s\n" (show expectedEvents) :: IO ()
printf "received events %s\n" (show outEvents) :: IO ()
return False
compareEvents' (e : expectedEvents') (o : outEvents')
| e == o = compareEvents' expectedEvents' outEvents'
| otherwise = do
printf "%s expected not %s for input %s\n" (show e) (show o) (show inputSpec) :: IO ()
printf "expected events %s\n" (show expectedEvents) :: IO ()
printf "received events %s\n" (show outEvents) :: IO ()
return False
assertEventsFromSynInput :: ClassifyMap -> InputSpec -> ExpectedSpec -> IO Bool
assertEventsFromSynInput table inputSpec expectedEvents = do
let maxDuration = sum [t | Delay t <- inputSpec] + minDetectableDelay
2014-04-12 07:54:00 +04:00
eventCount = length expectedEvents
(writeFd, readFd) <- openPseudoTerminal
(setTermAttr,_) <- attributeControl readFd
input <- initInputForFd def "dummy" table readFd
eventsRef <- newIORef []
let writeWaitClose = do
synthesizeInput inputSpec writeFd
threadDelay minDetectableDelay
shutdownInput input
threadDelay minDetectableDelay
closeFd writeFd
closeFd readFd
-- drain output pipe
2014-04-12 07:54:00 +04:00
let readEvents = readLoop eventCount
readLoop 0 = return ()
readLoop n = do
e <- readChan $ input^.eventChannel
modifyIORef eventsRef ((:) e)
readLoop (n - 1)
genEventsUsingIoActions maxDuration writeWaitClose readEvents
outEvents <- reverse <$> readIORef eventsRef
compareEvents inputSpec expectedEvents outEvents
newtype InputBlocksUsingTable event
= InputBlocksUsingTable ([(String,event)] -> [(String, event)])
instance Show (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
show (InputBlocksUsingTable _g) = "InputBlocksUsingTable"
instance Monad m => Serial m (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
series = do
n :: Int <- localDepth (const maxTableSize) series
return $ InputBlocksUsingTable $ \raw_table ->
let table = reverse $ nubBy (\(s0,_) (s1,_) -> s0 == s1) $ reverse raw_table
in concat (take n (selections table))
selections [] = []
selections (x:xs) = let z = selections xs in [x] : (z ++ map ((:) x) z)
verifyVisibleSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifyVisibleSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monadic $ do
let table = visibleChars
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput universalTable input events
verifyCapsSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifyCapsSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminalsOfInterest $ \termName -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm termName
let table = capsClassifyMap term keysFromCapsTable
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput table input events
verifySpecialSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifySpecialSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monadic $ do
let table = specialSupportKeys
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput universalTable input events
verifyFullSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifyFullSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminalsOfInterest $ \termName -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm termName
let table = classifyMapForTerm termName term
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput table input events
verifyFullSynInputToEvent_2x :: Property IO
verifyFullSynInputToEvent_2x = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminalsOfInterest $ \termName -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm termName
let table = classifyMapForTerm termName term
inputSeq = gen table
events = concatMap ((\s -> [s,s]) . snd) inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . (\s -> s ++ s) . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput table input events
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ testProperty "synthesized typing of single visible chars translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of keys from capabilities tables translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of hard coded special keys translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of any key in the table translates to its paired event"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of 2x any key in the table translates to 2x paired event"